Saw someone coming.

Tong Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he had to make a quick decision.

Tong Zheng put the Devil Slaying Daguan Dao into the system space, his hands formed a strange handprint, and he chanted words in his mouth: "Yuqing Shiqing, true talisman to the alliance, push the two qi, and mix one into reality." Five thunders and five thunders, urgent meeting Huang Ning, rapid changes, roaring lightning, hearing the call, urgent as a command. "

Tong Zheng directly performed the range thunder method that he improved after fusing the Shangqing Great Cave Thunder Method and the Five Thunder Jade Book.

"This is, Refa. The red-clad ghosts who rushed around were frightened.

They wanted to retreat, but they were controlled by the island nation Onmyoji, and there was no way to retreat at all.

The mantra is finished.

Suddenly, over the beach of the Yellow River, the wind and thunder were fierce, and thunder and lightning slashed down from the air, covering the entire river beach.

The terrifying thunder and lightning made the entire Yellow River beach area, even the altar area of the Yin-Yang Master of that island country, and the surrounding area seemed to turn into a thunder field, and thunder and lightning continued to fall.

These lightning bolts that were led down, under the guidance of Tong Zheng, slashed the ghosts and the Yin-Yang Master of the island country around them.

Boom! Boom! Boom

! Killed by lightning, under the terrifying destruction god power, the remaining ten red-clothed ghosts scattered on the spot!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one ghost for 840 years, get 8400 energy points, 84 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill 8800 ghost things, get 8800 energy, 88 merit points



[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost for nine hundred and twenty years, gain 9200 energy points, 92 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost for 7500 years, get 7500 energy points, 75 merit points

] [Ding, congratulations to the host, level increased to level 71] [Ding, congratulations to the host, level increased to level 72


Twelve prompts sounded.

Let Tong Zheng rise two levels again.


Because he was struck by lightning, the entire altar was scrapped, and the terrifying sacrifice of the Yin-Yang Master of that island country was also interrupted.

The whirlpool in the Yellow River disappeared, and the yin qi dissipated.

"Yaga!" the island nation Onmyoji was angry and looked at Tong Zheng with murderous intent.

He almost succeeded.

This abominable Shina not

only killed his mother ghost-style god, the kappa-style god, but now interrupted his sacrifice at his most critical time.

Let him lose his troops and generals, and the sacrifice that he has planned for so long has also failed.


that the Onmyoji of that island country was disrupted by his own plan, he was already fried.

Tong Zheng sneered.

Then he chanted the mantra, cast the body fixing spell, and formed a sword finger at the island country Yin-Yang Master in front of him, and shouted: "Fixed!"

The power of heaven and earth controlled by Tong Zheng turned into the binding power of the body-fixing spell, restraining the Yin-Yang Master of the island country in front of him.

When Tong Zheng Jieyin cast the Body-Fixing Spell, the Island Country Onmyoji felt bad.

It's a pity it's late!

Tong Zheng finished casting the spell.

He was restrained by a powerful force and could not move! The

anger on the face of the Yin-Yang Master of the island country reached the extreme! Depend

! This Chinese man did not play cards according to the routine, and actually opened the hanging, cursing him with a fixed body

! He wanted to report

! In front of him, Tong Zheng's face showed a cruel smile, dragging his Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Dao towards the Yin-Yang Master of the island country!

This island country's Yin-Yang Master has done a lot of evil in this area during this time, and now, Tong Zheng can't spare him.

Feeling the terrifying fluctuations emanating from Tong Zheng's Daguan Dao, the island country's Yin-Yang Master's heart was full of despair.

He desperately burst out the power in his body, wanting to break free from the shackles of this body-fixing spell, but unfortunately, Tong Zheng's skill was much higher than his Dao, and he also broke through to the realm of earth masters, how could he open the shackles of the body-fixing spell.

"Die!" Tong Zheng drank, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and suddenly jumped up, slashing towards the Yin-Yang Master of the island country.

The island nation Yin-Yang Master felt an aura of death from this knife.

It's over!

The dazzling sword light cut down.

It was cut on the neck of the island country's Onmyoji, and the terrifying armor-breaking force directly cut off the neck of the island country's Onmyoji.

The sword light landed, and the corpse of the island country's Yin-Yang Master was separated! [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the island country's Yin-Yang Master with 2,900 years of skill, gain 29,000 energy points, 290 merit points]

There is no upgrade prompt sounding, it seems that there is still a little energy point.

Tong Zheng came to the side, in front of the snake demon god who had been crippled by the master.

If you destroy this snake demon god, you should be able to upgrade.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and slashed it down, directly cutting off the head of the snake demon god.

The prompt sounds.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the snake demon god with 2,900 years of skill, gain 29,000 energy points, 290 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations on the host level has been raised to level 73]

Listen to the prompt sound in your head.

A gratifying smile appeared at the corner of Tong Zheng's mouth, and he rose three levels in a row, and finally wiped out these evil gangs!

Now at level 73, his skill has reached 3,800 years, which is not far from 4,000 years.

Tong Zheng looked at the three talented Daoists beside him and spoke, "Master, we destroyed the Yin-Yang Master of this island country, and his sacrifice should be useless."

"Right. The Sancai Daoist spoke: "As soon as the Yin-Yang Master of this island country dies, this sacrifice is naturally useless, and the yin qi on the river will soon dissipate, don't worry."

"That's good. Tong Zheng nodded.


Behind Tong Zheng, the disciples of Shushan and the people of the Spiritual Bureau had already come to them.

There were more than a dozen disciples in Shushan, and there were five or six of the Spirit Division.

One of the Shushan disciples at the head saluted Tong Zheng and the three talents and said politely, "I have seen the two seniors. "

They have just seen the strength of the Three Cai Daoist and Tong Zheng.

That terrifying combat power directly rubbed on the ground with the Yin-Yang Master and Shikami of the island country!

Much stronger than them, they naturally had to be respected.

"Are you?" asked the Sancai Daoist.

"I waited for the disciples of Nai Shu Mountain, this time on the order of the master, I went down the mountain to send demons and demons to save Cangsheng, and in the nearby city, I learned that there was a supernatural incident in this Dahe Village, and hundreds of people had died, so I came to take a look. The leading Shushan disciple replied.

"Who knows, just came over, and saw that the two seniors had solved the culprit of this incident.

"So it is. The Sancai Daoist nodded, and then looked at the other people of the Paranormal Bureau, and asked, "What about you?" "

Back to the two seniors, we are people from the nearby Spiritual Bureau, and we learned that there was a supernatural incident in this Dahe Village, so we brought people over to check. A member of the Paranormal Bureau replied.

The Sancai Daoist understood and said, "This matter has been solved by us, everyone can disperse." Tong

Zheng learned that these two groups were people from the Spirit Bureau and Shushan, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Still, he resisted the idea of killing these people.

What wanted to kill him were the high-level of the Spirit Bureau and the high-level of the various avenues in Huaxia, and these low-level people did not know at all.

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