Then, the director team started to replay.

In the replay, Ye Han's operation can be described as amazing!

I saw Kog'Maw came to the middle lane and directly used R to summon Malzahar's W skill.

Rouji laughed and said,"Congratulations to Ye Han for getting 5 gold coins! I am dying of laughter."

There was a cannon cart next to Malzahar's W summon. Rouji guessed that after Kog'Maw failed to gank, he wanted to eat the cannon cart and leave, but he didn't expect that he mistakenly used R to summon a 5-gold coin creature.

The younger brothers were embarrassed,"I have prepared my ultimate, and you show me this?"

Ye Han was still calm, even a little satisfied,"This wave is called big bug eating small bug."

Ming Kai said helplessly,"This wave should be called outrageous mother opening the door to outrageous, it's outrageous to the extreme."

Meiko also persuaded Ye Han,"Everyone has been a rookie for the first time playing professionally. Newcomers are under great pressure when they debut, and they are prone to nervousness and operational deformation. We who have been through this also expressed our understanding. Adjust your mentality quickly! Don't make such low-level mistakes again."

At this time, Ye Han said something extremely mysterious and ambiguous!

"IG will pay for my mistake!"

After saying that, Cho'Math walked away.

The next period of time was a long period of suppression of Cho'Math by Jayce.

Ye Han made Glory of Justice for Cho'Math as his first piece of equipment to increase the hero's mobility. While resisting pressure, he also continuously R'd the minions to stack passive layers.

But not long after, Ye Han moved again.

He controlled Cho'Math to go straight to the middle lane.

At this time, Cho'Math had already made Glory of Justice. When he saw Malzahar clearing the line of soldiers, he activated Glory of Justice and rushed over.

Rouji's operational response was quite good. The younger brother's Syndra wanted to start with QE, break Malzahar's passive with the Q skill, and then stun Malzahar with the E skill.

But Malzahar dodged Syndra's Q skill with a flexible movement, causing Syndra's E skill to hit Malzahar's passive.

This gave Rouji time to react. When the big worm rushed over with Glory of Justice, Rouji's Malzahar flashed and retreated immediately.

Rouji breathed a sigh of relief,"What's wrong with this Cho'Math? Why do you always want to catch me?"

"This wave is mine."The junior took the initiative to take responsibility.

But the next second, Ye Han used R to summon Malzahar's W.

"What? Brother! Are you here to make people laugh?"

The good-tempered junior finally couldn't help it.

Mingkai's mouth twitched, feeling a little helpless. He now felt that Ye Han's plastic operation was completely different from before.

Abu in the lounge had been pacing back and forth anxiously.

Mouse fanned the flames and said,"Coach, you shouldn't let Ye Han start. This kind of newcomer's performance is extremely unstable."

"You used your ultimate skill twice in a row. I think you should check Ye Han's account to see if there is any suspicious money transferred in."

Abu pinched his chin and said seriously,"Wait and see!"

As the game progressed, Ye Han seemed to be under a spell and had a special liking for Malzahar's summons!

Scored twice!

Scored three times!

Scored N times!


Seeing Ye Han's"actor-like" actions again and again, the good impression Ye Han had left on the audience gradually disappeared.

The audience's tolerance for Ye Han was also getting lower and lower.

Some"champion fans" and"fence-sitters" fans had begun to madly spray Ye Han on the Internet.

His teammates also began to complain about Ye Han.

"Ye Han, please don't come to the middle lane anymore. If you come to the middle lane again, the tower in the top lane will be eaten by Jayce!" The younger brother said speechlessly.

Mingkai said,"I don't dare to go to the top lane now. Jayce is growing so fast that he will start to eat people."

The director team seemed to understand what the audience wanted to see very well.

While there was no fighting scene, the director team actually gave Ye Han a big facial close-up.

But unfortunately.

Ye Han disappointed the director team this time.

Ye Han's face was calm, without showing any nervousness or embarrassment on the spot. Instead, there was a bit of playfulness in his eyes.

Then Ye Han showed a mysterious smile, as if communicating with someone.

The audience thought Ye Han had lost his mind.

"Is Ye Han's smile a self-deprecating one?"

"Another crazy one"

"I have been suppressed by theshy to the point of being unconscious"

""Alas! What a waste of my feelings. I thought the EDG newcomer was so awesome!"

Ye Han was actually communicating with his teammates. Because his teammates were so upset, Ye Han was worried that his teammates would lose confidence in the game before he could even use his tactics.

"Don't be impatient, I didn't make any mistakes, this is the way to play Kog'Math." iboy taunted:"I know, are you going to tell us that this is the mistake-based play of Kog'Math?"

Ye Han said:"If I eat Jayce alone, iboy you have to apologize to me"

"If you can take down Jayce alone, don't even bother to apologize, I'll just call you daddy!" iboy said.

In iboy's opinion, how could a big worm that was madly suppressed by Jayce from the beginning of the game possibly take down Jayce alone?

Unless time is reversed and the river flows backwards!

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