Tong Zheng let go of Xiao Rou.

This nizi held him without meaning to let go, and kept rubbing him with the white rabbit on his chest.

He was very helpless.


Jiuyang Heavenly Master walked over with Lin Jing'er.

"Zhen Demon Heavenly Master, congratulations, today you have defeated Christianity." Jiuyang Heavenly Master spoke.

"Jiuyang Heavenly Master is polite." Tong Zheng responded with a smile.


He saw the Jiuyang Heavenly Master making crazy eyes at him, making him look at Lin Jing'er.

Apparently to create opportunities for him.

Tong Zheng smiled helplessly in his heart, it seemed that the Jiuyang Heavenly Master really wanted to match him and Lin Jing'er.

What Tong Zheng didn't notice was.

While making eyes at Tong Zheng, the Jiuyang Heavenly Master also frantically hinted to Lin Jing'er that it was time to go up and talk.

Lin Jinger nervously came to Tong Zheng and spoke, "Hello big guy, we finally met." He


So he plucked up his courage and stretched out his hand, ready to shake hands with Tong Zheng.

"Hello, Virgin." Tong Zheng was also a little nervous in his heart, stretched out his hand, and shook Lin Jing'er.

Today, he is also the first time to see Lin Jinger, Lin Jinger is more beautiful than in the photo, in terms of appearance, she is still above Xiaorou.

The two shook hands.

Lin Jing'er's heart was so excited that she almost suffocated.

The big guy shook my hand.

This is equivalent to holding hands, so shy!

The hands of the big guys are so powerful, so secure!

Finally had physical contact with the big guy.

Lin Jinger, Lin Jinger, steady!

You are a saint and cannot be disgraced.

But, really exciting!

Lin Jinger looked at Wen Jing on the surface, but in fact, there was a lot of drama in her heart.

Tong Zheng was a little puzzled, what was wrong with her.

Are you too nervous, or are you not very satisfied with yourself?

How to shake all the time.

Tong Zheng didn't know.

Because Lin Jinger shook hands with him, this will already make up a lot of plots.

If she were given a little more time to play, I'm afraid she would even have the name of her child ready.

"Ahem." Jiuyang Heavenly Master coughed dryly, reminding Lin Jing'er to return to his senses.

This stupid apprentice who hates iron is not steel.

Commit idiocy at a critical time!

"Ugh!" Lin Jing'er came back to her senses, hurriedly grabbed Tong Zheng's hand again, and shook it a few times: "Hello, hello, big guy." "

Jiuyang Heavenly Master:"-_-||"


It's so silly and sweet.

This kind of person really has nothing but a little better talent.

"Hahaha, good saint." Tong Zheng smiled and shook hands with Lin Jing'er a few more times.

This holy girl is quite interesting.

And the rear.

In Xiao Rou's eyes, a dangerous light flashed, this pair of master and apprentice, the intention is not simple.

Xiao Rou looked at Lin Jing'er, she looked a little pretty, but it was not so simple to take down Brother Tong Zheng.

In this regard, she is better than herself.

Xiao Rou looked down.

Well, it's okay, the chest is not as big as mine.

Sometimes, a large chest also has certain advantages.

Suddenly, Xiao Rou's confidence came back a little.

Although Lin Jinger is more beautiful than her.

But the chest is not as big as hers, and it is necessary to minus points.

Of course.

This is not to say that Lin Jinger's chest is small, in fact, Lin Jinger's chest is already very large, but Xiaorou is more pompous.

Feeling a dangerous gaze sweeping over her, Lin Jing'er looked towards Xiao Rou.

Immediately met Xiao Rou's defiant gaze.

In a flash.

An invisible confrontation began.

Neither of them spoke, but the strength in their eyes was neither weaker than the other.

"The front is not protruding, the back is not upturned, the little A cover, ridiculous!" Xiao Rou gave Lin Jinger a look.

Lin Jing'er received the meaning transmitted by Xiao Rou, her gaze fell on her chest, the scale was indeed larger than her own, and she was immediately angry.

The head spun quickly, and the thinking words were pushed back.

The corner of Lin Jinger's mouth curled up a curve, and she sent a message back: "No money before, no face in the back, a hundred years of cultivation, pitiful and pitiful!"

Xiao Rou understood what Lin Jing'er meant, and immediately chopped her feet on the ground in anger.

Lin Jinger is counter-sarcastic her, the former is compared to the money, she is not comparable to Lin Jinger, the rich woman, and the identity of the Kunlun Holy Daughter, and then compared to the appearance, she is not comparable to Lin Jinger's appearance, and then compared to the cultivation as a talent, Lin Jinger's three thousand years of cultivation, with the body of Xuanyin, she is not comparable.

Tong Zheng saw the two people looking at each other, a little puzzled, this is what happened.

I don't know.

The world of the two women has been fighting for a round, and Lin Jinger has the upper hand slightly.

Tong Zheng didn't understand.

A few elders on the side understood.

Jiuyang Heavenly Master, Zhang Laodao, and Huang Yan were all from here.

Naturally, I know that Lin Jing'er and Xiaorou, the two little girls, are currently killed because of Tong Zheng.

It's nice to be young.

Unexpectedly, Tong Zheng was young, and he was blessed, and there were such two beauties who were jealous of him.

For Huang Yan, she is inclined to her apprentice Xiaorou's side, and the fat water does not flow into the fields of outsiders.

For the Jiuyang Heavenly Master, it was naturally to support Lin Jing'er.

Zhang Laodao, on the other hand, is inclined to accept both Tong Zheng.

Good boy, children make choices, adults want both.

It's a pity that Tong Zheng, this kid, doesn't open up, and he still doesn't understand what the situation is.

If he hadn't solved it easily, he would have been able to handle the relationship between the two in an orderly manner.


I have to take a moment to mention Tong Zheng.

This talent in terms of puff girls is really scum.

As if seeing Zhang Laodao's thoughts, Huang Yan pinched him fiercely, looking at him dangerously, the meaning was very simple, don't teach bad Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng is still a pure love boy now, don't bring bad people's children.

The Jiuyang Heavenly Master came up, hugged his fist at Zhang Laodao, and said with a smile: "This is Brother Zhang Dao, Brother Zhang Dao has good skills and has taught such an excellent disciple." "

Heavenly Master is wonderful." Zhang Laodao replied with a smile, "I am also very satisfied with this apprentice."

"Well, the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master has such cultivation now, and the future future must be limitless." Jiuyang Heavenly Master continued to praise.


"By the way, Brother Zhang Dao, I don't know if the little apprentice is there a marriage match now." Jiuyang Heavenly Master looked at Zhang Laodao and revealed a meaningful smile.

Zhang Laodao naturally knew what he meant, and wanted to match Tong Zheng and Lin Jing'er, and hurriedly said: "No, no, there is a lack of a good match."

"Yes, it's a coincidence, my disciple Lin Jing'er is also unmarried, and he is lacking a wishful Langjun." Jiuyang Heavenly Master smiled and said, "It's better that we be the master, let the two juniors form a good relationship, and achieve a good story."

"That's so good!" Zhang Laodao replied.

Tong Zheng's means of picking up girls are too bad, Zhang Laodao thinks, or help him himself, the order of his parents, the words of the matchmaker!

He has been a father and a mother for more than 20 years, and he has this qualification.


As soon as Zhang Laodao agreed, his waist was pinched by a hand and rotated, causing Zhang Laodao to grin in pain.

Huang Yan walked up and said with a smile: "Young people's affairs, let young people choose for themselves, what era is it now, advocating free love and arranged marriage, it is a matter of feudal society, and now I don't advocate it." "

What Junior Sister said, what she said, young people's affairs, let young people toss it, if Xiaozheng and the saint girl have a relationship to walk together, I am very supportive." Zhang Laodao smiled bitterly and looked at the Jiuyang Heavenly Master.

The Jiuyang Heavenly Master naturally understood.

This Huang Yan is the master of Tong Zheng's little junior sister, so he is not willing to cut off his disciple's path like this.


Let the two girls compete fairly.

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