[Kill the nightmare difficulty level Miyamoto Musashi and obtain the "Two-Day First-Class Complete Form" skill Light Orb. Li

Ang did not expect that there were additional rewards for defeating or killing these opponents, and it was also a skill light ball, which meant that if it was not used, it could be transferred to others.

However, the second heavenly first-class is still a good thing for Li Ang, and so far his knife skills have only been explored by himself.

And Li Ang killed Miyamoto Musashi, which he planned from the beginning.

To say that among these ten people, the most tricky Li Ang believes that it is not Yujiro or Pico, but this bottomless ancient person.

Everyone else, even if they are as arrogant as Yujiro, has a degree based on their own pride, so that they don't do things too much.

This is even more evident in the later Yujiro, for whom strong enemies can be defeated.

But Miyamoto Musashi... This is an old sixth, he can kill the other party in order to win, and he is the kind that kills without blinking.

So from the time everyone arrived at the laboratory, Leon specially arranged for Hank to confiscate Miyamoto Musashi's knife.

After everyone has been strengthened, the game officially begins, and while they are both intoxicated by their powers, Yujiro also clashes with Wu Lei-an.

This was the best opportunity to sneak attack, and in order not to be captured by Musashi, Li Ang did not regard him as an opponent throughout the process, let alone release a trace of killing intent on him.

In addition, Li Ang also used his full strength in an instant to ensure that he achieved the effect of one-hit kill.

Li Ang threw Miyamoto Musashi's head to the ground and stomped on it, then took out the Yan Demon Knife and inserted it into Musashi's body, and he scanned everyone with a smile on his face.

"Is a 20x increase like that? But so..." Everyone

looked at Li Ang in surprise, as if they had not yet come out of the fact that Musashi had been killed.

For them, Musashi, who holds two knives, is in the same rank as Yujiro, even if he is empty-handed, he is at least a master of the level of blade teeth.

Tokugawa looked at Musashi's corpse and muttered, "Miya... Miyamoto Musashi! You can actually kill the enhanced Martial God?!

Li Ang smiled and said, "If you can also be called a martial god in this way, then can I be defined as a war god in your culture?" To

say that the only regret in Tokugawa's heart was that it all happened so quickly that he didn't have time to see the battle process and it was over.

As for Musashi's death... If he wants to, he can still do the same and resurrect him again.

It is precisely because Li Ang knows Tokugawa's method that he wants to do business with Tokugawa, and whoever unfortunately dies in battle in the future can come here to revive it.

After seeing Li Ang's terrifying speed, Blade Tooth narrowed his eyes slightly, and stepped forward with a serious expression: "You are very strong, can you try it with me next?"

Li Ang waved his hand and said, "Forget it today, you obviously didn't meet my expectations, so I decided to wait until you all got used to it before fighting you."

When Tokugawa heard this, he also said on the side: "That's right! Now let's get used to it! Let's fight a decisive battle in a few days!

Yujiro, who had already lost interest in Leon, looked forward to it again after seeing him kill Musashi in a second.

He hugged his hands and smiled: "You have exceeded my imagination, now you are like a main course to me, I will save it for the end to enjoy you, as for the others... Without the strength to adapt to itself, I am not interested in you.

In this way, under Tokugawa's strong pleading, everyone left.

After everyone left, Li Ang put on the headset and said to the communicator: "Send me Pico's location..." When Li Ang

rushed over just now, he had quietly left a nano-liquid metal locator on everyone.

All he has to do now is defeat these strong enemies one by one.

He never considered himself a warrior, and he, like Miyamoto Musashi, was able to do whatever it took to win.

This enhancement is bound to take time for everyone to get used to, and now is the golden time to kill them.

Pico, he is a beast to Leon, Liang is not completely sure to defeat him head-on, and the reason why he is preferred is because he intends to kill Pico and collect his body.

Since Yujiro's cells can be used to make BOW, what monsters can be created with Pico's clone?

It can be said that Pico is a mobile vault for the biochemical world!

The reason why no one has come to the door now is because Tokugawa has spent a lot of money to block the news.

After Pico was sent back to the sewer by the blade, he stayed alone in it.

After a while, Pico seemed to have a premonition that something terrifying was slowly approaching.

This sense of oppression is even more terrifying than the hungry Tyrannosaurus rex, like a giant demon that he accidentally fell into the sea 200 million years ago and then accidentally encountered.

Obviously, Li Ang did not have this sixth sense, and even if he carefully lurked in, he was still detected by Pico.

However, Pico did not choose to run away like 200 million years ago, he became stronger... This time he is going to kill the demon who wants to hunt himself!

Li Ang controls the heart rate and even body temperature, almost completely integrated with his surroundings.

Even in order to suppress the smell, he deliberately endured strong discomfort and walked for a while in the sewage of the sewers.

But he didn't expect that at the corner of the sewers, Pico, who was 2.75 meters tall, had already put on a fighting posture and crawled on the ground to stare at him.

"... I knew I wouldn't go into the sewage!

As soon as the words fell, Pico slammed his limbs to the ground, and in the moment of power, his ten fingers firmly grasped the concrete floor, and his feet slammed out of two pits on the ground.

At this moment, Pico's body broke through the speed of sound, and the sonic boom shook Liang's eardrum.

Almost at the same time as the sonic boom sounded, Pico had already come to Li Ang, mobilized the muscles of his whole body and smashed out.

Li Ang dodged the punch with a subconscious instinctive reaction, but the sewer wall behind him was smashed out of a huge hole by Pico.

Li Ang's eyes widened, and cold sweat unconsciously flowed down his forehead.

This speed and power are very powerful, although it is not as fast as the explosion of his own thunder breath, but the power is undoubtedly beyond himself.

After the first move failed, Pico swept across with another swing of his arm.

At this moment, Li Ang no longer suppressed the magic power in his body, and instantly changed into a white-haired form, and then raised his arm to block this violent blow.

(Should... Can it be blocked?

The next moment, Li Ang flew out like a cannonball towards the passage of another sewer pipe.

Before he could hit the wall, Pico caught up with him at a very fast speed like a cheetah, and smashed his fist towards Li Ang again.


After a huge muffled sound, Li Ang's body smashed down, splashing out almost the entire sewage of the sewers.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes rolled faintly.

He felt that the damage caused by this punch far exceeded Alexia's use of tentacles to put himself in the chest.

This is also the heaviest force Li Ang has felt so far!

However, this was only the first blow, Li Ang's body technique opened the sewage, smashed the river at the bottom of the sewer and then bounced up.

Pico instantly grabbed Li Ang's ankle and slammed Li Ang against the wall on the side again.

(Hit... Can't beat it! There is no ability to fight back at all!

At this time, even if Leon has the template of Batman, he can't find any chance to fight back.

Because the methods he can come up with are based on the use of props and weapons.

Want to fight back with your bare hands? Unless a demon form is opened, even if Li Ang opens his gray hair, he will not be able to resist this monster that has been enhanced by 20 times.

The original Pico had the power to fight against various dinosaurs even under normal conditions, but after strengthening, and still in berserk mode, Pico's power has become even more terrifying.

However, in the Blade Tooth worldview, the actual power to fight out is far stronger than the core power, and when it breaks out instantly, it may be able to reach several times or even dozens of times its own limit power.

Usually they are calculated using "speed * weight * grip strength = destructive power".

Based on Pico's physical fitness, he may even have thousands of tons of destructive power with one blow.

Li Ang felt that such a monster could not cause effective damage even to ordinary thermal weapons.

The empty tip of the white ivory is estimated to have exploded when it reaches his skin, can the ebony armor-piercing bullet penetrate his skin?

All Leon thinks about now is related to weapons... He never imagined that there would be a day when he would have to fight to the death with his bare hands.

Right now... He was beaten madly by Pico in the wall, and the wall was full of dirt, and at this time Pico abruptly beat Li Ang into a depth of more than ten meters, as if a separate tunnel was opened inside.

I don't know if Pico was tired, and when he punched Li Ang's entire face and blurred the flesh and blood, he slowly withdrew his hand.

All the bones in Li Ang's body have been broken, and Pico can no longer feel any signs of life in Li Ang, since this is the case... Then it's time to eat.

Pico dragged Leon out by his feet and walked in the sewers.

But Leon was not dead, he opened one eye and looked weakly at the light in the dim sewers.

At this time, a purple fire appeared, and the time of the entire world seemed to stop.

The profiteer slowly walked up to Li Ang and said, "Brother, you look terrible.

Li Ang said with all his strength: "Give me... Exchange..."

"What did you say?" Exchange? Now it's battle time, feel your power, brother, the demon blood taken from me is not just to make it durable. After

that, the profiteer disappeared in an instant, and time resumed.

After taking Li Ang to his lair, Pico lifted Li Ang's right arm, and then opened his big mouth and bit it down instantly....

This right arm, which can beat the tyrant into meat with one punch, disappears in an instant in front of Pico's primordial teeth.

That is, when he took this bite, he only felt the endless deliciousness....

This is a delicacy that no prehistoric creature can match, and Pico burst into tears instantly.

Just as he was reveling in this peerless delicacy, a voice suddenly came from beside him: "Know what? Everyone who wanted to eat me was eventually broken by me. The

moment Pico turned around, a huge black right arm punched it in the face.

Immediately afterwards, Pico was pinned to the ground by this black arm.

This arm is not Li Ang's real arm, but the magic power that overflows from his body is condensed.

Pico's fat beating just now seemed to have opened up his second vein of Rendu.

Each punch caused Li Ang's magic to overflow continuously, which made Li Ang feel like he was about to explode, and after Pico ate his arm.

These magic powers seemed to suddenly vent out, and all the injuries on his body were healed under the influence of the magic power, and the cathartic magic power converged into a black ghost arm.

This is a partial ghost humanization....

Li Ang slowly stood up, all the injuries on his body did not know when they were healed, but his right arm was still empty.

Instead... The huge black arm on the right shoulder.

At the moment when Pico was about to crawl in, the huge black right arm became larger again, and he slapped it down, smashing Pico's body into the ground.

Li Ang raised the remaining right arm and looked: "Shh... Your teeth are harder than diamonds, right? In other words, can this be restored? The

next moment, the huge black right on the shoulder continued to shrink, turned into a normal-sized arm, and instantly received Li Ang's broken arm.

Through that translucent black energy, he could see that flesh and blood quickly grew out of Li Ang's broken arm, completely fusing with this arm composed of pure energy.

And this ghostly arm has also become materialized at this moment.

In the end, Leon's right arm completely changed into the same arm as Nero's demonic right bowl.

It's just that the light emitted from it is dark red, and the surrounding keratinized skin is black.

Li Ang's demon right wrist kept clenching and stretching out his right, and he felt that the nerves in his arm had completely recovered.

Li Ang showed a confident smile and said, "Come on, the second round begins." "

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