These Shushan disciples, together with the members of the Spiritual Bureau of the small city, were innocent, and they did not know the plans of the high-level of the Spiritual Bureau.

It is not clear that Tong Zheng has actually been listed on the must-kill list by the high-level of the Spirit Bureau and the Dao of Huaxia.

Because the high-level of the Paranormal Bureau, and the high-level of the Daoist of Huaxia, although they want to kill Tong Zheng, they also have to do it secretly, and only a small number of people know about it.

They can't spread propaganda all over the world that they want to kill Tong Zheng and slander Christianity.

After all,

Tong Zheng is a meritorious minister, and he destroyed a harmful branch of Christianity and won the hearts of the people, and they will forget if they don't reward, and they will kill Tong Zheng.

How to make sense.

In fact.

Not everyone is bad, the bad ones are only some of the high-level of the supernatural bureau and the various avenues.

Because in the eyes of these high-ranking figures who hold great power, right and wrong are no longer important, only interests are important.

Moreover, looking at these low-level personnel and disciples of the Spiritual Bureau and Shushan, they still have a bloody heart of justice and a chivalrous act of saving the sky.

When they heard that there was a supernatural incident in Dahe Village, they came without hesitation, if Tong Zheng killed these innocent disciples indiscriminately because of the contradiction between himself and the high-level of the Spiritual Bureau and the various Dao Sects in Huaxia.

Then he is guilty.

Anyway, Tong Zheng is wearing a human skin mask now, and they can't recognize Tong Zheng.

"Then senior, we will leave. The Shushan disciple replied.

Judging from the fluctuations in the battle between Tong Zheng and the Sancai Daoist just now, the two had reached the realm of the Earth Master.

The strong people of the earth master are already the ancestor-level figures in the door, and they estimate that Tong Zheng and the three talents of the Daoist are probably the ancestors of which Daoist system.

Today, when I went out to travel here, I saw that there was an island country that was practicing evil cultivation, so I directly solved it.

Now that the matter has been settled, there is no need for them to stay here.

After the disciples of Shushan left.

The people of the Paranormal Bureau stayed behind to dispose of the corpses of the island nation Onmyoji present, while investigating the identity of the island nation Onmyoji.

And Tong Zheng and the three talents left.

Although Tong Zheng's identity has not been exposed at present.

The people of this small city's supernatural bureau do not know that their high-level is secretly looking for Tong Zheng.

However, Tong Zheng killed the Yin-Yang Master of this island country, using the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Dao and Thunder Law.

His face can be changed, but his fighting style is impossible to change, waiting for the people of the Spirit Bureau to transport the body of the Onmyoji of this island country back.

It is easy to speculate on Tong Zheng's identity through the Devil Slaying Daguan Dao, and when the time comes, the high-level of the Spirit Bureau is estimated to secretly send someone to deal with him.


Tong Zheng had to leave quickly.

Not long after leaving Dahe Village, Tong Zheng flew with the Sancai Daoist for a while.

Tong Zheng looked at the three talented Daoists beside him and spoke, "Master Zu knows where I plan to go this time?"

The Sancai Daoist replied.

"I'm going to go to a nearby city, find a branch of Christianity, and get some interest back first." Tong Zheng snorted coldly.

This kind of day of being chased and killed is really uncomfortable.

The high-level of the Paranormal Bureau and the high-level of the Huaxia Taoist system, as well as the high-level of Christianity, all wanted to kill him.

Now his strength has improved.

The people of the spiritual situation in the small city have nothing to do with this matter, and the disciples of the various great masters in Huaxia do not know about this matter.

But the small city branch of Christianity must have received orders from the headquarters to keep an eye on him.

Probably trying to find him.


Then tonight, let's go and destroy a small Christian city branch and collect a little interest.

"Good. The Sancai Daoist nodded.

Tong Zheng's incident happened because of Christianity, and these foreign devils in the land of China are misleading the people and preaching and harming people.

Any native cultivator in Huaxia cannot tolerate it, so he will kill one of their branches tonight and collect some interest.

A city near the village of Dahe.

It is called Liangang City.

In the Catholic Church branch of Liangang City.

Many missionaries are holding a meeting.

Today, the entire Huaxia region, all the Christian branches of small cities, have received a message.

Look for the whereabouts of a Maoshan monk in Huaxia, and after you find it, don't act rashly and notify the headquarters.

The Christian headquarters will naturally send strong men to deal with him.

An hour later.

Tong Zheng and the three talents came to the door of the Liangang City branch church.

Look up at the cross of Jesus hanging from the top of the Catholic church in front of you.

Tong Zheng's eyes flashed with killing intent, the Devil Slaying Daguan knife took out, and suddenly slashed towards the roof, and the dazzling knife light penetrated the space, from the bottom up, illuminating the night, and beheaded on the cross of Jesus.

With a loud bang, the sword light blew the entire cross apart and fell from the roof.

Kill, begin.


In the church, several missionaries came out of the church and saw Tong Zheng holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, standing in front of the church with the Sancai Daoist!

The missionaries were furious, and looked at the three talents and said, "What are you, dare to come to our church to make trouble?" "

These two days.

Because the Ancheng Christianity was exposed, all Christian churches nationwide were boycotted by the Chinese people.

They can only keep a low profile and endure this.

But tonight, these Chinese people are also too rampant, and they dare to directly behead the holy cross of their church, which is an insult to the church!

Tong Zheng said.


the knife of Tong Zheng's demon-slaying slash, the light lit up, and suddenly a knife came out horizontally, and a knife light several meters long directly cut off several missionaries in front

of him!

Several people fell to the ground, their bodies separated, but they did not die immediately, and in the last few seconds before death, they looked at Tong Zheng with great fear!

Several people died.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 300 years of skill, gaining 3000 energy points, 30 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 2500 years of skill, gaining 2500 energy points, 25 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host for killing a missionary with 300 years of skill, gaining 3000 energy

points, 30 merit points]

Listen to the prompt sound in your mind.

Tong Zheng disdained, the cultivation skills of these missionaries were only two or three hundred years, and in front of him, it was not enough to see.

When a missionary heard the movement, he came out of the church and saw several missionaries lying in a pool of blood, which frightened him and hurried back to the church.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, picked up the Devil Slaying Knife, and stepped into the church.

The missionary ran to the priest in horror and said, "Godfather, it's not good, there are two terrifying Chinese cultivators who have come in, they cut off the holy cross on our church, and together with a few missionaries who just went out to check on it, they were also killed by them.

"What. The priest was shocked, raised his head, and saw Tong Zheng and the three talents walking in from outside the church.

"Who are you!" the priest said angrily, "why kill the Lord's believers for no reason?"

Tong Zheng sneered, looked at the priest, and said, "Under the Tai Shang Laojun, he specializes in killing Catholics." "

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