Indeed, many viewers are now attracted by Ye Han's routines.

Looking at the extremely expectant barrage, Ye Han made it clear:"Tomorrow when playing against IG, I will use routines, but not Karma's routines. It can be said that it is a routine that is more extreme than Karma's."

As an LSPL A-League player in his previous life, Ye Han must rely on his unique routines to win if he wants to gain a foothold in the LPL.

Some straightforward fans asked Ye Han what routines he would use.

Ye Han joked:"Fuck, brothers, how can you say something that can save your life! We will see the result of the game then."

After reporting Thresh, Ye Han prepared to get off the plane.

But soon, many large amounts of rewards appeared!

Ye Han politely thanked:"Thank you, Dai Xiaomei, for the ten super rockets!"

"Thanks to Zhou Shuyi for the eight planes!"

""Thanks to Carl for sending ten planes!"

In addition, many well-known anchors gave themselves gifts crazily, hoping to get a spot in the front row.

At the same time, the anchors also sent their blessings to Ye Han for"No. 1 in the national server."

Ye Han was also puzzled.


He was just a small anchor, how could there be so many beautiful anchors and big anchors in the game area to support him?

Ye Han looked at the homepage of the platform.

He found that his live broadcast room was actually ranked on the homepage of the website!

More than 50 million popularity!

Ranked first on the platform!

Ye Han took another look at the subscription of his live broadcast room.

At this time, the subscription of the live broadcast room has soared to more than 5.2 million!

And every second it refreshes, Ye Han's live broadcast room subscription will be updated and increased at a rate of thousands.

Remember what Ye Han said before?

He said that if he got the first place in the national server, he begged fans to click to subscribe.

Now, Ye Han has got the first place in the national server.

The fans are very loyal and have fulfilled their promises

"Ye Han, although I have no money, I did what I said. I asked everyone in the dormitory to follow you!"

"I shamelessly added my ex-girlfriend back and asked her to follow you!"

"The ex-girlfriend said that a qualified ex should be as good as dead."

Before going off the air, Ye Han clasped his fists and said,"Thank you all for your attention and support! At the same time, please look forward to tomorrow's summer finals match between RNG and IG! Good night, brothers!"

Then, Ye Han went off the air.

He sat quietly in front of the computer for a long time.

Ye Han is just an ordinary person.

He never thought that one day he would become famous, and even so famous.

Everything happened too suddenly.

At this time, Ye Han's phone rang.

It was already one o'clock in the morning.

Who could it be?

It was the director of the live broadcast platform.

"Ye Han, I'm sorry to bother you so late. Today I'm mainly here to discuss the contract renewal with you."

Ye Han said,"Doesn't the contract expire in a few days? There's no need to be so anxious, right?"

"Well... ahem, the business considerations involved are very complicated. In short, signing a new contract with you with a higher salary and a longer term will be beneficial to you in every way!"

"How much is the signing fee?" Ye Han asked

"The original contract fee is 300,000 yuan per year. We have decided to raise it to 3 million yuan per year for a five-year contract. That is to say, if you sign this contract now, we will give you 15 million yuan in one lump sum."

"I'll think about it!"

Ye Han said, and hung up the phone.

What complicated business considerations? It's complete nonsense!

It's nothing more than seeing that he is popular, and wanting to better lock himself in to prevent being poached by other platforms.

At this time, Ye Han was no longer sleepy. If he guessed correctly, people from other platforms would call him soon.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, a senior executive who claimed to be a seafood live broadcast platform also called.

The one-year contract fee was five million.

Ye Han still gave the same answer: I'll think about it.

Good guy, because Ye Han has not responded yet! These live broadcast platforms have rolled in one by one.

They all valued Ye Han's unlimited potential and value, and offered a price of one. One is higher than the other.

After all, signing Ye Han means signing a huge amount of traffic. A large number of fans and viewers will pay attention to this because of Ye Han's entry.

In the eyes of platform executives, traffic can be disguised. Traffic equals money!

Signing Ye Han equals traffic, so Ye Han equals money!

But Ye Han is obviously not a simple person. He does not have the noble philanthropic qualities of the protagonist in the novel. So Ye Han's tricky operation directly dumbfounded these high-ranking executives!

The executives of the Shark platform said: Ye Han, you are making it very difficult for me to deal with this!

The executives of the Tiger Duck platform were even more helpless: I knew that Ye Han was a cunning guy.

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