The two earth masters were so frightened that they all revened.

This town demon heavenly master is really coming.

He really dared to kill them.

"Zhen Demon Heavenly Master, if you do this, aren't you afraid of a war between Maoshan and Dragon Tiger Mountain!" At this time, the Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master, who had stabilized his injury, spoke.

These people were brought by him.

When he came, he swore that he would shelter them.

Now in the blink of an eye, three people were killed by Tong Zheng.

If Tong Zheng was allowed to kill two more Earth Masters, then their prestige of Dragon Tiger Mountain would be greatly reduced.

So even if Tong Zheng was stronger than him, he had to bite the bullet and stop it.

"If you want to go to war, I will accompany you." Tong Zheng replied, looking at the remaining two Earth Masters, and the light of the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan in his hand gathered.

"Fight with him!" Seeing this, the remaining two earth masters were fierce in their hearts and roared, they also understood that Tong Zheng could not let them go today.

You can only fight with your back.

The three thousand years of power in the body burst out, and a light of merit erupted from their bodies and enveloped the whole audience, which was the power of merit that they cultivated.

This is the most primordial power that every earth master powerhouse possesses, if it is used, it will definitely damage the foundation, and it will not be easily used until the time of life and death.

Because once used, the foundation will be damaged.

But now, I can't take care of so much.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, using the power of merit was just a death struggle.

The merit that those two earth masters erupted shrouded Xiang Tong Zheng.

On Tong Zheng's body, a stronger light of merit erupted, directly shaking it away.

Compared with the light of merit, Tong Zheng was not afraid of anyone.

Moreover, others need to lose their origin when using the light of merit, but Tong Zheng will not, because his light of merit can be continuously restored by using merit points.


Tong Zheng raised the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and swung it around, making a roaring knife roar, and a gossip pattern appeared above his head, and a force split Hua Shan came, and a knife slashed towards the earth master in the front.

Seeing this, the earth master suddenly clasped his hands together, casting the Dragon and Tiger Sheng is the art of gathering the sun, and the aura turned into a divine yang talisman, ready to resist Tong Zheng's sword.

Tong Zheng's sword light slashed on the Shenyang talisman card, directly cutting the talisman card in half, and the Demon Destroying God Flame stained the two talisman shields and began to burn.

The Earth Master let out a scream, hurriedly retreated, and the Demon Exterminating God Flame stained on the talisman shield.

The rune shield was soon burned by the Demon Exterminating God Flame, and then burned to the Earth Master, causing his soul to scatter and never surpass life.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing an earth master with 3,000 years of skill, obtaining 30,000 energy points and 300 merit points]

The remaining earth master hurriedly performed the Dragon Tiger Mountain Thunder Technique, and the thunder aura in the sky gathered, merged together, and turned into a thunder and lightning to slash Xiang Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly.

The protective body god pattern moved, forming a shield on the body surface, and the lightning split on the shield, and it was shattered by the dazzling god pattern that lit up outside the shield, turning into nothingness.

That earth master was shocked, his thunder technique could not even break Tong Zheng's defense.

"In the next life, don't mess with me." Tong Zheng swung the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan, and the Bagua Dao Technique was cast, and another slash came out horizontally, slashing towards the last earth master.

That earth master didn't even have a chance to react, so he was directly slashed by the Zhen Demon Dao of the Devil Slaying Daguan Dao.

With a scream, it turned into two halves, and the corpse was stained by the Demon Exterminator Flame on the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and turned into ashes a moment later.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for killing an earth master with 4,000 years of skill, gaining 4,000 energy points and 400 merit points] [Ding, congratulations

to the host, the level has been raised to level 99]

Tong Zheng smiled.

Finally level ninety-nine.

Tong Zheng opens the properties panel

: [Host: Tong Zheng

] [Level: 99 (79500/35000)] [Skill: 7950

] [Merit Point: 1880] [

Mastering Skills:

"Body Fixing Spell" (Dacheng+), "Talisman God Pattern", "Bagua Dao Method" (Completion), "Five Thunder Spells" (Completion), "Five Thunder Jade Book" (Dacheng+), "Shangqing Great Cave Thunder Method" (Dacheng+), "Imperial Qi Technique" (Dacheng +

)] [Has magic weapons: Devil Slaying Daguan Dao (fifth order), Heavenly Thunder Hammer (fourth order), Purple Electric Cone (fourth order)]

There is another level, full level.

Tong Zheng looked up at the Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master in front of him.

Resisted the urge to rush up and cut him.

Although he cut down several high-ranking members of the Spiritual Bureau of Dragon Tiger Mountain, these were all people who had personally participated in the assassination and hunted him down.

He has reason to kill.

But this Thousand Heavenly Cultivators, he had no reason to kill.

The Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master did not participate in the hunt to assassinate him.

At the beginning, the assassination plan against Tong Zheng was only to dispatch masters below the level of the local division.

The Heavenly Master did not dispatch.

So Tong Zheng is not good to do anything to him now.

Moreover, as the general director of the Paranormal Bureau, if Tong Zheng killed him, it was really difficult to explain to the Huaxia official.

After all, in recent years, the Paranormal Bureau has eliminated a lot of ghosts in Huaxia, and there is still merit.

"Go back and tell you the leader of Dragon Tiger Mountain, the challenge in six days, I will rush to Dragon Tiger Mountain as promised, and I will understand all the remaining grievances with Dragon Tiger Mountain, and at the same time agree on the ownership of the authentic and spiritual affairs of Huaxia Taoism in the future." Tong Zheng said to the Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master.

Finish speaking.

Tong Zheng directly took Xiao Rou, Sancai Daoist, Zhang Laodao, and Lin Jing'er to leave.

Leaving behind the Thousand Cultivation Heavenly Master and other high-level members of the Spiritual Bureau.

Challenge after six days.

It is not only about the grudge between Maoshan and Dragon Tiger Mountain, but also about the status of the authentic Taoist sect and the struggle for the management of the Spiritual Bureau.


The management power of the Spirit Bureau has always been in the hands of Dragon Tiger Mountain, and the general director is also the heavenly master of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

If Maoshan defeats Dragon Tiger Mountain in six days' challenge, the management of the Spirit Bureau will be transferred to Maoshan.

The Paranormal Bureau can get a huge amount of official funding every year, and if they lose the management of the Paranormal Bureau, the gap with Maoshan will become larger and larger in the future.

Moreover, how did this Maoshan Town Demon Heavenly Master improve his cultivation so quickly, only five thousand six hundred years of skill a few days ago, and it has been improved to more than six thousand years in the past few days.

Moreover, he held a suspected fifth-order immortal weapon in his hand, and if he hit Dragon Tiger Mountain, he had to guard against it.

These things must be reported to Longhu Mountain as soon as possible.

Prepare in advance.

Tong was waiting for the five to return to Maoshan.

Tong Zheng was not prepared to continue to stay on Maoshan, he found the three heavenly masters of Maoshan, and after saying goodbye, he prepared to go down the mountain and return to the Ancheng Taoist Temple.

Relative to living on Mao Mountain.

Tong Zheng still prefers life in Ancheng.


Tong Zheng did not want to continue to stay on Maoshan for another reason.

He was ready to go down the mountain.

Go hunt some ghosts and raise the level to level 100 first.

If you increase your level to one hundred, you will be able to break through to the Immortal Realm.

Arrive at the Immortal Realm.

Seven days later, the Dragon Tiger Mountain was stable.

With the cultivation of the Immortal Realm, he still does not directly penetrate the Dragon Tiger Mountain from front to back.

Who can stop him.

After the three Heavenly Masters of Maoshan knew that Tong Zheng had the ability to become stronger by killing ghosts, they agreed to let him go down the mountain.

After all, Tong Zheng was about to go to Dragon Tiger Mountain to challenge in six days, and they naturally hoped that Tong Zheng's strength could go further.


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