Tong Zheng sneered.

Step by step, we are approaching this ghostly god.

Seeing Tong Zheng menacing.

The female ghost-style god's eyes showed a fierce color, and she made up her mind and performed a unique move.

Only by performing a trick will she have a chance to survive tonight.

"Blood Devil Transformation Demon!" the mother ghost-like god roared, and the two thousand years of Dao practice in her body were transformed into rich blood qi.

The entire ancestral hall was filled with the smell of blood, which made her combat effectiveness skyrocket in a short period of time.

There is a tendency to demonize.

Seeing this, the three talented Daoists on the side snorted coldly with disdain, and said, "This female ghost-style god is burning cultivation, allowing herself to temporarily demonize and improve her combat effectiveness, don't be afraid of her, it's over, she won't last long." "

This kind of demonization to improve one's own cultivation is very damaging to oneself.

Even if she only demonizes for three minutes, she will consume a thousand years of Dao Xing, and even if she does not die this time, after recovering, there will only be one thousand years of Dao Xing left.

However, although the loss is large, the effect is also very obvious.

The terrifying demonic aura on her body made her Dao practice directly improve for a thousand years in a short period of time, reaching the range of three thousand years.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, surrounded by qi, facing the demonized mother ghost-like god, full of disdain.

What about demonization.

I am a child, specializing in all kinds of crooked ways and bells and whistles.

He raised the Demon Slaying Knife and swung it overhead, making a roaring knife roar, and a gossip pattern appeared above his head, slashing towards the demonized female ghost-style god.

Seeing this, the mother ghost-style god condensed a terrifying black qi with her claws, protecting her in front of her to resist Tong Zheng's sword light.

Tong Zheng's sword light slashed at the black qi, directly cutting the black qi in half.

Moreover, the two demonic qi were also contaminated by the Demon Exterminating God Flame on Tong Zheng's sword light, and began to burn.

The Demon Destroying God Flame is the nemesis of the Demon Qi.

The mother ghost-style god saw the horror of the Demon Extinguishing God Flame and hurriedly split that part of the demonic qi.

Then she suddenly pounced, moved to Tong Zheng's side, stretched out her sharp ghost claws, and grabbed Tong Zheng's neck directly.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, and the talisman pattern lit up.

The ghost claw of the mother ghost-style god, when it was close to Tong Zheng's body, hit the god tattoo, and the divine power was overpowered, and the ghost claw directly burned flames and was shocked out on the spot.

The mother ghost-style god was shocked into the distance, looking at the ghost claws that had been burned by the god pattern, and looked at Tong Zheng with great jealousy.

This person is too strong.

Not only is his skill high, he has a powerful magic weapon in his hand, and he has such a terrifying body protection god pattern up close.

There is simply no weakness.

She burned her Dao, demonized herself, and temporarily increased her strength to three thousand years, but it could only last for three minutes.

Half a minute has passed now, and if she can't get Tong Zheng in the remaining two and a half minutes.

As soon as the demonization time was over, she was finished.

But Tong Zheng had that terrifying body protection god tattoo on her body, and she couldn't get close to Tong Zheng at all.

During the time when the mother ghost god was thinking, Tong Zheng did not give her a chance.

Holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, he suddenly jumped up, the Bagua Dao Technique was cast, blocking the surroundings, and another knife swept out, slashing towards the mother ghost-style god.

The mother ghost-style god was stunned for a moment, and was directly slashed by a knife, and her body turned into two halves.

However, she did not die, but turned into two demonic qi and fled into the distance.


These four weeks have been blocked by the enchantment of the three talents of the Daoists.

The demonic qi she turned into was like a headless fly, bumping around and around, but there was no way to escape.

After colliding for a while

, the demonic energy of the mother ghost-like god condensed again into a form, standing in the distance, looking at Tong Zheng with jealousy.

I can't fight and fight, I can't run and run, and now the time for demonization has passed a minute and a half.

What to do.

Tong Zheng suddenly held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, rushed forward, and fought with the female ghost-style god in the square.

However, the powerful female ghost-style god who already knew Tong Zheng's close combat began to keep a certain distance from him.

As soon as Tong Zheng hit her, she turned into demonic qi, so that Tong Zheng could not solve her with one sword.

Doing death throes.

Tong Zheng slashed a few times, and seeing that there was no way to directly hack him to death, he did not continue, but inserted the Devil Slaying Daguan knife on the ground beside him.

Tong Zheng looked at her and said, "I'll make another move, if you can carry it, I will let you go tonight." "

One more move, carry it, and let her go tonight."

The mother ghost-style god did not understand the meaning of Tong Zheng.


obviously didn't believe it, she always felt that something was wrong.

I saw Tong Zheng continue to speak: "This move, five thunders hit the top." "

Finish speaking.

Regardless of whether this female ghost-style god was ready, he began to seal his hands and cast five thunder spells.

Tong Zheng's current Five Thunder Curse has been upgraded to the Dacheng realm, and the Five Thunder Curse is known for its huge single attack power.


reason why this female ghost-style god has never been able to cut to death is because the demonic energy on her body is too disgusting, and Tong Zheng's devil-slaying knife is biased towards physical attacks.

Dealing with this kind of demonic qi is like slashing at water, and it doesn't hurt much.

However, the Five Thunder Curse was different, and the Five Thunder Curse he had now cast with 3,360 years of skill would definitely be able to kill this Ghost Mother God.

Even if she turned into demonic qi, she had to be destroyed by lightning.

In Tong Zheng's mouth, he said with words: "Thinking of the Great Thunder Duke of the Heavens, the thunderbolt shook the void, the thousands of bronze soldiers went without a trace, the strong gods and evil spirits did not ambush, the five thunder broke the fire without a trace, I serve the old prince of Taishang, and the divine soldiers are as urgent as a command." The

mantra was finished.

Suddenly, the surrounding wind and thunder were raging, and one after another thunder and lightning converged in the air, and then turned into a golden five-thunder force, directly slashing down towards the mother ghost-style god.

This golden five thunders fell from the sky, illuminating the sky above the entire Dahe Village, and the terrifying thunder power made people's scalps numb.

The mother ghost-style god was completely dumbfounded at this time.

She knew.

How could Tong Zheng be so kind, saying that he let go of himself after carrying her move.


trick, can she resist?

This attack.

It is estimated that only the ghosts who have practiced more than 3,000 years and have advanced to become the ghost king can resist.

She hurriedly transformed it directly into demonic qi and wanted to escape.

But Tong Zheng's five thunders hit the top, even if she turned into demonic qi and scattered, it was useless

! Because the power of the five thunders is the nemesis of all evil things, whether she turns into resentment or the body, under the slashing of the power of the five thunders, there is nothing to hide!

With a loud bang, the ground where the mother ghost-like god had just stood was directly split and exploded by that golden thunderbolt.

The mother ghost-style god was even accurately struck by lightning, under the destructive power of the five thunders.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost mother god with two thousand years of Daoism, gain 20,000 energy points, 200 merit points]

A prompt sounded.

Listen to the tones in your head.

A gratifying smile appeared at the corner of Tong Zheng's mouth, and after such a great effort, he finally surpassed this confused mother ghost-style god!

Didn't let him upgrade.

After he rises to level 67, if he wants to upgrade, the energy points he needs are 33,600 energy points, and the 20,000 energy points obtained by killing the mother ghost-style god are naturally not enough for him to upgrade.


There are so many cuties present, you should be able to upgrade after chopping.

Although the mother ghost-style god was destroyed, the dozen or so powerful ghosts she brought with her who had been practicing for three or four hundred years had not yet been killed.

Tong Zheng specifically instructed.

Let the master set up an enchantment to trap them, so that they can't escape, and brush their own experience.

The Sancai Daoist knew Tong Zheng's special ability, so he kept watching from the side and did not make a move.

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