Chapter 196 []: The Queen is in Jinghai?

If humans really have an ancestor, then not only the Watson Group wants to study its gene pool, but even Lu Xun also wants to analyze it.

Therefore, this trip is a must.

Soon, Ding Xuezhu printed out a contract.

After confirming that there was no problem, Lu Xun signed his name.

"Okay, Sister Ding, is there anything else?" He put down his pen and raised his head to ask the beautiful female boss.

"That's why I came to you, nothing else." Ding Xuezhu smiled and then asked him, "Are you sure you don't want to have lunch with me? I can send someone to pick up your sister."

"Forget it, Xiaoyu and I should go home and eat." Lu Xun shook his head and declined the beauty's invitation. "If we have a chance to have dinner together in the future, I will treat you. Let's go, Sister Ding."

"Yeah, okay." Ding Xuezhu didn't force him to stay, nodded, stood up and walked him to the door.

After leaving Baoqi Pavilion, Lu Xun looked at the time and saw that it was still early before school ended.

So he escaped underground and opened up a space.

After sitting cross-legged in the space, he turned to his full-time right hand and checked the balance of characteristic points.

Feedback came immediately from my right hand——

[Available feature points: 13.2 million]

All the characteristic points that had been spent before were now inexplicably increased by thirteen million. It was as if he had appeared out of thin air even though he had done nothing. It was incredible.

But Lu Xun looked calm, without any surprise.

Because in the other 186 spaces, many puppets are already in place and starting to work vigorously.

A few minutes ago, hundreds of thousands of miles away from Jinghai City, a sea giant named "Gu En" signed up to participate in a strength competition held in a foreign city, and in half a day, he defeated more than sixty people in a row. A famous strongman, sweeping all competitors and winning the championship...

Also a few minutes ago, a mysterious "Golden Colonel" dug up hundreds of ancestral graves of a certain tribe, a cave-dwelling lizard man named Mathias Nava. The characteristics of this tribe, He has a unique advantage in "grave robbing", and his ability to dig holes in the ground is better than that of a hamster.

However, Mathias did not steal anything from any of the tombs. He just touched the remains of his ancestors and various special burial objects, and then left quietly.

...Well, an organization called the "Sanic Adventure Group" suddenly appeared in the distant southern continent.

The strength of this adventure group is extremely powerful, and there is more than one Holy King alone.

Among them was a necromancer named "Finn", who accepted a commission to explore an underground maze, and pushed his way through the maze, leading the undead army to kill indiscriminately, and became famous in one battle.

But the strange thing is that Master Fenn will stretch out his skeletal hand to touch the corpse of any monster or monster. He seems to have an extremely horrifying necrophilia... But considering that it is the Necromancer, it can be explained. pass.

That's right, all of the above are Lu Xun's puppets!

Tomb robbers, businessmen, professional power players, adventurers, treasure hunters, mercenaries... 186 puppets are earning characteristic points for the main body in various ways.

The puppets were released yesterday, and 13 million characteristic points were recorded today.

This work efficiency is simply terrifying!

But it was tiring. Lu Xun had to control so many characters at the same time to carry out complex behaviors such as exploration, combat, dialogue, etc. It was very taxing on his brain.

Of course, the puppets' journey to explore the world was not smooth sailing, and they also encountered accidents and setbacks.

Among them, Lu Xun had three puppets, and they all burped not long after setting off!

A puppet who was a businessman encountered banditry on his business trip and died at the hands of the looters;

One got lost while hunting and accidentally entered a large goblin cave, where he was chopped into a pile of sawdust by the ferocious goblins.

The last one was even more unlucky. He traveled to a foreign country. As soon as he got off the plane, a coup occurred in that small country. The rebels used forbidden spell-level killing magic to massacre the city. The puppet was destroyed before he could buy a return ticket.

...It can be said that he died before he left the army.

But overall, the exploration progress was very smooth.

Most puppets have a good start, at least self-preservation is no problem.

The reason why those three puppets were destroyed was that they only had lord-level strength, and Lu Xun did not graft them with the "Heaven Sense" attribute.

Accidental death is also common.

It is difficult to upgrade "Heaven Sense", and Lu Xun's body in Jinghai City also needs crisis sensing ability to nip problems in the bud.

It was so rare that he couldn't give it to all the puppets.

Only a few very important puppets have acquired some heavenly properties.

For example, Xiong Er, Master Finn, Dragon King... these trumpets.

If the other puppets die, they will die, and Lu Xun will not suffer any loss, let alone feel distressed.

But once he loses some of the puppets, he will suffer heavy losses.

For example, Master Finn has a complete set of Pharaoh suits. Each piece is priceless, let alone the complete six-piece set.

Xiong Er also has the magic weapon "Xunyin Ya" on his body.

The puppets such as the tree spirit, the rhinoceros tribe, and the eagle-faced man also all possess various precious magic equipment and props.

Is it easy for Lu Xun to get some equipment?

If these puppets were killed by the enemy and their equipment exploded, he would definitely feel heartbroken and bleed.

At that time, we can only send other puppets over to kill the enemies and recover the equipment.

...Otherwise he will be so angry that he can't even sleep.

Lu Xun had always been the only one who had equipment exploded from others, but he couldn't accept his own equipment being exploded.

Therefore, both Xiong Er and Xiong Er have the characteristic of "natural sense", which allows them to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, predict crises in advance, and protect themselves.

"In just one day, I made 13 million... It's really outrageous!"

Lu Xun couldn't help but exclaimed.

I really need to thank the eldest brother of the Qingliu tribe in the mercenary empire.

The ability of "planting willows to create shade" is simply tailor-made for the "omniscient right hand".

186 puppets can be touched all over the world, and the body as far away as Jinghai City can be violently upgraded.

Is there anything more exciting than this in the world? !

"The omniscient right hand, give me more points!"

Lu Xun couldn't wait to issue the order.

He was not very far away from the second level of the Emperor, and the wave of harvest by the puppets directly helped him accumulate enough nutrients.


More than 13 million characteristic points were cleared instantly.

At the same time, the right hand burst out with a surging evolutionary ability, rumbling to the limbs and bones, starting the evolution of life levels.

Lu Xun's body was like a nuclear reactor. The energy was getting stronger and stronger, and the aura of life was rising steadily, becoming more and more unfathomable.

boom! !

An hour later, his tiger body shook, and he broke away from the shackles of life in one go, breaking through to the second level of the Emperor.

"Haha, cool."

Lu Xun clenched his fists, feeling the violent force in his body that could destroy heaven and earth, and couldn't help but laugh heartily.

During this evolution, he projected many new creature illustrations collected by the puppets.

Several new features that are useful for the ultimate form have been added, going further and further on the road of "numerical monster".

As the ultimate creature, he was already invincible in the Emperor Realm.

But there is a huge gap between the Scourge and the Emperor.

Even though Lu Xun was now at the second level of the Emperor, he still felt that he would never be able to survive a single move by the natural disaster boss.

Perhaps at the 8th or 9th level of the Emperor, there would still be a chance to compete with the entry-level natural disasters.

Of course, although his combat effectiveness is far inferior to that of natural disasters, Lu Xun's survivability is at the bug level.

With his immortal body and infinite resurrection, who can kill him?

Moreover, he also has the strongest trump card, "Time Stop", which he has seven chances to use.

He really made him anxious. He directly attacked with dimensionality reduction and froze the time and space of the entire planet. The mythical boss could only be at his mercy.

This is the plug-in Xiaoyu gave him.

Xiaoyu is an immortal-level existence.

Although Lu Xun still doesn't know what level the "immortal level" is on the big stage of the universe, he can definitely arrange the myths clearly.

"Xi, continue to add a hundred more exploration routes."

Lu Xun called to his artificial intelligence brother.

After breaking through to Emperor Level 2, if you want to continue to break through to Emperor Level 3, you will need more than 40 million characteristic points. This is too exaggerated.

But he didn't panic at all, because although more and more characteristic points were needed for breakthrough, his ability to earn characteristic points was also getting stronger and stronger.

Now, all his attributes have skyrocketed, and the total power of his body has increased, so he can naturally create more and stronger puppets.

In this way, it is like a snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

He will never have a bottleneck, and his upgrade speed will never slow down.

[Received, planning for you, please wait a few minutes. 】——Xi replied, and used the computing power of the supercomputer to start adding a hundred more efficient development routes to the original plan.

Chi chi chi~

Lu Xun's body was full of green, and the willow branches separated and twisted around.

He made a hundred new puppets in one go.

Xi gave them names and arranged their identities, and then Lu Xun controlled the "new recruits" and set off from Jinghai to join the large army exploring the world.

There are currently 283 puppets in "service".

The realm of his body still remains at the bottom line of Emperor Level 2, without falling.

In fact, with Lu Xun's current soul strength, he can control more than 1,500 puppets at the same time to explore the world, and the efficiency of earning characteristic points can be increased several times.

But such an extreme state would make him very, very tired, almost mentally and physically exhausted.

Moreover, with too much grafted power, it would be difficult for Lu Xun's body to deal with particularly difficult problems.

If he encounters an emperor or a natural disaster-level enemy, he will have to regain the grafted power. The foundation that the puppets have finally laid across the world will be in vain.

So it is better to be safe and settle slowly. There is no need to rush for quick success.

"It's almost dinner time, it's time to go back."

After Lu Xun settled the matter with the puppets, he looked at the time and saw that it wasn't long before school was over, so he returned to human normality, put on his clothes, and left the underground world.

He went to Jinghai No. 1 Middle School, picked up Xie Manyu, and went home together.

On the way, Xiaoyu glared at her brother with hatred, took out a stack of thick love letters from her schoolbag, handed them over, and said in a strange tone:

"No, let's take it for review! In a few classes, there are more than 20 more letters. Brother, you transferred me to No. 1 Middle School just so that I can collect love letters for you, right? Are you the reincarnation of a succubus? This attracts bees and butterflies.”

"Who told you to actually send them here?" Lu Xun shrugged and said with a bad smile, "A bunch of brats who don't study hard and fall in love every day. In the afternoon, I will take these love letters to the dean and report them for harassment. I punished them all."

"Are you a devil?!" Xiao Yumei was stunned. She quickly snatched the love letters and stuffed them back into her schoolbag.

This guy is so ruthless.

If someone's little crush writes you a love letter, you don't care if you don't read it, and you plan to report her.

What a beast!

By then, she, Xie Manyu, will become the public enemy of all the girls in the school.

After all, in their minds, how could a man as good as my brother Lu do such a derogatory thing?

His bad sister must have reported it!

Xie Manyu must be a brother control!

When the time comes, she will have no choice but to take the blame for her brother.

"It's just a joke, why are you so nervous?" Lu Xun couldn't help laughing when he saw her looking so nervous.


Xie Manyu's face twisted and she didn't want to pay attention to him.

She was really in a bad mood this morning.

She felt very uncomfortable when she thought that there were so many coquettish bitches in the school who had special desires for her brother, and even her deskmate wanted to be her sister-in-law.

During adolescence, it is normal to have fantasies about the opposite sex.

But there are so many men in the school, why do you have to stare at my brother?

Although Xiaoyu knew very well that they couldn't get it, she just felt very unhappy!

"Ahem, by the way, I heard that Kong Zihan came to Jinghai?" Lu Xun saw that she was in a bad mood, so he changed the subject and took the initiative to talk about things that interested her.

Sure enough, at the mention of this singing queen, Xie Manyu's spirits perked up, and she immediately took over the conversation and started chatting -

"Yes, yes, brother, have you heard about it too?"

"Well, a lot of people are talking about it on the road. It's hard not to know." Lu Xun nodded.

Kong Zihan held a concert in Jiuyue City not long ago. The reason why my aunt and her family chose to travel to Jiuyue City is also due to this factor, because both my uncle and Xiaoyu are fans of Kong Tianhou and like her songs very much.

You have to go to an idol’s concert once in your life, right? And the tickets are not expensive.

But the vampires and the empire suddenly attacked.

It is said that Kong Tianhou, like her aunt and others, just took a flight to leave Jiuyue City before the war and headed to the next tour venue.

Logically speaking, she avoided the flames of the war.

But sadly, the destination city of the flight was also attacked and entered a state of war readiness with a complete blockade.

Therefore, the plane could only change its destination temporarily during the flight and landed in Jinghaicheng.

Of course, Lu Xun was not star-chasing and wasn't very interested in these things, so he just chatted casually.

But Xiaoyu was so excited that she couldn't stop once she started chatting about Tianhou.

"Brother, do you know that our Lord of Jinghai City is also a big fan of Kong Tianhou. As soon as Queen got off the plane, she was invited to live temporarily in the Lord's house. Her concert tour plan was canceled, and the Lord took the initiative to I want to help her hold a solo concert in Jinghaicheng at my own expense..." Xiaoyu said eloquently.

At your own expense?

Lu Xun curled his lips, expressing doubt.

When he just came out of the rift, he was invited to the City Lord's Mansion, where he met Qiu Yaoyang, and during the banquet, he used his mind-reading skills to talk to him for a long time. Lu Xun knew this person quite well.

It is usually difficult to judge a person's nature based on their superficial words and deeds, especially those in power who are deep in the city. All of them are talented people and their acting skills are all actor-level.

But in front of Lu Xun's mind-reading ability, his underwear can be stripped clean for you, and any disguise will be ineffective.

With the worrying character of City Master Qiu Yaoyang, he is probably chasing stars with public funds, right?

Of course, none of this matters.

Anyway, Lu Xun is about to leave Jinghaicheng with his whole family, and Qiu Yaoyang and his like will probably never see him again.

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