It is said that business secrets are very complicated, right?

In Ye Han's opinion, they all want to make more money and fool him into signing at a low price.

So Ye Han created a group.

Let's call it"A Family of Love and Hate"!

Ye Han dragged the executives of all platforms into love and hate.

Ye Han typed: You have complicated business secrets, and I also have the daily necessities of life. My live broadcast contract expires in two days. Whoever offers a higher price, I will go with him.

Good guy, Ye Han's operation directly confused all the executives.

Isn't Ye Han obviously bullying people?

But no one dared to resist and walked away.

The reason is very simple. Everyone is an adult, and no one will go against the cash cow!

Shark platform spoke first.

Shark Supervisor: Since Ye Han has made it clear, I will also give a real price, the signing fee is five million a year! If you agree, sign the contract now!

Panda platform: I'll pay five and a half million.

Zhanqi platform: I'll pay five and a half million.

Huya platform: I'll pay ten million!!!


The world was quiet...

After a few seconds.

Zhanqi platform left the group chat...

Panda platform left the group chat...

Longzhu platform left the group chat...

Seeing Huya's determination, some smaller platforms just ran away.

Ye Han was also shocked.

Good guy, it really caught the wave of live broadcasting. It turns out that you can really make money without doing anything.

At present, there is only one other platform, Shark.

After a long moment.

The executives of Shark seemed to have asked the leader for instructions.

He spoke late: Huya offered 10 million, I will offer 15 million! Da Sima is only 13 million! Ye Han, our sincerity is good enough!

Huya platform: 15 million!

Shark platform was also anxious: You just want to make things difficult for us, right?

Shark platform: Huya offered 15 million, I will offer 15 million... and one dollar!

Ye Han had heard that Huya and Shark platforms were competing for high-quality anchors, and it seemed to be true.

Huya platform: I will offer 20 million! Ye Han, we have shown sufficient sincerity, with a premium of 20 million. If you agree, sign the contract now! We are confident that we can make you a top rogue!!

Ye Han: ? ? ? ?

Ye Han: WTF! What the hell? Top what?

Huya Platform: Ahem, sorry, typo, we will definitely make you a top traffic, not a top rogue.

Ye Han:...

Shark Platform:...

Shark Platform quits the group chat, which also means giving Ye Han to Huya.

Ye Han never thought that he could get a sky-high signing fee of 20 million!

From this point, we can also see that with the formalization and commercialization of League of Legends, the e-sports industry is definitely a huge piece of fat. With a signing fee of 20 million, Ye Han could not find any reason to refuse.

Ye Han settled in Huya.

The signing fee of 20 million is just Ye Han's side job.

His real main job is a professional player.

The next day, Ye Han was called by Abu for a talk.

Abu told Ye Han,"As long as we crush EDG's eggs in the summer finals tonight! EDG's starting top single contract is waiting for you! You have the final say on the signing fee!"

"I'll try my best."Ye Han replied.

As a time traveler, Ye Han knows EDG's e-sports history too well.

Everyone thought that after EDG defeated SKT and won the first MSI championship, EDG would rise. No one expected that this would be the peak of EDG!

After MSI, EDG's presence became weaker and weaker.

2021 is a breakthrough!

EDG has waited too long!

Since he has traveled to EDG, Ye Han wants to rely on his own efforts to get all the honors that EDG deserves, and bring EDG's glory forward!

2021, for EDG, it will take too long to wait!

Why not, start from S8 without breakthrough!

Tonight's final.

For EDG, it's really not that easy to beat!

If the Snake team is the dark horse of the S5 season, then the dark horse of S8 must be IG!

IG is singing and crushing all the way, and the average age of the starting lineup is less than 20 years old!

For the veteran EDG, it is a difficult challenge!

Especially after Ning Wang joined IG, IG has completely evolved into a complete body, and the strength output of each line is fully pulled! This is IG!

Theshy this year is not the"world's best catch" (the world's best catch).

There is also the unpretentious Ah Shui, and the unlost Bao Nan.

The IG trident is completely formed!

And the person holding the trident is the representative of the rhythm jungler.

Ning Wang!

Facing the champion of the S8 World Championship Finals, Ye Han can't afford to be careless.

At 7 o'clock in the evening!

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