Ten thousand times return, I am a mentor in the Novice Village

Chapter 453 This achievement is not easy to get

"Game starts!"

Xiao Wuye spoke, and the same voice sounded in the ears of the Condor Monarch, "Player binding! The scene is being constructed..."

The battlefield disappears.

What replaced it was a strange pixel space.

The Divine Eagle Monarch was not surprised by this. He had fought against so many opponents. Although the method of the human in front of him was weird, it was not worthy of his surprise.

"Welcome to my world."

"Player information confirmed."

"Game loaded!"

The mechanical sound sounded again.

The Condor Monarch looked at Xiao Wuye, who was constantly adding various buffs to himself, with a smile on his face.

"Human, you are very much in line with this monarch's taste."

The Divine Condor Monarch smiled and said: "What I don't like the most is to be disturbed during the battle. I admire your fighting style very much, but the look in your eyes...

Damn it! "

The Condor King is so proud.

The opponents he fights with, even the oldest monarchs, will go all out and look serious.

The human being in front of him had dull eyes.

Don't take him seriously at all.

Even the armor he wears is so childlike, so arrogant, and so disrespectful of the sacred battle!


Xiao Wuye did not explain.



He only cares about brushing off this achievement. At present, this achievement will be his most difficult achievement so far.


The Divine Eagle Monarch was angry and took the lead in launching an attack. He spread his wings and was so fast that even though he was fighting at home, Xiao Midnight still couldn't catch any traces of his opponent.

He can only rely on instinct to punch.


A fist with numerous buffs was blasted out.

The Condor Monarch suddenly changed its trajectory, and was surprised in his heart that this human being could rely on instant instinct to capture his position. This kind of fighting instinct was very strong.

"Then go faster."

Facing such an opponent, the Condor Monarch became more motivated to fight, and his speed increased again.


This time, Xiao Wuye punched in the same way, but did not hit his opponent. Instead, the sharp claws of the Divine Eagle Monarch made a huge gash in his chest.

The injury did not make Xiao Wuye relax at all.

His attention was still on the Condor Monarch.


Another confrontation.

The fist was empty again, and at the same time there was another cut on the chest, but it was much smaller than the previous wound.

The two sides fought in this way.

There are more and more wounds on Xiao Wuye's body, and each wound has the bleeding effect of the Condor Monarch's attack and cannot heal itself.

The Condor Monarch had the upper hand, but remained focused.

He could feel his opponent's punches getting faster and faster. This was due to the condensation of his fighting instincts and their continuous improvement in actual combat. Each time he struck, the damage he could cause was getting smaller and smaller.


After countless fights, the scarred Xiao Wuye finally hit the Divine Condor Monarch with one punch. With just one punch, the Divine Condor Monarch's wings were obviously broken.

"Rage Punch!"

This is one of Xiao Wuye's strongest moves.

His moves are simple.

There are four kinds of boxing techniques, each of which has been practiced to the extreme, so no matter what kind of battle, he looks very relaxed standing there.

Because he removed all the superfluous movements in his boxing, he only had one punch in his eyes.

No matter what kind of fight it is, one punch.

This is true when facing the weakest bronze-level monster, and it is also true when facing the strongest abyss monarch-level monster.

The four types of boxing are the most commonly used ordinary boxing.

This was followed by serious punches that gathered strength.

After that comes the angry punch just now. After being beaten repeatedly, he turns the pain given to him by his opponent into part of his strength, and then punches it out after accumulating it.

This is also the reason why just one punch could cause the Divine Eagle Monarch to suffer considerable trauma.

The last punch is the life and death punch, which is only used when encountering the life and death boss when breaking through levels. One punch can exhaust all his power.

As time went by, the Condor Monarch finally discovered something was wrong.

If he continues to fight like this, he will probably lose to this human being.

"Human, you deserve this monarch to use my strongest moves!"

The Divine Eagle Monarch no longer hid, and used his last resort. The feathers on his body began to change, from gold to white and almost colorless.

At the same time his body became lighter.

This is his strongest state, which he calls his 'speed mode'.


After the Divine Condor Monarch, who was already too fast to catch, turned on the speed mode, his speed increased again, and his aura became more invisible.

Xiao Wuye punched! Failed!

Punch again!

Failed again!

Even though his body was superimposed with countless layers of buffs in the pixel world, it was still difficult to withstand the high-density attacks from the Condor Monarch.

Bones can already be seen on his body.

The breath is also declining rapidly.

Correspondingly, the entire pixel world began to become unstable.

Xiao Wuye also realized that the Condor Monarch in the speed mode was completely superior to him. If he continued to fight in the ordinary way, he would definitely die.

"How do I unlock this achievement?"

Xiao Wuye thought.

Countless methods flashed through his mind, but only one method worked, and that was the last punch that he had practiced countless times but never used.

Life and death punch!

Only this punch can threaten the Divine Condor Lord.

"I only have one chance."

In the gaming world, this way of unlocking achievements should perhaps be called bugging.

With his current skills, this achievement can only be unlocked by bugging.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The Divine Condor Lord is getting faster and faster.

The pixel world is also becoming more and more chaotic.

The power in Xiao Wuye's body is constantly gathering. He is waiting for the moment when he feels the threat of life and death. That is also the moment when the power of the entire pixel world is the most chaotic.

At that moment, the pixel world will collapse.

Even if this is just a special space, the collapse phenomenon will still cause the disorder of time and space power, and that moment is the only chance to hit the Divine Condor Lord.

"Human, it's time to end it."

"Your power has been recognized by this monarch."

The voice of the Divine Condor Lord rang in Xiao Wuye's ears, and the attack with strong murderous intent came, and the attack was embedded in Xiao Wuye's flesh and blood in just an instant, quickly destroying his vitality.

At the same time, in the moment of life and death, Xiao Wuye's fist had already blasted out.

With the collapse of the pixel world, the space-time disordered for a moment, and the Divine Condor Lord was finally affected and hit by Xiao Midnight's punch.

The life and death punch that accumulated countless power was thrown.

The Divine Condor Lord was terrified, and the will of death eroded his mind in an instant.

His body was pierced and his soul was about to be broken.

This punch!

It was completely beyond his expectations!

It also made him see the indomitable spirit of the human race.

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