Jayce pushed the line like crazy in the top lane, and Ye Han's Kog'Math was pushed under the tower.

At this time, Ye Han pinged Mingkai:"Factory, help me gank the wave."

Mingkai is different from iboy. Not only is his personality more mature, but also when facing RNG, Mingkai and Ye Han had a successful dream linkage.

So Mingkai recognizes Ye Han's strength very much.

But Mingkai is still reluctant to help,"Ye Han, at this point in time, Jayce will definitely return to defense after pushing the line to avoid ganks. If I go to gank, I will most likely be like a fool and gain steps, and then it will be all in vain."

"Just come, theshy won't run away."I know this player's playing style very well." Ye Han said with great certainty.

In Ye Han's opinion, if it were other top laners, they might retreat after pushing the line, but theshy definitely wouldn't.

Theshy has two titles.

One is"The World's No. 1 Top Lane", as the name suggests, the world's number one top laner.

The other is"The World's No. 1 Catcher", the world's number one catching player!

Although these two titles are worlds apart, they are closely related. They are both titles earned by theshy's skills.

""Okay! I'll trust you again!"

Thinking of the scene of the second day of Xiangguo with Ye Han, Mingkai decided to take a risk.

Then, something unexpected happened to Mingkai. Ye Han was like a worm in theshy's stomach. He really guessed Jayce's movements.

Jayce did not choose to retreat! Instead, he went 1v2 hard!

This style of play has a shy flavor.

Theshy's arrogance gave Udyr the opportunity to catch up!

Mingkai's Udyr accelerated and rushed to Jayce, and stunned Jayce with an E skill. Then Ye Han saw the opportunity and used Kog'Math's Q skill! He directly gave Jayce a ruthless foot massage (Q skill)!

After Jayce was knocked away, the big worm walked towards Jayce, A followed by E skills instantly dealt burst damage, and finally used W skill to silence Jayce, disrupting Jayce's skill combination combo, and cooperated with Udyr to get Jayce's first blood.


Jess couldn't help but say something in broken Chinese

"Why can a giant worm with multiple blue shields burst so high instantly?" theshy was a little confused.

Theshy originally thought that even if Udyr was lured over, Jayce's set of skills could kill the giant worm with half blood in one second, and then flash away.

But the giant worm's inexplicable burst killed Jayce in advance, which was beyond theshy's understanding of the damage of the flesh worm.

The audience at the scene was extremely shocked!

"Is this the reason why Ye Han chose Kog'gas?"

"I feel like the burst of the big worm is a bit high, but it doesn't seem to be as abnormal as the fasting Karma. It takes the stun of the jungler Udyr for the worm to kill Jayce."


"Oh my god! Jayce was killed instantly by Cho'Gath's damage! What kind of damage is this Cho'Gath!"

"I really don't understand it!"

Wawa was shocked as if he had discovered a new world,"Ye Han's understanding of the version has exceeded the common people's cognition. He actually brought Hail of Blades for Kog'Math."

Maitreya seemed to wake up from a dream:"The cooldown time of Kog'Math's E skill is eight seconds, and the current cooldown time of Hail of Blades is also eight seconds. Hail of Blades is a perfect match for Kog'Math's E skill! Kog'Math uses basic attacks to trigger Hail of Blades, triggering a high attack speed, and then the three attacks of the E skill are instantly maxed out, thereby dealing burst damage!"

Mingkai was also shocked. He thought that he would make a fortune by cooperating with the worm and making Jayce use a flash. He didn't expect that the big worm used a set of skills and a quick attack followed by E of the Hail of Blades to take Jayce away.

In the final analysis, it was the high attack speed increased by the Hail of Blades and the E skill of Cho'Gath!

You know, in League of Legends, as long as the skills carry percentage damage, they are all very powerful. Skills with percentage damage can deal high damage even if there is no equipment and magic power in the early stage. Cho'Gath's E carries fatal percentage damage, and the Hail of Blades provides a high attack speed!

As a result, a meat worm with only a few blue shields can also deal extremely high instantaneous damage.

Mingkai asked curiously,"Ye Han, is this your routine? Hail of Blades big worm?"

Ye Han smiled mysteriously,"What kind of routine is this? Hail of Blades big worm can only be regarded as a small trick for burst. My real routine has not been used yet."

"The real routine has not been used yet? Is it more powerful than the Dragon Blade? I personally think that the Dragon Blade routine is very powerful, with high damage, but I didn't expect it to be insignificant in front of you?"

Mingkai was very curious about what the real routine hidden in Ye Han's Dragon Bug was.

Then, Jayce on theshy's side directly chose to teleport to the line, using the compatibility of teleportation to make up for his mistakes, and Jayce didn't lose too much on the line.

As the battle progressed, Ye Han's Kog'Maw soon entered a situation where he was madly suppressed by Jayce.

Jayce is a jack of all trades, and theshy's suppression power in the world is not a joke. Jayce established an advantage in the top lane again.

When everyone was worried that Ye Han's Kog'Maw would be crushed by theshy, Ye Han smiled mysteriously.

The fun has just begun!

It's time to start Kog'Maw's routine.

Next is the highlight of Kog'Maw's routine!

Then Kog'Maw leveled up!

Kog'Maw at level 6 directly ate a cannon cart to increase his health.

The situation seems to be very unfavorable to EDG.

EDG's three lanes are currently all at a disadvantage.

IG has the entire rhythm in their hands.


Wawa watched the battle:"Ye Han's Kog'Maw is being suppressed badly by Jayce. Kog'Maw is going to go to the middle lane to look for an opportunity."

"At present, Xiaodi's Syndra has a big move. As long as Syndra's ball hits Malzahar, Malzahar should not be able to escape!"

While the Haier brothers were talking, Kog'Maw had already appeared in the middle.

Kog'Maw's subconscious move once again stunned the audience and the commentator.

"Wow! How to clean up Ye Han this time?"

"Ye Han is definitely playing a fake match! There is no way to clean it up."

"The floor-cleaning dog comes out to clean the floor for your dad."

After seeing Ye Han's operation, the audience in the live broadcast room sneered and ridiculed him. He even made the younger brother unable to do it:"Ye Han, are you serious? ?"

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