"Then you're good to go. Tong Zheng said disdainfully.

With 3,180 years of skill, the three clusters of Yang Fire burning on his shoulders and above his head were burning, and the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand flashed with demonic light.

"More than three thousand years of skill, you are an earth master, how is it possible!" Seeing this, the ghost mother god was completely shocked by the power that Tong Zheng burst out.

More than three thousand years of skill, it is in the powerful Yin-Yang Master family of the island country, and it is also the existence of the family master.

Even if he is not the head of the family, he is also the elder of the clan, and his status is extremely exalted.

She couldn't have imagined that the person waiting for her here tonight would be a ground master.


When Tong Zheng killed the red-clothed ghost in the Shen Po's residence, her master was not present, and he did not know Tong Zheng's strength.

And the master can use the technique of communication to talk to Tong Zheng because the snake demon god senses that his cub has been killed.

The master determined Tong Zheng's position through the sensing of the snake demon god, but Tong Zheng's strength was not clear to the owner.

And now, most of the ghosts she controls remain on the master's side to help the master implement the plan.

She only brought four red-clothed ghosts who had been practicing for eight hundred years and a dozen powerful ghosts who had been practicing in three or four hundred years.

I didn't expect to meet the big guy!

After feeling it carefully.

She found that although Tong Zheng had more than three thousand years of cultivation, he was not yet an earth master, not an earth master, and if he did not gain the recognition of heaven and earth, his strength would be greatly reduced.

She may still have a chance to escape.

Right at this moment.

The three talents of the Daoist also burst out with cultivation fluctuations, and more than four thousand years of skill bloomed.

At the same time, cast magic techniques, communicate the power of heaven and earth, form a formation enchantment that is not big or small, shrouding all ghosts and trapping them.

The reason why the earth master is strong.

It was because they were not only highly skilled in cultivation, but because they had obtained the recognition of heaven and earth and achieved the land immortal fruit position.

Just like the gods walking in the world, they can communicate the power of heaven and earth, form enchantments, and control ghosts.

Just now, the ghost mother god fantasized that she could escape, because she felt that Tong Zheng had not broken through to the realm of the earth master, and there was no way to cast the enchantment to trap her.

Now seeing the three talented Daoists beside Tong Zheng, they directly burst out more than four thousand years of cultivation, and at the same time cast an enchantment, shrouding them.

She knew.

She couldn't figure out who the master had sent her to deal with this time!

There were earth masters who had cultivated for more than 4,000 years, and earth masters who had cultivated for more than 4,000 years were also very top-notch existences among earth masters.

Why did the master still send her to die!

However, Tong Zheng and the three talents would not explain so much to her.

Tong Zheng looked at the red-clothed ghost in front of him, covered in black resentment, and killed him.

Tong Zheng's Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan knife was raised, and it was directly slashed out, slashing at this red-clothed ghost.

The blood-red sword light slashed horizontally, and the speed was extremely fast.

Chopped on the body of the red-clothed ghost, the terrifying power of the demon directly cut the red-clothed ghost to pieces, never surpassing life.

These red-clothed ghosts are all controlled by the ghost mother-style gods, and they have no thoughts, just like puppets, and will only follow orders.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with eight hundred years of Daoism, gain 8,000 energy points, 80 merit points]

In Tong Zheng's mind, a prompt sounded.

At the same time ahead.

As well as on the left and right, the other three red-clothed ghosts also slaughtered Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, the Bagua Dao Technique was cast, and the knife came out horizontally, and the Zhen Demon Dao Light with the power of Bagua slashed at the next red-clothed ghost who rushed on the opposite side.

The sword light tore directly from him, causing him to scatter his soul and destroy his spirits.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with eight hundred years of Daoism, gain 8,000 energy points, 80 merit points]

Another prompt sounded.

Listen to the tones in your head.

Tong Zheng calculated.

One red-clothed ghost can bring him eight thousand energy points, and four is thirty thousand, which can upgrade him to one level.

Moreover, it can bring more than three hundred merit points, and it is almost reached from the three thousand merit point mark.

Looking at the remaining two red-clothed ghosts, Tong Zheng was excited, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and with a leap, he came directly to the front of the two red-clothed ghosts.

Today, no one can stop him from descending demons and removing demons, and for the Tianxing Dao! The

Bagua Dao Technique was unleashed, and he suddenly slashed out horizontally.


power of gossip blocked the eight directions, and the light of the Zhen Demon Knife roared, directly cutting the two red-clothed ghosts to death, never surpassing life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with eight hundred years of Dao, get 8,000 energy points, 80 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with 800 years of Dao, get 8,000 energy points, 80 merit points

] [Ding, congratulations to the host level increased to level 67]

Two more prompts sounded.

Now, only the mother ghost-style god who had been in chaos and the dozen powerful ghosts around her remained.

Looking at Tong Zheng who came step by step.

The mother ghost-style god was terrified in her heart.

You, don't come here!

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