Another professional player who played Draven well was Crystal.

The Snake team was also a dark horse in the LPL.

Crystal of the Snake team was even more outstanding!

His Draven pentakill resounded throughout the stadium!

Crystal was also the first and only professional player to get a pentakill with Draven in a professional game.

It was such a talented AD who was about to take off, but unfortunately withdrew from the e-sports stage because of the loopholes in the competition system.

At that time, the Snake team experienced the"shocking BO10" competition system that had never been seen in the history of e-sports! It was also called the"most cruel" game by many e-sports fans.

At that time, due to the official competition system, the Snake team had to face VG and QE on the same day.

At that time, VG was at its peak, with the support of the Lord and the man, and it was not the tool plastic team it is now.

When the Snake team lost the first two games, the Snake team staged a miracle of coming back from 2-0 down to 3-0 and successfully won the game!

But half an hour later, WE had to drag their exhausted bodies to face WE again after just playing a full BO5.

So the Snake team was forced to meet the enemy.

The audience who watched the game that year may still remember that in the last two games of the game, all the members of the Snake team were on the verge of collapse!

Saofen began to randomly select heroes and play nonsense!

Tank and Saint Spear were even more exhausted, their faces were pale, and it was obvious that their bodies were hollowed out.

Even so, the Snake team still persisted and played until the last game of the bo5!

Originally, the Snake team was already on a tight string, and by drinking Red Bull to prolong their lives, they still had a chance to win.

But in the last game of the bo5, the sudden timeout became the last straw that broke the camel's back for the Snake team!

During the half-hour timeout, all members of the Snake team were exhausted and sleepy for a while, and the last tight string also relaxed. In the fifth game against WE, the Snake team regrettably... lost.

After the game, Crystal was taken to the hospital by ambulance on the spot, and Rhythm retired and became a live streamer. Since then, the strongest dark horse Snake in LPL has come to an end...

Although Saofen has been supporting it, the Snake team has been going downhill since then.

Crystal was injured and has been relegated to the front line forever. Occasionally, you can still see Crystal in the second line and in the live broadcast room, but he has long lost his former charm.

It is precisely because of this BO10 competition system that the official realized the seriousness of the problem, and since then, the rules of the game have been changed.

After Crystal retired, the only one who dared to use Draven in the professional game was A Shui.

At this time, A Shui was on par with IG, winning all the way, and he was in a strong momentum. He didn't take EDG and the newcomer Ye Han seriously at all!

A Shui took out Draven to teach EDG a good lesson.

The game officially began!

Ye Han's opponent is theshy!

Although theshy became IG's starting top laner at this time, his influence was not that great. At this time, theshy had not yet experienced the battle of"God descending from heaven to earth".

However, those who often pay attention to e-sports and like to watch e-sports top videos are definitely familiar with theshy.

"Holy shit! Isn’t this IG top laner the same ID that appeared in Xiao Mo’s first series on the national server?"

"I also checked it out, theshy in Xiaomo's first series of videos is the same person as IG's top laner"

"Theshy, who was killing in the national server, was bought by IG"


Theshy's Sword Demon God descended to earth, OMG 50 drops of blood extreme comeback, these are classic battles recorded in the history of e-sports.

Although thesy has not yet become a god, he has also begun to show his edge.

Ye Han knows the strength of the player theshy. The Q skill of the big worm has a very obvious pre-casting swing. To deal with a walking A monster like theshy, learning Q and holding it high at level 1 is not a wise choice.

Ye Han decisively clicked on the E skill of the big worm.

As a time traveler, Ye Han knows the player theshy too well, even better than theshy himself.

Some people play games to win, while others play to torture their opponents. Theshy obviously belongs to the latter. Theshy dares to fight and operate, has a very good control of distance, and often shows off his defensive towers.

But it's a pity that even if theshy is a tiger in this game, he has to lie down!

Ye Han's routine in this game can be called a bug.

The laning begins!

Ye Han's giant worm began to get experience behind the ranged soldiers, while theshy controlled Jayce to keep pulling, trying to use basic attacks to consume the giant worm. Ye

Han's giant worm was not in a hurry, he was just timid, and then used the multiple blue shields to be passively restored by the giant worm. He would replenish the minions if he could, and wait to push back the minion line if he couldn't.

When the giant worm couldn't replenish the minions, for Ye Han, this would definitely be a wave of pushing back the minion line.

Ye Han's timid style of play disappointed the audience.

After all, Ye Han used Karma in his debut, and he frantically suppressed and disgusted the enemy at the beginning, making the opponent unable to take care of himself.

In contrast, Kog'Math in this game was timid to a new level.

"Sure enough, after banning Karma, Ye Han retired on the spot"

"When the lineup was locked, I knew there was no point in watching this game. The big worm would be suppressed by Jayce."


"I thought the EDG newcomer was a genius, but I didn't expect that he was also a coward when he met theshy."

Just when some viewers were dissatisfied with this, Ye Han made a move that stunned everyone at the scene!

"What kind of operation is this? A Kog'Math with multiple blue shields and an extremely cowardly disadvantage actually got the first blood of Jayce?"

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