Pico braced himself on all fours on the ground and was about to get up.

Li Ang stood two meters in front of him and raised his right arm out of thin air, and Pico was immediately lifted up by a huge red and black magic arm, and then with Li Ang's action of pulling down through the air, he was smashed heavily to the ground.

Li Ang looked at his right arm with satisfaction and said, "Very good, it feels great!" Didn't you beat up very cool just now?

Li Ang stretched out his right arm, and the black phantom arm extended out for several meters, grabbed Pico's ankles, and instantly pulled it into Li Ang's real hand.

He gripped Pico's ankles tightly and slammed between the ground and the wall, in a scene more ferocious than Loki and Thor being smashed by the Hulk.

Li Ang could feel that the strength of his right arm was at least ten times more than the overall core strength in the gray-haired state, almost thousands of tons of arm strength, and if he cooperated with the mobilization of his body, he could even hit tens of thousands of tons of damage.

So even a powerful monster like Pico is weak like a child in front of this right arm.

But suddenly gaining such a great power, even Li Ang is difficult to make subtle control, it seems that he can only use his left hand to secretly reward himself in the future.

If you continue to use your hands as before, you may not break them one day.

At this time, the movement of the entire sewer directly shook the building above.

Even if this is on the outskirts of Tokyo, nearby houses begin to shake, but this is a common movement in Japan and does not attract the attention of local residents.

In the end, Pico was also beaten to death by Li Ang against the wall.

But Li Ang killed him with only five punches, and the remaining punches were all venting his anger.

【Ding! Kill the primitive human Pico on the difficulty of the nightmare, and reward each of the ten ancient creature gene samples with an additional one.

Leon watched as Pico's body crawled out of the small waterway, and the people of the Grim Reaper squad were already waiting on the side of the road in a van.

After throwing Pico's body into the car, Leon sat directly in the passenger seat.

Hank turned to glance at Leon's arm, intending to ask some questions, but eventually suppressed his curiosity.

Seeing Hank's expression of wanting to speak, Leon took the initiative to ask, "Is it terrifying?"

"Not sir! I just think... It's pretty cool.

Li Ang was still constantly looking at his right arm and said, "I also think..."

Li Ang glanced at his still white-haired appearance in the rearview mirror, and then controlled his body in the old way, pressing back the magic power that kept gushing out.

When he changed back to the black hair state, the light on the demon's right wrist gradually dimmed, and the black horn on it began to quickly weathering and peeling off, turning back to a normal arm.

"Interesting, you can change back..." It

stands to reason that the gray-haired state is Li Ang's norm, but when he first gained this power, he felt that the energy was constantly overflowing, and he felt a bit wasted.

So he forcibly sealed the magic power in his body, and after a long time, these magic forces gradually changed qualitatively, and after losing control in a near-death state, the characteristics of demon blood were reflected.

Hank asked, "Sir, who is the next target?"

"Who is closest to us now?"

Hank glanced at the location and said, "Jack, Jack Vanma, are you going to find him?" "

Well, give me the location, I'll go alone, you transport the body back to the base and keep it, Tokugawa if they want to see it, let them see it."

Regarding the fact that he beat Pico to death, Li Ang did not want to hide it, he just wanted to let these people know that a person who once made them fearful was still dead in his hands after being strengthened 20 times.

After Li Ang got off the bus halfway, he kept thinking about his fight with Pico.

If you want to cut your teeth or Yujiro at that time, can you beat Pico with skill?

Now the fighting technology in the Batman template has begun to lag behind, because the martial arts worldview intervenes, so that the "martial arts" thing gradually becomes abstract, and even begins to develop into fantasy.

But so far, no matter how strong these people are, they are just a group of martial arts practitioners who have played potions, and they can't compare with themselves who cultivate demons and play potions.

Walking in the alley, Li Ang said to himself: "Profiteers, find a place to hide, I'm coming to you."

As soon as the words fell, Li Ang saw the purple light around the corner.

"Trouble solved?"

Li Ang walked up to the merchant and said, "Help me wash my body." "

100 points..." "

I... Good! Seeing

that the profiteers took advantage of the fire and robbery, Li Ang once again resisted the urge to beat him violently, and if he won the fight, he really wanted to go straight to work.

After gritting his teeth and paying 100 points, the merchant snapped his fingers to help Li Ang deal with the stains on his appearance in an instant, and repaired the damaged clothes together.

The merchant smiled and said, "Got it right, brother, coming to me this time is not just to let me help you bathe."

Li Ang looked at the movement of the merchant snapping his fingers and asked, "I wanted to ask you before, why do you have to snap your fingers to perform magic?" Could it be that your real identity is Thanos? The

merchant rolled up his sleeves and saw that he was carrying a large gold bracelet on his wrist with six gems of different colors.

"Sometimes I don't just use the power of the system, I can do less complex production work myself, so that I can be more profitable."

After seeing these six gems, Li Ang's temper that came up just now also completely disappeared.

He then took out three colored tokens and placed them on the table, each with a question mark engraved on it.

"What type of prize can be drawn for this limited token?"

With a wave of the merchant's hand, the question mark immediately disappeared, and he explained: "The things you experienced are related to martial arts, naturally you can only exchange things related to martial arts, as for quality... The highest can be to the legend.

Li Ang touched his chin and asked, "Martial Dao? Does this have legendary quality? Doesn't that give a perfect ease? "

Martial arts is not just about moves and skills, brother, it's that sentence... Look at your luck, if you're lucky, you can also get a template for a certain martial artist.

"If you draw an alien monkey template surnamed Sun, this world will not be a threat to you for ten or even twenty years."

Hearing this, Li Ang immediately asked, "The surname Sun... The one whose hair changes color? Are you hinting that I have a good chance of smoking? So what are you waiting for? There is a limit to the devil's ability, I don't do the devil profiteer! Li

Ang immediately threw three limited tokens into the lottery machine and selected the level: Legendary.

I saw a ball with a dazzling red light rolling out, and upon closer inspection, there were some colorful patterns on it.

"Oh~ not very lucky, brother, it's the quality of legendary mixed diamonds."

Li Ang picked up the ball and asked, "Can this quality open up the Kakalot's template?"

"You think too much, dude..." "

Is it possible to be at ease?"

"Yes, yes, yes... But you have to at least reach the strength of the blue-haired monkey to get the effect you want.

Looking at Li Ang's lost look, the merchant patted him on the shoulder and smiled: "Don't be discouraged brother, although the monkey is not dramatic, the template of the turtle immortal is still possible."

"That old man can't even dance the air, forget it... Let's talk about it.

Li Ang slowly opened the sphere, and a ball of light of mixed colors floated inside.

The merchant explained on the side: "Congratulations brother, it seems that it is as you wish, this is the skill you want!"

"Is it?!"

"It's from the Dragon Ball series, called 'Freedom to Change'."

"Change? What changed?

The businessman said to Li Ang: "The self-conscious skill you know requires extremely powerful basic skills to be brought into play, and once this move is used, the actual combat ability can be qualitatively changed."

"But maintaining this move also requires a lot of qi, obviously you don't have this energy system, but now you have reduced the requirements for users to use it, or broadened the methods of use."

Li Ang asked, "Can I replace qi with the consumption of mana?"

"It can be understood that you should know that this move is divided into 'trillion' and 'complete' stages."

"Once you absorb this move, you can always maintain the state of 'trillion', the actual effect is related to your own various physical and psychological states, but in order to further improve and achieve the perfect state, you have to consume mana to maintain."

Li Ang frowned slightly, touched his chin and said slowly: "When I fought with Pico, my body reacted on its own as soon as I met, and I am now very close to reaching the state of 'transparent world'.

"If the Freedom Effort doesn't give me an increase in strength, the effect may only be about the same as seeing through the world."

The merchant smiled and said: "Strength is not just on the surface, aside from the data you see with your eyes and the speculation of your brain, even an ordinary person can mobilize 100% of his body coordination and exert all his strength, and he can have tons of destructive power with one blow."

"That's where this Freedom Skill is really powerful, it gives you 100% control over your body!" It's like a treasure trove waiting to be discovered.

"All in all, this move can reach the quality of a half-step legend, and naturally there is a reason for it."

Li Ang directly crushed the ball of light, the light merged into himself, and he quietly closed his eyes to feel the changes in his whole body.

At this time, he was unusually calm in both his physical and psychological states.

In an instant, Li Ang suddenly opened his eyes, and saw that Li Ang's eyes turned silver, and his hair was also wrapped in a layer of silver highlights.

Li Ang looked at Shang Ren calmly: "Help me test it, you shoot me and try." The

merchant unceremoniously took out a submachine gun from a pile of goods, turned it to fully automatic and emptied the magazine instantly.

And Li Ang... He could see the trajectory of each bullet very clearly, and with just one thought, his body reacted on its own, instantly avoiding all the bullets at a very fast speed.

The merchant immediately asked, "How about strangers?" "

Speed... My control of speed is easier, and the speed that I might normally need to use Thunder Breath to achieve is now easily achieved.

After speaking, Li Ang's belief moved, and he took the initiative to relieve the Freedom Extreme Gong, and he felt the condition of the body and said: "The exercise under this extreme movement will increase the burden on the body, although the Freedom Extreme Gong can adjust and relieve some of the pressure."

"But it is also not completely avoidable the burden that extreme sports conditions bring to the body."

Shang Ren: "Brother, you are all demons, do you still care about this burden?"

Ignoring the merchant, Li Ang walked to a wall, and then in an instant used the freedom to complete the form.

Since the gap was very short, Jean Liang's appearance had already closed without even changing.

In this short 0.001 seconds, Li Ang perfectly controlled his body to exert force, and he raised his left hand and knocked on the wall.

Then the entire wall seemed to have been blown up by a cannonball, and a huge hole was punched by this blow.

Li Ang secretly sighed: (Is this the effect of perfectly mobilizing the body?) This power can be achieved with a single stroke.

Not only that, but Li Ang also felt that the mana control in his body was also easier, if he used mana to fight others, he could accurately mobilize the mana needed to defeat the opponent, without wasting a trace of excess energy.

Every time Leon enters this state of "epiphany", the businessman feels that he has lost money.

I saw Li Ang close his eyes and do a simulation in his brain, and he found that the Freedom Extreme Skill and the knife technique, gun fighting technique, arc bullet can be combined, and even the Thunder Breathing Method does not complement this exercise.

"This is a qualitative change..."

In four words, Li Ang summarized his current state, he felt that even if his current attributes did not become stronger, he could at least fight his previous self, especially in hand-to-hand combat and cold weapons.

On the whole, he feels that his current self is no less than Virgil in the state of the Majin, the real Majin... It's hard to say, after all, these are all his estimates.

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