Chapter 197 [ ]: Farewell

the following few days.

Lu Xun can receive characteristic points one after another from all over the world every day.

Although not every puppet is lucky enough to meet the opportunity, there are many puppets who cannot hold it. If you use this method of casting a wide net, you will always gain something.

On average, Lu Xun can earn more than 10 million every day.

Therefore, when Xi informed him that the household registration matter had been settled, he made another breakthrough and reached the third level of the Emperor.

So Lu Xun made more than 300 puppet recruits and spread them out.

The total number of puppets has reached an exaggerated six hundred, doubling the efficiency.

In the Emperor Realm, every third level is also a watershed and has a unique title.

Levels 1 to 3 are known as the "Xingyao Emperor".

Levels 4 to 6 are called "Lunar Eclipse Emperor".

Level 7~9 is the strongest "Sun Crown Emperor".

Lu Xun wanted to break through the fourth level and become the Lunar Eclipse Emperor, but he needed 80 million characteristic points.

The pressure Master Daqi gave him at the beginning was quite strong. He was one of the few powerful enemies Lu Xun had ever encountered, but Daqi's "worth" was only 10,000 characteristics.

So it is conceivable that 80 million characteristic points are needed to break through a small level. What is this concept?

If it were before, he wouldn't even dare to think about it.

But now and then, thanks to the magical skill of "planting willows to create shade", 80 million can be earned in just a few days.

"It's actually a day did you do it?"

Lu Xun was a little surprised and couldn't help but ask Xi.

It had previously said that if it was given a week, it would be able to find a way to secure four main city spots for Lu Xun and his family.

But now that it hasn’t even arrived in a week, Xi has already finished it and handed it over in advance.

[Those people did not meet the criteria for obtaining household registration in the main city. I exposed their dirt, deliberately aroused public outrage, used public opinion to put pressure, and forged a large number of report letters, which attracted the attention of the People's Federation State Councilor. The city owner Both the family and the family were beaten by their superiors, and they could only spit out all the allocated quotas and redistribute them. 】——Xi briefly stated what he had done these days.

"But how did the quota fall into my hands?" Lu Xun was more concerned about this.

[In order to ensure the fairness of the redistribution and avoid the quotas being divided up by the powerful class again, the state speaker gave the matter to AI with full authority... Well, that is, I will supervise the implementation, bypassing other functional departments of Jinghai, including the city lord No one has the right to interfere. I have the final say in nominations, selections, and final determination of the results, and the results do not even need to be made public. 】——Xi explained.


Lu Xun was speechless.

Hey guys, is this also in your calculations?

Who would have thought that artificial intelligence could also engage in malpractice for personal gain? In people's minds, AI is absolutely fair and neutral. They have no self-awareness and only follow instructions.

If the quotas are allocated by artificial intelligence, there will be no possibility of cheating. They can quantify the value of each person and achieve efficiency, accuracy, and fairness.

Needless to say, Xi must have been acting for personal gain and directly issued quotas to Lu Xun's family of four.

No, to be precise, Xi is still an artificial intelligence without selfish intentions.

But for it, serving Lu Xun and seeking his personal interests is the real "public".

As long as something is in Lu Xun's personal interests, Xi will carry it out unswervingly, without being affected by emotional factors or any moral constraints.

Privatization of public rights is very scary.

Even if Lu Xun is the enemy of all mankind, Xi will help him deal with all mankind without hesitation.

"Didn't it become public that our family of four got the quota?" Lu Xun asked.

[Yes, I have processed all the information. You and your family now have legal household registration in Star Reaching City and can set off for the trip at any time without any worries. 】——Xi replied.

"Star Reaching City? I understand."

Lu Xun nodded.

The four main cities all have the same status, so it doesn't matter which one you go to.

Household registration in the main city is linked to things that are just necessary for life, such as houses, cars, and medical insurance. Once you get the household registration, you will get other things.

Lu Xun and his family don't even need to bring anything with them. They can go directly to Star Picking City and start enjoying a good life.

"It's time to talk to uncle and the others."

he wondered.

During dinner.

A family of four dines around the dining table.

Lu looked for an opportunity to mention the matter to his aunt and three others, saying that our family was moving to the main city to settle down.

The three of them thought he was joking at first and didn't take him seriously.

Until my aunt opened the electronic account book and took a look, her eyes widened and she almost suffocated with fear.

"Zhenhai, Xiaoyu, you...please take a look at your personal citizen information." She said tremblingly, her voice trembling.

"Oh my God! What's going on, Xiao Lu, are you serious?" The uncle was also shocked and took a breath of air.

I don't know when their household registrations changed to "reaching for the stars".

"Brother, how did you do it? How could our family grab a spot in the main city? I heard that there are only ten spots in total. All the elite citizens in the city are eyeing these ten spots. Why shouldn't they fall to us? At home?" Xiaoyu was puzzled and had to ask Lu Xun.

"I don't know either." Lu Xun shook his head and began to comfort his excited family, "But based on universal rationality, Jinghaicheng's super artificial intelligence will not make mistakes. Since Xi has chosen us, then it must be It makes sense."

"That's what I said... But this is the main city's household registration! Only the top elite talents in Jinghai City can get the quota. I'm not surprised that Xiao Lu can go to Star Reaching City. After all, your potential is so great and your future is so great. There is no limit, artificial intelligence can calculate this. But Aunt You, myself, and Xiaoyu simply do not meet the extremely high talent standards."

Uncle Xie Zhenhai couldn't help but frown, and said worriedly: "What if the artificial intelligence really has a bug?"

"...It is indeed possible." Lu Xun pretended to be thoughtful and said to his uncle in a deep voice, "So my suggestion is not to spread the word, let's move quietly without telling anyone, and make a fortune in silence. Only bugs that are discovered are bugs. If they are not discovered, they are part of the program mechanism! If God does not take it, you will be blamed. Even if it is really a bug, it is none of our business. It dares to give the main city We dare to ask for household registration!"

"Um...Isn't this a little bad?" The uncle touched his head in embarrassment.

Auntie and Xiaoyu also looked at each other and felt that what nephew Lu Xun (brother) said made sense.

That's the main city where there are only four people's unions!

In ancient times, the main city was equivalent to an imperial city or a royal capital.

Rock Bird, Reaching for the Stars, Infinity, and Titan, these four cities have condensed the most essential and dazzling part of the entire human civilization. They are the core holy places where human race's technology has reached its peak, and they are also the strongest support for the Human Federation to stand proudly in the forest of the world.

Compared with the main city, Jinghai City is nothing more than a small primitive tribe in a remote area.

Who wouldn't be tempted by giving you a chance to settle in the main city?

Uncle and the others were also very moved.

This is definitely a great opportunity to honor our ancestors.

The uncle and aunt just felt a little guilty, feeling that they were not worthy of this kind of treatment, because there were so many people in Jinghaicheng who were better than them, and the spot that countless geniuses could only dream of fell to them.

This kind of big pie falling from the sky makes people a little uneasy.

But Lu Xun was very calm.

Of course pie will not fall from the sky. Why can't he accept the things he grabbed with peace of mind?

My uncle and aunt felt that "mediocre people" like themselves were not worthy of the lofty Star Reaching City.

But Lu Xun felt that it was just the opposite.

Just because you are my family, Lu Xun, it’s hard to say who is not worthy of who!

It may be a bit arrogant to say this, but it is the truth.

He is willing to take his family to settle in the Star City. Every brick, tile, plant and tree in the Star City should be grateful to him and feel infinite glory for the emperor's arrival.

Confidence comes from strength.

ten minutes later.

After discussion, the four members of the family finally finalized their moving plan.

Without further ado, let’s leave tomorrow and head to Star Reaching City.

Lu Xun asked Xi to book four tickets for eight o'clock tomorrow night.

In this way, after he receives the opportunity to pray tomorrow, he can set off with his family and take a flight to leave Jinghaicheng.

Of course, before that, he had to say a simple goodbye to the city.

Night falls, Internal Security Headquarters.

Shi Yanxin is meeting with the team members to implement a plan for an anti-evil operation.

Suddenly her communication device beeped several times. When she took it out, she saw that it was a message from Mr. Zhan Wudi——

[I'm leaving Jinghai City, and I probably won't come back again. Do you want to go out for a late-night snack? My treat. If you're busy, forget it. We'll talk about it later when we have a chance. 】

This is a farewell message.

She was a little surprised. She didn't know why Brother Zhan was leaving and where he was going.

Zhan Wudi has helped her many times, fought with her, and drank with her. He is a rare friend.

Although the other party is powerful and mysterious, he does not put on airs and has the chic and righteousness of a hero.

He's leaving.

Shi Yanxin must go to say goodbye.

So she raised her head and made a gesture to the team members to break up the meeting, and then used the communication device to send a message back to Zhan Wudi——

[I'm not busy, where can I meet? Give me your address and I'll come out now. 】

Soon, Shi Yanxin changed out of her combat attire and put on women's casual clothes, and met the familiar brother Zhan Wudi in a restaurant called "Tianshi Xiaoxuan".

Lu Xun had already ordered the food and drinks. When he saw her arriving, he couldn't help but smile: "This place has a nice night view. Please take a seat."

He didn't have many friends, Shi Yanxin was one of them. From now on, he would have to cut off from Jinghaicheng. Unless we were very destined, it would be difficult to see each other again.

The two chatted until late into the night.

She didn't ask too much about Lu Xun's personal affairs.

Although it was a farewell, everyone was open-minded, so the atmosphere was harmonious and not very sad.

Shi Yanxin gave Lu Xun a gift.

He opened the gift box in person and found a very finely crafted dagger inside.

After asking, I learned that this was once her favorite thing. It was a birthday gift given to her by her father when she was 11 years old.

"What normal father would give a fighting knife to his daughter?" Shi Yanxin laughed at herself, her beautiful eyes showing tenderness and nostalgia as she talked about her past with Lu Xun.

Her father was also a soldier who defended his family and country with lofty ideals. Later, he died during an arrest operation, and even his body was mutilated.

"He is a stupid father who doesn't know how to express his inner feelings, but I know he loves me very much. He gave his daughter a cold knife instead of cute dolls and beautiful clothes and jewelry because he hoped that he would not be there in the future. Now, my daughter can be self-reliant and can protect herself even if she doesn’t join the strong man,” she said.

"Then you have indeed lived up to his expectations and are now an excellent warrior." Lu Xun smiled.

She sheathed the knife, handed it to Lu Xun, and said seriously: "Although I don't know where you are going, be careful when you go out and protect yourself."

"Forget means a lot to you and is very precious." Lu Xun waved his hand, trying to decline politely.

"Brother Zhan, why is it not important to me? It will bring you good luck." She couldn't help but put the thing into Lu Xun's hand.

Then he looked down at the time and said apologetically: "Sorry, I still have a difficult case to deal with tonight. The combat deployment has not been completed yet, so I have to leave."


"Well, a group of villains are killing people everywhere, digging up expensive prosthetics from the dead, and reselling them. We have just traced their lair, but the enemy is very strong, and the man behind the scenes is a king-level powerhouse. We dare not act rashly, so It needs to be deployed carefully,” she explains.

"King-level... strong man?" Lu Xun blinked and said to her, "Don't bother me. I'll just help you beat him to death. Consider it a gift in return. I'll leave first. We meet each other in the mountains and rivers. We are destined to meet again."


Before Shi Yanxin could react, the brothers Zhan Wudi disappeared in front of her.

Just three minutes later, the enemy's lair, where the tiger and the dragon were entrenched, was brutally bloodbathed. Including the king-level boss behind the scenes, he also turned into a corpse that lost its temperature.

The next day, Lu Xun also went to see some old friends to say goodbye.

For example, Da Gu, Wei'er, classmates and teachers, Ding Xuezhu, Li Xiaoning...

I also went to the old octopus’s grave and sent a bunch of flowers.

Zhang Xinghai is not in Jinghai, cannot be contacted, and his life and death are unknown, so forget it.

"Brother Lu, you must not forget your brother!"

Wu Er handed a thick magic handbook to Lu Xun, and said with great reluctance: "Keep in touch after you leave. I will come find you again after high school studies are over."

"Well, then I'll wait for you in Star Reaching City." Lu Xun patted its skeleton's shoulder and whispered, "It won't be long anyway. The college entrance examination is only two or three months away. We'll see you during the holidays."

"By the way, why are you leaving? Are you going to Star City? Do you think you have obtained the household registration in Star City?" Ur also lowered his voice and asked quietly.

"Don't ask. I'll explain it to you later." Lu Xundao said, "Just know it yourself. Don't tell others that I went to Star Reaching City."

Not far away, Weier's pointed elf ears moved and she silently memorized the words "Star Picking City" in her heart.

The life span of a mortal is so short. Many times, before you get to know a person, he or she passes away.

Somehow, Wei'er suddenly came up with the idea of ​​going to Star Picking City.

Although she knew that it was impossible for elves and short-lived species to combine, she still wanted to learn more about Mr. Lu while he was still alive.

Many people and many things become regrets once they are missed.

Decades are just a blink of an eye for the elves.

But for mortals, decades are a long life.

She also wanted to get to know classmate Lu better, instead of saying goodbye forever.

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