Ten Thousand Clans: Evolution begins with the fusion of red ghosts

Chapter 194: Is it okay to marry classmate Lu?

Chapter 194 [ ]: Is it okay to marry classmate Lu?

The brother and sister arrive at school.

Due to the creation of large fissures, the area near the playground is still blocked and turned into a construction site. A large number of engineering teams came, and transport vehicles came and went in and out of the rift.

It is estimated that it will take Jinghaicheng decades to fully exploit the resources in this fissure.

The area around the fissure will become work land.

Therefore, No. 1 Middle School will also move the school to other urban areas for reconstruction in the near future.

But for now, teachers and students can only make do with it.

Lu Xun and Xie Manyu entered the school. He first accompanied his sister to find her class teacher, said hello, watched her enter the classroom and take a seat, and then left with peace of mind.

Xie Manyu was originally very nervous and reserved. She stumbled a lot when introducing herself, trying her best to behave like a well-behaved and good student.

After all, the aristocratic students in No. 1 Middle School have prejudices and stereotypes about other civilian schools.

Puppy love, truancy, rebellion, fighting, smoking, drinking, hair perming... In the eyes of the first middle school students, the students in those schools outside are full of all kinds of poisons.

The Jinghai No. 7 Middle School where Xie Manyu studied before was the "best" among them, and its school spirit was extremely poor.

Although there are good students in bad schools and bad students in good schools, and there are many good children in No. 7 Middle School who are untainted and study hard, many people just like to beat people to death with one stick and give people all kinds of stereotyped labels without distinguishing right from wrong. .

Even if they don't like you on the surface, they will secretly say bad things about you behind your back.

Xie Manyu was afraid that her new classmates would despise her because of this.

However, it turns out that she thought too much.

The students in Class 3, Grade 1, all looked at her with some respect.

The reason is very simple. Just now Lu Xun personally sent her into the classroom and showed her face in front of everyone.

When the classmates learned that she was Lu Xueba's sister, all their prejudices against foreign students disappeared.

That's Lu Xueba!

The high school student with the strongest sense of presence in the entire No. 1 Middle School.

Lu Xueba was born into poverty and had an unfortunate family. He was the only poor student in the school, but he went against the trend and dominated No. 1 Middle School for three full years with his demonic academic performance.

Always being chased and never surpassed, his status as the top player on the list is unshakable.

The most incredible thing is that while he was studying, he also studied the art of appraisal. At the age of only 18, he became a well-known appraisal master in the industry. His personal assets are conservatively estimated to exceed nine figures. He managed to escape poverty and become rich all by himself. , achieved a class jump for the whole family in a very short period of time.

He was so good and outstanding that he completely eliminated the desire to compare among all the students in No. 1 Middle School.

Lu Xun is better than the elite parents they are proud of. How can this be compared to him?

Everyone can't even be jealous, they can just kneel down honestly and admit the excellence of this man with sincerity.

He's really outrageous.

This kind of awesome counterattack plot is something we don’t even dare to write in novels, because writing novels requires logic, but reality doesn’t.

Sometimes reality is more magical than fiction!

No one could understand how Lu Xun did it.

The same person, the same 18-year-old, why can he be so dazzling?

People are accustomed to use two words to describe such unreasonable peers, that is - genius!

And he is a genius.

Lu Xun is an awesome figure destined to be recorded in the history of No. 1 Lieutenant Colonel.

Just mentioning his name makes the principal smile with pride and pride.

Xie Manyu completely underestimated her brother's popularity and prestige in No. 1 Middle School.

When these new classmates looked at her brother just now, the overflowing admiration, admiration, and fascination in their eyes could not be concealed at all.

It’s so respectable, right? !

So it is conceivable that as Lu Xun's younger sister, Xiaoyu also benefited from it.

Neither her classmates nor her teachers looked down upon or discriminated against her, a transfer student from a rubbish school. Instead, they treated her with courtesy and respect.

She was so popular that she even felt a little flattered.

In particular, several little girls with very good temperament and appearance were extremely enthusiastic towards her, took the initiative to show their kindness, made friends with her, and even shared snacks and desserts with her.

Xie Manyu didn't quite understand it at first.

Until the other party finally meets...

"Ahem, classmate Xiaoyu, a handsome and charming boy like Senior Lu should have a girlfriend, right?" The girl at the same table asked in a low voice.

"Ah?" Xie Manyu was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained for her brother, "My brother is very busy on weekdays. All his thoughts are on business, and he does not have puppy love. It seems that puppy love is prohibited in No. 1 Middle School, right? This kind of thing cannot be done Talk nonsense, otherwise the dean will get into trouble with him."

"Is it true? Senior Lu is single?" The girl's eyes lit up, and she immediately showed an embarrassed expression, "Good Xiaoyu, look, can you help me deliver a love letter to your brother? To be honest, I admire Senior Lu It's been a long time. Half a year ago, I kept writing love letters to him every day and saved a drawer...but I never dared to muster the courage to confess my love. Can you help me? "

Xie Manyu: "..."

The corners of her mouth twitched, her head was covered with black lines, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Grandma, I thought you were my sisters at the same table, but you actually want to be my sister-in-law? !

How unreasonable!

The key point is that this girl is really pretty. It is said that women chase men. Her appearance, temperament, and family background are not bad in all aspects. If my brother gets interested in her, she might actually become her sister-in-law!

Xie Manyu opened her mouth and was about to refuse.

But then she thought about it, there were probably pretty little girls like this who secretly had a crush on her brother all over the school, in every grade and every class.

It can't be blocked at all.

"Then... okay, classmate Shasha, when school is over, I... I will help you talk to my brother."

She reached out with some depression and took the confession letter prepared by her deskmate.

After all, it was her first day at school, so it was hard for her to have a too stiff relationship with her deskmate. If she refused, the other party would probably hate her if she was petty.

By the way, these social cows in No. 1 Middle School really don’t understand what the sense of distance is?

Just a few minutes after meeting, he asked me to help send love letters, which is outrageous!

Of course, she was willing to help because she knew very well in her heart that it was absolutely impossible for Shasha and Brother.

Because according to Xie Manyu's many years of observation and speculation, I will most likely prefer "mature women" when it comes to choosing a mate.

Because my brother's psychological maturity is far beyond that of his peers.

A young girl like Shasha, who is in the first grade of high school, is probably just a brat in his eyes and has no interest at all.

So it’s okay for her to send a love letter to her deskmate... there will be no results anyway!

"Wow, you're so nice, thank you Xiaoyu!" Shasha was excited and shy at the same time. She hugged Xie Manyu's arm and coaxed her sweetly, "We'll go shopping after school. I'll buy you some sets of beautiful clothes at the largest clothing store in Jinghaicheng. They belong to my family, don’t be embarrassed, they are all our own.”

Good guy, do you really think you are my sister-in-law?

The tone was as if an elder was treating a younger generation.

Xiaoyu sighed with despair.

It is estimated that after transferring to another school, I will have to live in the shadow of my brother for a long time.

The aura of Brother No. 1 Middle School is so dazzling that as "Xueba Lu's sister", no matter where she is, her body is reflecting the afterglow of Brother.


Although Lu Xun didn't know much about his sister's worries about enrolling in school, he could more or less guess about it.

The new campus environment, coupled with the influence of his elder brother in No. 1 Middle School, may make my sister a little confused.

But it doesn't matter, she won't stay long anyway.

The student status will only stay in No. 1 Middle School for a short time. In a few days, their family will move to the sixth-level self-circulation city.

It will be a new beginning.

He went to Class 4, Grade 3, and when he opened the door, he found that there were very few students in the classroom.

Wei'er and Dagu were there, but not many others came.

When Lu Xun asked, he found out that it turned out that the thrilling rift experience yesterday had caused serious psychological trauma to many people, especially the student who was chased by the Mimic Monster. It was said that the Mimic Monster was all around him while he was sleeping last night. I was frightened and woke up seven times in my dream. I went to see a psychiatrist early this morning...it was really miserable.

Everyone was in shock, so the school naturally took a humane approach and gave the students in Class 4, Grade 3, a week off to let them calm their frightened hearts.

It's just that the college entrance examination is around the corner, and there are still a few students who have come back to study on their own.

"I can understand when others come back to study. What the hell are you doing when you come back?" Lu Xun couldn't help but ask Ur.

I have never seen this kid take the initiative to study before, but now he is solving math problems and pretending to be cool.

"Brother Lu, I have decided that from today onwards I will study hard and strive to reach the top. I cannot sink any further."

The Ur skeleton had a serious expression on his face and said in a deep voice:

"Yesterday, senior Finn from the Necromancer tribe asked about my academic performance. I lied to him. I felt very ashamed afterwards. The senior was so powerful, but he still cared about me, a junior I had never met. I shouldn't have lied to him. His. I will study hard, and when I see Master Finn again in the future, I will hold my head high and tell my senior that I did not let him down!"

"I will remember the advice of my predecessors, cherish every minute of studying abroad in the People's Federation, achieve success in my studies, and then go back to build my hometown and benefit the Necron tribe!" it said righteously, with an impassioned voice.

Lu Xun: "..."

But the problem is that Master Finn, whom you respect so much, is a puppet! He couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Unexpectedly, yesterday's random prank on his deskmate made Big Bone feel shameful and courageous, stimulating its desire to learn.

...seems like a good result too?

However, considering the urine nature of Ur during these three days of fishing and two days of drying on the net, it is estimated that he will not be able to last a few days.

"Brother Lu, you can play by yourself, or you can play with Wei'er, but don't disturb my study. I have transformed, understand?"

Ur said proudly, continuing to immerse himself in writing and brushing up on math problems.

Seeing this, Lu Xun didn't bother to pay attention to him.

He turned back to look at Weier and said with a smile, "Are you also going to do the exams? You're so easy to learn."

But classmate Wei'er buried her head like an ostrich, her eyes averted, and she didn't dare to look at him. She hesitated and responded: "Well, classmate Lu...good morning."

She behaved very strangely, completely losing her previous aloof temperament.

As soon as Lu Xun appeared, she lost her composure and became confused.

He touched his chin, looked at her strangely for a few times, and then used his mind-reading skills to spy on her mental activities, and figured out the reason for her restlessness.

So he enlightened her: "Are you still thinking about that thing before? I told you that you don't need to stick to this detail. Don't the elves love life? I help you get rid of the curse to save your life and not to mix in other selfish desires. Just like there are male doctors in gynecological clinics, it’s normal, don’t think too much about it.”


Weier nodded, then looked at him with complicated eyes, but hesitated to speak.

She did think so originally.

It is common for elves to live for more than a hundred years without knowing anything about men and women.

…easier to coax.

Lu Xun said it was okay, it was normal, so she believed him.

But she asked a married female elder in the clan last night and described the details of "removing the curse" at that time.

The elder fell silent after hearing this.

It took a long time before I made a very emotional comment - "You young people are really good at playing."

Then Wei'er was extremely shocked to learn that what she and Lu Xun were doing was a very high level of skin-to-skin contact, which was almost considered "husband and wife".

Lu Xun didn't mean to lie to her.

Mainly, this was the only way to save her life at that time.

Moreover, time was so tight that she only had a few dozen seconds to live. After asking for her opinion and getting her consent, Lu Xun didn't think much and immediately used his "Gluttony" ability to eliminate the curse mark.

Anyway, as a young elf, Weier doesn't know much about things between men and women. Her clan's thoughts are conservative, and she is ashamed to teach all aspects of ideological enlightenment within the clan, so she relies on herself to understand.

As long as you don't understand, it won't be embarrassing.

In a few hundred years, even if she knew about it, she would probably not dwell on these old memories. After all, it was a life-saving grace, and it was a trivial matter that was of no importance.

However, Weier was diligent and good at asking questions. Afterwards, the more she thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, so she asked her elders last night and learned the truth.

That’s something only couples can do!

So she feels very conflicted now.

On the one hand, she was very grateful to Lu Xun for saving her life.

On the other hand, regarding the issue of "losing her virginity", she wanted to forget it... because the novel experience at that time was really unforgettable.

So now she couldn't look directly at Lu Xun.

It's okay not to see him, I only occasionally recall the scene at that time.

But once they meet, the image in their mind will be extremely strong.

‘If Classmate Lu and I were husband and wife, we wouldn’t have this embarrassment. ’ Weier couldn’t help but have an idea in her mind.

Then she quickly shook her head and threw this strange thought out of her mind.

It is basic common sense that the union of humans and elves cannot be happy.

A marriage between a long-lived species and a short-lived species will ultimately end in tragedy, as countless examples in history have proven.

Classmate Lu is a human being who ages very quickly and has an extremely short lifespan.

Just imagine, you just go into solitary confinement, and after practicing for decades, you come out of seclusion, and your lover who was originally in his prime has grown old and become an octogenarian.

How sad that is, what happiness can be said?

Even with all kinds of life-extending means, humans can extend their lifespan to a few hundred years at most.

As for the elves, it is simple to live for thousands of years.

Even if Lu Xun and Wei'er are willing to live in the present and have a forbidden love, their parents and elders will strongly oppose it and will not allow them to make a big mistake.

Therefore, it is impossible for her and classmate Lu.

Marriage is a major event in life, and it is best to stay together forever.

She couldn't harm Classmate Lu... Even though Wei'er felt that she had a crush on Classmate Lu.


Lu Xun eavesdropped on Weier's thoughts for a long time and couldn't bear it anymore, so he cleared his throat and said to her:

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it through before. Well...that's it, Weier, when I was identifying an ancient classic, I saw a special secret technique that can block memories. If you really feel that it is unbearable to look back on it, , unacceptable, I can help you forget them."

If he is not forced to do so, he will not use overbearing methods such as mind control, memory modification, and body snatching against his relatives, friends, and acquaintances. Instead, he prefers to use gentler methods.

Just like Ding Xuezhu's time, it was a special situation. Even so, Lu Xun still made the matter clear before he dealt with Ding Xuezhu, and only blocked her memory for two years, rather than permanently deleting it.

He can do whatever it takes to deal with his enemies, without any need for mercy.

But when it comes to people around him, Lu Xun has principles and bottom lines.

Otherwise, there is no need to look for excuses like "ancient secret techniques" and just do it directly, right?

Just because you have become stronger, you cannot allow your desires to expand without a bottom line, bully the weak without any scruples, or even no longer respect your relatives and friends when you are still young.

That kind of person is just a puppet controlled by power.

"No... no need. Student Lu, I'm fine."

After Wei'er listened to his suggestion, her eyelashes trembled, she pursed her lips and whispered:

"It's not that I can't bear to look back... It's not that serious. I, I can face it, and I don't need to forget it. I just... still need some time to listen to my heart quietly. You don't have to worry about me."


Lu Xun nodded and said, "Then listen slowly. I'm going home first."

If he stays here, Weier will only become more and more confused and unable to calm down.

You really don't need to worry about such small things, she will return to normal after a while.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, a skeleton hand came out quickly and grabbed Lu Xun's arm.

Ur looked blank and asked eagerly:

"What unbearable past? Brother Lu, what happened to you and Wei'er? Tell me quickly, it's urgent! There must be something wrong with you two."

"Hurry up and tell me the truth. We are brothers, so you can't hide it from me!"

"Gungungun, don't ask children about adult matters." Lu Xun curled his lips, "Continue to learn from you. I'm leaving. See you another day."

After that, no matter how curious Wu Er was, he walked away and disappeared at the door of the classroom.

How could Ur be willing to give up? It was itching unbearably, and turned around to ask Weier.

But Weier is even less likely to say that.

"Classmate Dagu, I'm sorry, I really can't say this."

Wei'er shook her head and warned seriously: "You are still young, only 12 years old. At your age, it is not the time to understand this."

Ur: "???"

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