The disappearance of the gray film is bound to expose the Blue Star World to the entire chaotic universe.

But the Blue Star World today is no longer an era where people need to hide.

One punch is better than a hundred punches.

The second divine envoy, the ninth divine envoy, and the Lord of the Abyss finally entered. When they saw Xu Xuan sitting in the void, their eyes were full of solemnity.

Eighteen years have changed a lot.

They don’t know what happened, but the result is in front of them.

The person in front of them is no longer the same.

"You are finally here."

Xu Xuan smiled and looked at the second divine envoy, "Didn’t you always want to promote the integration of the three realms? Now I have helped you complete it, are you satisfied?"

The angel tears of the crying mask instantly turned into demon tears.

"You did win the first game, but our confrontation is far from over."

"At worst, I will refine these three realms together."

The demon mask let out a soul-shaking roar.

"Come and try it!"

Xu Xuan stood up, and the Tai Chi Tiandi Sword appeared in his hand.

One step forward.

The Taiji Emperor Sword broke through the void and slashed in front of the demon mask, but was blocked by the Thunder Tower. This thing seemed to absorb part of his power.

More accurately, it was transferred.

His power was transferred to an unknown place by the Thunder Tower and was borne by another life form.

He didn't care and continued to swing the sword.

In this star field, there is the support of the entire Blue Star World. The Eye of Weeping and the Maker can only be beaten. The Taiji Emperor Sword controls the world, and the terrifying power ripples in the star field.


The void collapsed.

Xu Xuan easily suppressed the three great gods, and the second god was even more cautious, and seemed not to want to fight Xu Xuan with all his strength.

After feeling Xu Xuan's strength, she already understood that they could no longer punish Xu Xuan by themselves, and they had to ask for more powerful help.

The result was set, and He didn't want to waste anything, so he left immediately.

The Thunder Tower appeared.

They wanted to leave through the Thunder Tower.

At this moment, the Thunder Tower suddenly shook, and forced the Second Envoy out of the Thunder Tower.


The Weeping Eye looked deeply at the Maker.

Xu Xuan also realized something.

He had discovered something unusual when he was fighting the mechanical life on Loran Star. The Maker and the Weeping Eye were not completely a community of interests.

The Ninth Envoy Maker must have other plans.

Is it finally going to break up?

Although he didn't know what the Ninth Envoy was going to do, the split of the two Envoys was only good for him.


Then, a section of the Thunder Tower fell off, and the Ninth Envoy used the power of the Thunder Tower to teleport away. The Second Envoy, who was tricked, did not panic.

The scepter in his hand burst out with a strong force, and it seemed that something in the distant chaotic world responded, and took her away.

At this moment, the Lord of the Abyss was stunned.

He obviously did not have the means of the first two, and the will of the abyss was forcibly erased by Xu Xuan, causing him to lose some of his power, and now he was no match for Xu Xuan.

Xu Xuan looked at the Lord of the Abyss.

Although this guy called himself the Lord of the Abyss, he was not a real Lord, and he was also one of the messengers of God.

"It's over."

Xu Xuan didn't waste any words, and slashed down with the Taiji Tiandi Sword in his hand, and the sky and the void were imprisoned, leaving the God of the Abyss with no escape.

The latter could only resist with difficulty.

"I am not willing!"

He had entered the game early, and even controlled a big world left by that person. He had the qualifications to peek into the final secret, but ended up like this.

To be kicked out for the first time.

So what if he got the power of the fallen supreme god.

He knew very well that if he didn't go to that step, he would eventually become an ant under the rules of the chaotic universe, which was why they pursued that step.

The stronger they were, the more they longed for freedom.

Xu Xuan didn't waste any words, and destroyed the godhood of the Lord of the Abyss with one sword.

When the godhead of the Abyss God was shattered, the Chaos Void actually made a sound. Something in the distant Chaos World wanted to seize the original power of the God of the Void after his death.

At the same time, the Taiji Tiandi Sword was also trembling.

It seemed to be eager to absorb the original power left by the Abyss God.

Or it was unwilling to let it be taken away by the will of the Chaos World.

Now Xu Xuan also knew the origin of the God's Messenger. The so-called God's Messenger is the original power left by the Supreme God of the Chaos Universe after the fall of the Chaos Universe.

Then choose the right successor.

The life that inherits these powers is the God's Messenger.

Although they are called God's Messengers, they are completely unaffected by the fallen Supreme Gods, and those fallen Supreme Gods have completely dissipated.

The God's Messenger will even be stronger than the previous Supreme God.

These memories were obtained by Xu Xuan in the Taiji Tiandi Sword, and Xu Xuan roughly understood them.

If the rules of the chaotic universe take back the source power of the God of the Abyss, I am afraid that this battle will never stop. The only way is to destroy it or absorb it.

"Bring it!"

Another weapon appeared in Xu Xuan's hand.

It was Xiaoli's hammer of creation.

He suddenly swung the hammer and blocked the will of the chaotic universe from afar. This place is not affected by the will of the chaotic universe.

At the same time, the Taiji Tiandi Sword directly cut the fleeing source power.

Buzz! !

The moment the two came into contact, a huge buzzing sound spread.

Xu Xuan was surprised to find that he could not destroy this group of origin power, but he also knew that he could not let this group of origin power go back.

Otherwise, the disaster would repeat itself.

He could feel that in this group of origin power, there was a strong will of the chaotic world. Only by erasing the will of the chaotic world could this group of origin be absorbed.

"Do you want to forcibly offset it?"

Xu Xuan naturally had a way. If he used his own origin power as a price, he could destroy this group of origin, but that was undoubtedly a bad idea.

Doing so would likely bring worse and more serious consequences.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded again.

Suddenly, a force rushed into his body, and his strength suddenly increased by a large margin.

"Ding, your disciple Zhang Mu has transformed into a god-level life."

"Congratulations on triggering the ten thousand times critical return, you have obtained the 'Big Chaos Millstone (semi-finished product)'."

[Big Chaos Millstone: Chaos Void is endless, and the Big Chaos Millstone is a product of the endless void, which can erase any will. 】

【Note: Every time the Great Chaos Millstone is activated, the support of ‘Free God’ is required. 】

The sudden system reward is undoubtedly a good sign.

In fact, Xu Xuan also had a little guess about the origin of the system. Perhaps the system exists to complete what that person failed to complete.

Of course, it also helps him complete what he wanted to do but did not do.

"Free God?"

He already understood what it meant, and looked down in the direction of Zhang Mu.

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