The world of pixel space completely collapsed.

Xiao Wuye and the Divine Eagle Monarch appeared on the battlefield at the same time.

The auras of both sides fell into an extremely depressed state.

Miao Tian and Sun Xiaokong, who were fighting on the battlefield below, also noticed this scene. They knew that the average strength of the Abyss Monarch was much higher than that of Blue Star.

But he still has some confidence in Xiao Wuye.

I was expecting Xiao Wuye to give them a surprise, but now I see that there is still a gap between the two sides.

The injuries on Xiao Wuye's body were obviously more serious than that of the Divine Eagle Monarch. At this time, the Divine Eagle Monarch still retained the ability to move on his own, but Xiao Wuye's body plummeted.


Miao Tian rushed over and picked up Xiao Wuye who fell.

The Divine Eagle Monarch did not pursue any further.

In his eyes, Xiao Wuye was already a dead person. Although this human had caused him a lot of trouble, after being hit by him so many times, this person was definitely dead.

"The injury can't be stopped!"

Miao Tian originally wanted to take his last breath for Xiao Wuye, but the bleeding injury caused by the Divine Condor Monarch could not be healed, and the life-devouring power remained attached to Xiao Wuye.

"Why don't you try the potion given by Third Senior Sister?" Sun Xiaokong suggested.

They are not good at treatment. Instead of watching Xiao Wuye die like this, it is better to try the methods left by the third senior sister.

Before the war started, Third Senior Sister equipped a set of potions for everyone in the division.

These include: speed increase, strength increase, mental increase, physical healing, mental healing, potential overdraft and more!

There are some that are not available on the market, but they are all in Third Senior Sister’s medicine box.

"Try it!"

Miao Tian had no choice but to take out the potion left by the third senior sister and use one potion each for mental healing and physical healing. Xiao Wuye reacted in just a moment.

The power that was constantly devouring Xiao Wuye's vitality was contained.

But it still cannot be eradicated.

The injury could only be temporarily stopped. If there was no follow-up treatment, Xiao Wuye would probably die. At this moment, the war situation was urgent and they did not have time to find a therapist.

What's more, this kind of injury can only be cured by a few people, including Third Senior Sister, Dean Pei, and Dr. Aurora.

"Good brother, hold on first."

"May the teacher bless you."

Miao Tian could only put Xiao Wuye down for the time being, because he could feel that the raging aura in the distance had risen again, and the Divine Eagle Monarch could recover much faster than Xiao Wuye.

Looking at the entire battlefield at this moment, he is the only one who can fight against the Divine Eagle Monarch.

If it were the Divine Eagle Monarch in his heyday, he might still be afraid, but at this moment, the Divine Eagle Monarch is not even half of what he was in his prime.

With the aid of Third Senior Sister's alchemy technology, the will of the World Tree, and the power of the violent plague, he should be able to fight against the Condor Monarch in this state.

"Fourth, I'll leave this to you."

Miao Tian untied the restraints on his arms, violent power instantly spread throughout his body, and the giant sword in his hand was also wrapped with blood.

The blood on the battlefield is automatically collected.

At the same time, the power of alchemical technology specifically targeted at the abyss was also attached to Miao Tian's muscles.

"Be careful."

Sun Xiaokong reminded him, he licked his lips and looked at the several great lords of the abyss. Although he was a little embarrassed just now after being beaten, he was getting more and more excited inside.

The huge special life field spreads to the entire battlefield.

With this increase in emotional power, the human soldiers' fighting enthusiasm became even higher.


Sun Xiaokong rushed out first.

Only through this kind of hearty battle, continuous battle, and listening to the shouts of the soldiers like a wave, can we feel the true meaning of our existence.

Only in battle can he complete true self-sublimation!

The top of the battlefield.

Laowu Miaotian, with full firepower, faced the injured Condor Monarch.

"Human beings are really interesting."

Looking at Miao Tian, ​​the Divine Eagle Lord expressed disdain. Although the power of the human in front of him was impressive, he could not gain his respect because it was not his own power.

Foreign power is shameful.

Only the power gained through self-cultivation is eternal.

"Use power that does not belong to you, and you will always achieve true victory." The Condor Monarch spoke condescendingly, and his figure turned into light and shadow and flashed past.


The sharp thorns scratched Miao Tian's body.

He didn't react at all.

The Divine Eagle Monarch did not launch a second attack, but stopped there and said sarcastically: "Strength that does not belong to you is indeed useless, you are not worthy of being my opponent.

At least that human can barely block my attack, but you have lost even the basic fighting instinct. "

The Condor Monarch seemed to have completely lost interest in fighting.

He turned into light and shadow again, preparing to completely terminate the human beings in front of him.


Another blow.

This time, his attack failed, and his wing was slashed by his opponent's giant sword.

"How come?"

"Suddenly improved so much?"

The Condor King was surprised.

The opponent obviously couldn't react to the first attack, but why not only did he react quickly to the second attack, but he even predicted it.


"There's something wrong with the blood!"

The Divine Eagle Monarch was shocked, he finally understood.

It was because he was contaminated with the opponent's blood when he attacked, and the opponent's blood had a strange power. That power even reminded him of the rules of the Supreme Abyss.

This kind of power can make him feel the same oppression as the rules of the Supreme Abyss.


This time, Miao Tian launched an active attack.

The violent plague has attached to the body of the Divine Condor Lord. Even if his naked eyes can't keep up with the speed of the Divine Condor Lord, his mental power can lock it firmly.

"So what if you can capture my attack?"

The Divine Condor Lord was furious. He was actually injured by a useless human who relied on the power of others. He couldn't accept this humiliation.

The shame at this moment was even stronger than the shame that Xiao Wuye almost beat him to death with one punch.

"Do you really think that this monarch is only good at speed?"

"With strength alone, this monarch can still crush you."

The Divine Condor Lord gave up speed. Anyway, he had been sensed by the opponent, so he might as well raise his strength and kill the opponent with the advantage of realm.

A new round of battle between the two sides began.

Behind Miao Tian, ​​the sword of blood and qi continued to condense. That was his strongest killing move. As long as it could be condensed, the sword of blood and qi was pulled out, which was enough to pose a fatal threat to the Divine Condor Lord.

The battlefield below.

Sun Xiaokong was covered in blood. He was used to the feeling of running through blood. Every drop of blood nourished his fighting spirit.

His performance also caused several great lords to go crazy.

Such people are most likely to be recognized by the Abyss.

Several great lords besieged him. At first, Sun Xiaokong couldn't beat them, but slowly he achieved a balance and became more and more courageous.

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