"Zhang Mu, come quickly!"

Xu Xuan's voice rang in his ears. Zhang Mu, who had just broken through, was stunned and looked at the sky. In fact, he himself was a little confused about this breakthrough.

But still with the help of a reckless energy, he broke through the barrier of the divine realm.

At this time, it’s not about talent.

But the courage to break the rules.

As the senior brother, Zhang Mu achieved this step.


Feeling the call, Zhang Mu immediately rushed towards the star field. With his current strength, he could easily feel the master's position.

Soon he saw the master suspended in the void of the star field, seeming to be suppressing something.

He immediately flew over.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"What is this?"

Zhang Mu always felt that the things his master suppressed were a bit familiar, very similar to the origin of the abyss world.

"So this is the will of God of freedom?"

Xu Xuan felt the divine power in Zhang Mu's body, which was obviously different from those divine envoys. Although Zhang Mu's divine power also operated under the rules, it was not bound by the cumbersome rules.

"Master, I will give you another blessing."

Xu Xuan smiled, grabbed Zhang Mu with one hand, and blasted the Supreme Origin that wanted to escape with the other hand, driving the free spirit to cooperate with the great millstone of chaos, and forcibly completely erased the will of the Supreme Origin.

At the same time, the pure and supreme original power was sent into Zhang Mu's body.

Zhang Mu did not resist during the whole process and always maintained his master's trust. Feeling the supreme source power entering his body, he immediately concentrated on refining.

His aura became more and more powerful, and his appearance also completed another transformation.

The abyssal features gradually disappeared, replaced by a completely human appearance, only much more handsome and majestic than before.

From this moment on, there is no more abyss, no more god of the abyss.

Zhang Mu is his own master.

As long as he can digest this power, Zhang Mu's achievements will not be weaker than the Lord God of the Abyss, or even become stronger, because he has a higher upper limit.

"Free Providence."

"I see."

Xu Xuan finally understood who the ultimate enemy was.

I'm afraid this is the collision between freedom and rules. They don't want to be bound by the rules, so they try every means to break through and reach a higher level.

Even if there may be more powerful rules outside the rules.

It seems that the disciples' breakthrough is also a crucial step.

With Zhang Mu's breakthrough, both layers of gray film have been absorbed by the Blue Star World, and the entire Blue Star World has been completely exposed to the star field.

Xu Xuan also sensed the distant chaotic world.

That world had a red moon and a purple sun, very similar to the small world that had merged with him.

He did not take the initiative to go to the chaotic world, but took a step across, came to a hidden star field, and punched through the void.


The void collapsed and gray stars appeared.

This also contains the power left by the great being who laid out Blue Star. This is also the last piece of the puzzle of the Blue Star world.

"Stupid Penguin!"


Xu Xuan grabbed the sleeping penguin and forced it to complete the boot mode.

Under his control, the final fusion begins.

Gray stars do not have a complete world will, and only some life seeds remain, so it is not too difficult to integrate them into the blue star world.

I don’t know how much time passed.

The fourth life world is completely integrated into the blue star world.

Of course, the integration of the world is not as simple as it seems. What is difficult is the integration of life in the four worlds. Today's Blue Star World still has obvious plate divisions.


After some time, Zhang Mu also completely absorbed the ball of supreme origin.

The power in his body became extremely powerful.

Xu Xuan also received feedback at the same time.

But he could feel that this was already the limit of feedback, the system was starting to falter, and now he finally had a glimpse of the upper limit of the system.

"Master, I seem to have made a breakthrough again."

Zhang Mu felt the power in his body. He felt that it was not a big problem for him to blow up a small world with one punch.

Xu Xuan took Zhang Mu to the sky above the abyss plate.

The preliminary integration of the Blue Star World has been completed, but there are still many loopholes. Some external forces are needed to maintain operation, and Zhang Mu, known as the 'Demon Lord', is obviously suitable.

"This area will be left to you for now."

Of course, the so-called maintenance of operations is not a constraint.

Just keep the world stable.

Xu Xuan also knew that with their current power, it would be easy to rule the entire Blue Star World, but that would be meaningless.

The great being in the past did not hesitate to ‘die away’ in exchange for everything he has now.

He and his disciples were all beneficiaries of the great existence's layout, or were descendants who accepted the inheritance of will.

Growing up eating this bowl of rice, you can't overturn the table with your backhand.

Divinity? human nature?

That great being had so many arrangements, but in the end he enjoyed nothing, but he left with relief, because he had broken the so-called 'divine' nature.

After receiving the master's order, Zhang Mu entered the center of the 'Purple Plate'. He felt that his body was establishing a certain connection with this area.


Xu Xuan also felt it.

After the supreme origin in Zhang Mu's body reacted with the purple plate, they both weakened at first, and then strengthened at the same time, seeming to be absorbing the 'nutrients' of the endless void.

The Blue Star World has grown a little bit because of this.

Xu Xuan landed and came to the vicinity of Dinghai King City and found Moira.

"Huh? Xu Xuan, why are you here?"

Xu Xuan's sudden visit surprised Moira. She has also been looking for an opportunity to break through the God Realm recently, but she has been searching hard and has found nothing.

"Are you going to live in Dinghai King City forever?" Xu Xuan asked.

"What do you mean?"

Moira was stunned, "Drive us away? You shouldn't be that kind of person, right?"

She was not sure.

After all, Xu Xuan is now above her, and even the life level is not at the same level. It is not impossible for his way of thinking and personality to change drastically.

"You misunderstood."

Xu Xuan smiled and said, "What I mean is that the Blue Star World has enough opportunities now. If you elves want to restore your prosperity, you are destined to return to the soil that belongs to you.

And now the Loran Plate needs a god-level life to maintain operation, and you are very suitable."

Moira suddenly realized.

Indeed, the Blue Star Plate is indeed the home of the human race. If the elves want to develop greatly, restore the peak or even surpass the peak, leaving is essential.

But she is not a god-level life yet, how can she maintain the operation of the Loran Plate?

Xu Xuan seemed to see through her thoughts and continued: "In order to thank the elves for their help to our human race and your hard work.

I will give you a chance to become a god."

After that, Xu Xuan took a step forward and brought Moira to the origin under the Loran Plate.

Here, with Moira's accumulation, she will definitely be able to break through.

And Moira has also sensed it, looking at Xu Xuan gratefully, and said, "Thank you."

Xu Xuan smiled, "This is what you deserve. I also thank you for your efforts on behalf of the human race. The residence of Dinghai King City is still reserved for you.

Welcome back!"

After that, Xu Xuan left.

He saw a figure stepping out of the void outside the star field.

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