Olaf, holding a heavy axe, chased Card from the South Heaven Gate to the East Road of Penglai. This caused a great psychological shadow to dopa!

This time, the smart dopa chose to fly to the bottom lane to open up the situation!

Card landed with a yellow card, and directly stunned the AD on Ye Han's side!

The AD on Ye Han's side was killed instantly! Dopa immediately sent a signal for assistance in the Baron Pit.

Dopa wanted to move the dragon.

The Baron was one of the few chances for dopa to turn the tables!

Although the vision of the Baron Pit was black, everyone on Ye Han's side realized the opponent's idea.

Countless teammates frantically marked the Baron!

Ye Han's Olaf rushed to the Baron at the first time, and Ye Han's support Thresh had already been on the edge of the Baron Pit!

Thresh was waiting for someone!

The AD also resurrected from home at this moment and rushed to the Baron Pit.

Soon Ye Han's teammates will gather at the Dragon Pit and surround Dopa and his team in the Baron Pit! Complete a wave of closing the door and beating the dog!

Even the opponent's jungler Zac was afraid!

Zac marked the dragon frantically and typed at the same time: The dragon still has 6,000 health! We are too slow to kill the dragon, it’s too late! How about retreating?

Having said that, the dragon has been killed for more than half, and the opponent is outflanking. At this time, the dopa team has been caught in a dilemma. If they retreat, they will be unwilling, but if they don’t retreat, they will face the risk of being wiped out!

At this time, Ye Han frantically marked Thresh!

Signaled Thresh to throw a lantern over!

Then he picked up the lantern and rushed directly into the dragon pit to start a team fight and keep people!

At this time, a scene that made Ye Han speechless happened. The river was OB at the edge of the dragon pit, and he didn’t use any skills. With QWEAR and flash, Thresh just watched the opponent kill the dragon!

Ye Han was dumbfounded.

He couldn’t help but say in the live broadcast room:"Why doesn’t this Thresh give me a lantern! The dragon still has 6,000 blood, I can keep people!"

At this time, some people in the barrage blamed Ye Han

"Streamer, you are a professional player. You can’t expect passers-by to have the same operations and overall awareness as you, right?"

"Strangers playing games is just for fun, there is no need to be so harsh on them"


Ye Han was speechless after reading it, and explained:"Brothers, I'm really not looking for trouble! This is a high-end King game! If you don't have this awareness, you can't even get to Diamond, okay?"

In fact, Ye Han's words were already metaphorical.

The jungler Zac on the opposite side couldn't help it and directly made it clear.

Everyone in Zac: Is there a dog in this game?

Everyone in Zac: There is something wrong with your Thresh.

Everyone in Spider: Don't say it, Thresh only has one page in his household registration, and he has no family.

Everyone in the opposite support Sun Girl: Haha, doesn't Thresh know that this is a battle for the first place in the national server? Do you really want to give the first place in the national server to the Koreans?

Everyone in Spider: Don't say it, Thresh is anxious to use the money to buy a coffin for his family, everyone understand.

Everyone in Sun Girl: Do you really think we are blind? This wave of acting is obvious enough, isn't it!

Everyone in Zac: I didn't want to fight this dragon at the beginning, because Thresh was always on the edge of the big dragon. After a long time, Thresh didn't say a word!

Because this game involves the issue of the battle for the first place in the national server, the players on both sides started chatting.

Ye Han did not say anything.

He felt that there was nothing more to say about this game.

Ye Han was a real person and would not do something that pretended to be positive.

Ye Han directly confronted the fans and said,"Brothers, I also want to win this game, but I really can't win in this high-end game with actors."

"After all, this is not a novel, and I am not the hero of the novel. In various high-end king games of various systems, all kinds of four-on-five and four-on-six can win. It is a waste of time to fight further."

So when Spider initiated the surrender, Ye Han also planned to be direct.

After all, in a game with actors, no matter who invited the actors, dopa and the toilet king were destined to win in an ignominious way.

But at this moment, the plot developed again!

The opposite auxiliary Sun Girl directly said: I will not play anymore, you four against four! Let's have a national server No. 1 contest that is as fair as possible!

Sure enough, for a long time, the Sun Girl did not appear on the map.

And the jungler Zac also said that the Sun Girl had indeed been AFK.

Seeing this, the actor Thresh started to send heads to the audience, but because the identity of the actor was exposed, no one on Ye Han's side played with Thresh.

In the case of the Sun Girl AFK, even if Thresh sent heads again, the dopa team could not reverse Switch to the game.

The key point is that the Toilet King's top laner Karma was useless at the beginning.

In the later stage, the top laner Karma could not play any role. Olaf was leading the line alone, and Karma did not dare to look at Olaf. With just a glance back, Olaf gave Karma a"Ragnarok"!

Just relying on Olaf's single lane, at least two people can be involved.

As Karma's role in the later stage became smaller and smaller, the game finally stopped at thirty-eight minutes!

Ye Han won the game!

The game is over!

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief!

Winning this game adds 11 points!

Ye Han's rank score of 1432 ranks first in the national server!

Dopa lost 10 points from 1427 and ranked second with 1417.

Toilet King Jin Canyi ranked third with 1414!

"The first place in the national server is secured. Let me report Thresh first."

Ye Han began to write a short essay.

I report Thresh for cheating under my real name. I hope he will be severely punished! Ye Liu!

"Brothers, please help report the Thresh ID. If it weren't for the opponent's support Sun Girl's timely and fair response, this game would really be unwinnable."


"Thresh has reported it!"



Many viewers said in the comments that they had reported Thresh.

Perhaps because there were too many people reporting, Thresh's account was banned not long after. It was really satisfying.

"Although I won, I didn't see Ye Han playing tricks, and I still felt a little empty, lonely and cold."

"Ye Han, in the summer finals against IG, will you use tactics?"

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