However, it can be seen that Zhang Laodao is not opposed and very supportive.

That's enough.

"Also, young people's business, let them toss it themselves." Jiuyang Heavenly Master said with a smile.


Ahead, the cold war between Lin Jinger and Xiaorou has ended.

In just a short while, the two women have secretly clashed for several rounds, not giving in to each other.

Lin Jing'er said to Tong Zheng: "Big guy, is this your junior sister?"

"Yes, this is my junior sister Xiaorou." Tong Zheng replied.

"Hello." Xiao Rou smiled at Lin Jing'er, then stepped forward, into Lin Jinger's ear, and whispered: "Tell you, I am not only the junior sister of brother Tong Zheng, but also the kind that has slept, and the abs of brother Tong Zheng are very easy to touch."

Lin Jing'er was so angry that her body trembled, and her little face turned red.

In my mind, I made up a lot of content.

Have you slept, Tong Zheng's brother's abs, is it very good!

It's called so ambiguously, brother Tong Zheng, don't face!

So angry, my big guy was defiled by this shameless woman, not clean!


Seeing that Lin Jing'er was so angry that she was about to cry, Xiaorou was proud.

That's what she wants.


Last time in the Paranormal Bureau, she did sneak up on Tong Zheng's bed in the middle of the night, but it was she who went up by herself with thick skin.

Tong Zheng did nothing.

At most, let her touch her abs.

"Hello, little junior sister." Lin Jinger replied with a grin.


Lin Jinger's hand involuntarily shook Xiao Rou's hand and felt it.

A moment later.

Lin Jinger breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately, this woman should have deliberately spoken to provoke herself, she and the big guy, nothing has been done.

Lin Jinger has a special means to sense whether a woman is a virgin.

The virgin body is not broken, she can feel it.

Lin Jing'er just held Xiao Rou's hand, she was feeling that her Yuanyin was still there, Xiao Rou's Yuanyin was very full, that is, she was still a virgin.

It's okay.

My big guy is still clean and not defiled by this woman.

Lin Jing'er was suddenly relieved in her heart.


Thinking of Xiao Rou's provocation just now, Lin Jing'er whispered into Xiao Rou's ear: "You didn't succeed, haven't you already slept with the big guy, how can you still be a virgin, is it disliked by the big guy." "

You!" At this time, it was Xiao Rou's turn to chop her feet in anger.

This woman is really difficult to deal with.

Tong Zheng saw Xiaorou and Lin Jinger in front of them, and when they met for the first time, they hugged and laughed again.

It's a sight at first sight.

Tong Zheng was relieved in his heart, just didn't do it.

Tong Zheng naturally knew what Xiao Rou meant to him, and now there was another Lin Jing'er, both of them were very good.

It's really not a good choice.

Tong Zheng actually had a bold idea, and he won both.


He was afraid that he would be willing, and the two women would not be willing!

In this society now, who would want to share their man with others.

Especially Lin Jing'er, a saint girl with a low status, let her share her husband with another woman, how could she be willing.

And Kunlun behind her, it is impossible to be willing.


Maoshan's Clear Void Heavenly Master came to several people and saw that Jiuyang Heavenly Master was with Zhang Laodao and the others, and said, "Jiuyang Heavenly Master, you are."

Jiuyang Heavenly Master smiled mysteriously and said, "Clear Void Heavenly Master, maybe in the future, we Kunlun and you Maoshan will become in-laws." "

Huh?" The Clear Void Heavenly Master did not understand the words of the Jiuyang Heavenly Master.

Jiuyang Heavenly Master smiled mysteriously and looked in the direction where Tong Zheng and Lin Jing'er were.

"So it is." The Clear Void Heavenly Master understood in a second, the Kunlun Holy Girl and the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master were so compatible.

Qing Void Heavenly Master said, "If you can form this good relationship with Kunlun, it will naturally be a good thing. "

Qing Void Heavenly Master, naturally willing Maoshan and Kunlun to form a family, and the two factions have such a relationship, and they can be more closely linked in the future.

Seeing that the Qingxian Heavenly Master was very supportive of Lin Jing'er and Tong Zheng's affairs, Huang Yan felt a little sad for Xiaorou in her heart.

Xiao Rou, this child, because she has no background, can't she compete with that Kunlun Holy Girl?

Xiao Rou's talent is actually not bad, in half a year of terrifying recovery, she has cultivated two hundred years of cultivation, and she is an awakened person and has special talents.

Give her ten years, she must be no weaker than Lin Jinger.

Compared to Lin Jing'er, she has been cultivating with the Heavenly Master in Kunlun since she was a child, and it is not surprising that she has three thousand years of Daoist practice now.

It's just that at this stage, Xiaorou seems a little inferior to Lin Jing'er.

As a master, she naturally didn't want to see Xiao Rou sad because of this matter.

Girls are prone to low self-esteem.

If she is crushed by Lin Jinger in these aspects, strength, and background, it will be difficult for her to have the confidence to face Lin Jinger in the competition behind.

No way.

She had to find a way to help her apprentice.

It's really not good, teach her a trick to get on the bus first, and then buy a ticket.

Tong Zheng's character is clear to her, very honest and responsible, as long as Xiao Rou wins, plus her relationship with Zhang Laodao, Tong Zheng will definitely marry Xiao Rou.

This will.

Qing Void Heavenly Master said: "It's not too early, it's time to go back to Maoshan, Jiuyang Heavenly Master brought the little apprentice to the venue this time, I want to invite the two to my Maoshan as guests, what does the Heavenly Master think."

"That's exactly what I meant." Jiuyang Heavenly Master spoke.

He naturally knew the meaning of the Void Heavenly Master, this was to create an opportunity for Tong Zheng and Lin Jing'er.

On Tong Zheng's side, the confrontation between Xiaorou and Lin Jinger was over.

Lin Jing'er said, "Big guy, can I call you Brother Tong Zheng like your junior sister?"

"Yes, you can call me Tong Zheng or Brother Tong Zheng, it feels strange to call the big guy." Tong Zheng replied.

"Brother Tong Zheng is so good." Lin Jinger smiled sweetly.

Xiao Rou on the side was not to be outdone.

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