"I testify that the words of the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master are true, some time ago, Dragon Tiger Mountain really wanted to assassinate the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master and blame him on Christianity." Kunlun's Jiuyang Heavenly Master was the first to stand up.

Choose a stand.

In this case, do not hesitate.

He was very optimistic about Tong Zheng, otherwise he would not have introduced his apprentice to him.

Now such a good opportunity, show attitude, he will naturally not miss it.

"I can also prove that the words of the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master are true, and for evidence, we can provide screenshots of the chat." The Heavenly Master of Shushan also made his position clear at this time.


Emei, Zhengyi, and the Heavenly Master of Junnan, all came out to confirm that what Tong Zheng said was true.

Choose to stand on Tong Zheng's side.

Tong Zheng looked at the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain and said, "What else can I say!" The

Purple Thunder Heavenly Master was so angry that he couldn't say a word.

The disciples of Dragon Tiger Mountain were also looked at with contempt by countless people around them, and they couldn't wait to find a seam to drill into.

Dragon Tiger Mountain said after a moment: "We were also thinking about Huaxia at that time, you have not yet broken through to the earth master, sacrificed you alone, expelled Christianity, and blessed the entire Huaxia, why not." "


Not only Tong Zheng was angry, but the anchors present and the audience in the live broadcast room were all angry.

Good a Dragon Tiger Mountain.

To be able to say such shameless words.

It is obviously for their own selfish desires, and now they even say that it is for Huaxia, who else can be as shameless as them.

If they really want to expel Christianity, why bother?

Wouldn't it be better to beat them all directly, beat them so that they have no temper and roll back in ashes.

Why sacrifice national heroes.

At this moment, Dragon Tiger Mountain made a mistake, and his strong attitude of reasoning completely angered everyone.

"Fuck, Laozi also worshipped the Taoist elders of Dragon Tiger Mountain, thinking that they were authentic Taoists, I bah!"

"A few days ago, I wanted my son to go to Dragon Tiger Mountain to learn from a teacher, but now it seems completely unnecessary, let's worship Maoshan instead."

"The people of the Paranormal Bureau have always been the heroes in my mind, they deal with ghosts in various cities and protect the peace of one side, I can't imagine that the high-level of the Paranormal Bureau in that part of Dragon Tiger Mountain is so shameless, and strongly demands that the state replace the high-level of Dragon Tiger Mountain in the Paranormal Bureau, and let the Heavenly Masters and Dao Elders of Maoshan live in the Paranormal Bureau!"

The anchors present, and the audience in the live broadcast room.

They have expressed their dissatisfaction with Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Tong Zheng nodded, the effect he wanted was finally achieved.

Tong Zheng looked at the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain, and his gaze became cold.

The words of the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master just now were very tough.

Sacrifice him alone, expel Christianity, and bless the entire Huaxia, why not!

Very good.

Tong Zheng spoke: "Sacrificing me alone can bless the entire Huaxia, there is indeed nothing that is not impossible, I am happy to die for Huaxia, but it must be valuable."

"This kind of expulsion of Christianity can be done with a hand, so why sacrifice one's own people." Tong Zheng snorted coldly: "I have long heard that the Dragon Tiger Mountain Dao method is exquisite, and seven days later, I visited it." "

Always on hand." The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain snorted coldly, and then took the people of Dragon Tiger Mountain and prepared to leave.


Tong Zheng continued: "Some time ago, Dragon Tiger Mountain and the Spirit Bureau participated in chasing and killing me, as well as the people who secretly investigated me, tonight, I want to see them kneeling under Mao Mountain to repent, otherwise after I penetrate Dragon Tiger Mountain on the seventh day, it will be their time of death, and I will never show mercy to my subordinates!" "


The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master's body paused, did not answer, and continued to leave with the person.

The people of the surrounding avenues, looking at Tong Zheng, could feel a murderous aura from Tong Zheng.

They understand.

Tong Zheng will do what he says.

If it was tonight, those who participated in the assassination or tracking down his Paranormal Bureau high-level and Dragon Tiger Mountain some time ago did not kneel in front of him.

In the seven-day covenant, Tong Zheng defeated Dragon Tiger Mountain and would definitely solve them.

The people of all the great masters can understand Tong Zheng's actions, if they are ordered to be assassinated, they now have the strength to deal with the enemy, and they will not be merciful.

Finish speaking.

Tong Zheng came to everyone in Maoshan.

He spoke: "Let everyone worry, some time ago, thanks to the master's unwavering in times of crisis, Tong Zheng remembered it."

"You're welcome, it's all your own people." Qing Void Heavenly Master said with a smile.

"Yes, now that you have defeated the Christian headquarters in front of the entire Chinese people, the prestige of my Maoshan has also risen, and it is Maoshan that has stained your light." Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master was also full of smiles.


It's really enjoyable.

This feeling of being in the limelight, cool!

Not only slapped Dragon Tiger Mountain's face, but also promoted Maoshan's name, laying a solid foundation for Maoshan to advance to the Taoist True Sect in the future and send masters into the Spirit Bureau.

Zhang Laodao came to Tong Zheng, gave him a big hug, and said with a smile: "Good boy, I knew you could, and I didn't disgrace your master."

Tong Zheng also gave Zhang Laodao a big hug.

To say that in this world, who cares about him the most belongs to Zhang Laodao.

He was raised from a young age, and he is also a master and father.

Now that he has grown up, what he wants to return the most is Zhang Laodao.

"Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded heavily.

Separate from Zhang Laodao.

Huang Yan came to Tong Zheng's side, patted Tong Zheng on the shoulder, and said: "It's really good, that day I saw that you were forced to die in the world, as an elder, but I couldn't protect you, my senior aunt really didn't taste it in my heart, now it's good, our Xiaozheng, growing up, will rely on you to shelter me and your junior sister in the future." "

Well, Senior Aunt rest assured, with me here, no one will dare to bully you and Junior Sister Xiaorou." Tong Zheng replied.

"Well, Brother Tong Zheng." Xiao Rou stepped forward, hugged Tong Zheng, and whispered, "Brother Tong Zheng, during this time, I am so worried about you." The

two white rabbits on her chest were on top of Tong Zheng.

That soft touch, if it weren't for Tong Zheng's righteous body, I am afraid that he would have been unable to hold it.

"It's okay, haven't I already returned." Tong Zheng gently patted Xiao Rou's back.


Seeing this scene, the Kunlun Jiuyang Heavenly Master and Saint Lin Jing'er were directly dumbfounded.

What a situation.

This junior sister of the Demon Heavenly Master of this town was very unsimple in his thoughts.

The Jiuyang Heavenly Master's face was solemn, and he whispered to Lin Jing'er: "Apprentice, it seems that you have a very tough opponent, do you have the confidence to defeat her." "

Yes." Lin Jing'er replied with a firm gaze: "The big guy is mine, no one can rob me."

"Then you, it's time to act." Jiuyang Heavenly Master said, "Go up and talk." "

Ugh!" Lin Jing'er became a little shy, and said, "Go now, how can I say, it's so shy!"

"What are you shy, it's a little late to go to talk now, his junior sister got the moon first, if you slow down a few steps, I'm afraid they will have to play soy sauce." Jiuyang Heavenly Master hated iron and steel: "That's it, you follow me, take the opportunity to talk, and create opportunities for the master to give you." He


Jiuyang Heavenly Master said and walked directly towards Tong Zheng, Lin Jing'er followed behind, muttering in her mouth as she walked: "When it is critical, you have to go out for the master!" "

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