And Xiao Rou, Huang Yan, and Zhang Laodao also chose to return to Ancheng with Tong Zheng.

Life on Maoshan is too monotonous, and they don't like it very much.

Last night, with the help of the energy of the blood moon, everyone had a lot of improvement.

Zhang Laodao took the Great Return Pill when Tong Zheng left, and his injuries had recovered and improved to fifteen hundred years, during which Tong Zheng was fleeing.

Zhang Laodao practiced hard every day, and improved his strength for nearly fifty years, plus the blood moon reappeared last night, borrowing the energy of the blood moon, Zhang Laodao once again increased his strength by one hundred and fifty years.

Taken together, it now has 1,700 years of power.

Huang Yan was the same, with the efforts of this time and the blood moon energy last night, she improved by one hundred and fifty years, and her power increased to six hundred and fifty years.

Xiao Rou has improved more than both of them, because she is an awakened being, plus she already has a good talent.

During this time in Maoshan, she worked harder than Zhang Laodao and others, and her talent was stronger than Zhang Laodao, Zhang Laodao improved for fifty years, she improved for two hundred years, and last night the blood moon reappeared, and she improved for almost four hundred years.

Now Xiao Rou's skill has reached eight hundred years.

Lin Jing'er's skill has reached three thousand years, and there is no way to improve her cultivation, but she also uses the blood moon to make her skills a lot solid, as long as she is recognized by heaven and earth, she can immediately break through to the earth master.

Kunlun's Nine Yang Heavenly Master has already returned to Kunlun.

Lin Jinger did not choose to go back with him.

Now if she wants to gain the recognition of heaven and earth, she has to accumulate merit, and going down the mountain to experience is the fastest way to accumulate merit.

The blood moon has reappeared, the degree of terror recovery has intensified, and the people must be ravaged by ghosts, which is a good opportunity for her to gain merit.


Lin Jinger chose to go to Ancheng with Tong Zheng.


Lin Jinger went to Ancheng, not only for merit, but also for Tong Zheng, and the more she got along with Tong Zheng, the more she felt that she was attracted to him.

If she didn't go to Ancheng with Tong Zheng at this time, with Xiao Rou's bold character, I am afraid that when she sees Tong Zheng next time, Tong Zheng and Xiao Rou are estimated to have children.

Seeing that Lin Jinger also chose to return to Ancheng with him, Tong Zheng was naturally happy.

With two beautiful people by your side, enjoy the blessings of Qi people.

How cool.

That's it.

Tong Zheng and the five returned to the Magic Temple of Ancheng.

As soon as Huang Yan returned, she went to the Paranormal Bureau to look for the case of the recent supernatural incident for Tong Zheng.

As long as Tong Zheng deals with supernatural events, his strength will become stronger.

As long as Tong Zheng becomes stronger, they will have the power to protect themselves in the next catastrophe.

Lin Jinger also needs to deal with some supernatural events, surpass some ownerless lonely souls, and obtain merit, so she came to Ancheng.

Lin Jinger began to find some supernatural events to deal with on the supernatural website.

Last night.

The third bloody night reappears.

The degree of terrorist recovery has intensified, and the number of supernatural events has increased several times.

It is not difficult to find supernatural events to deal with.

At the same time that Tong Zheng and the others were looking around for supernatural events to deal with and improve their strength.

On Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master had already arrived at the Dragon Tiger Mountain Hall.

Told the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master and the Public Fortune Heavenly Master about what happened in Guiyun Mountain today, and the two were furious when they heard this.

The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master spoke, "This Maoshan, it seems that this time it is iron-hearted to fight with us. Yubu

Tianshi said, "I can't imagine that this Maoshan Town Demon Heavenly Master has grown so fast, and it only took a few days to increase his power to more than six thousand years. "

After returning in the past two days, I investigated this town demon heavenly master, he is an awakened person after the terrifying recovery, and I heard that he has awakened a talent that can become stronger by killing ghosts." The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master said: "But it doesn't matter, Senior Brother is about to break through to the Immortal Realm, and in six days, the Demon Heavenly Master of that town will challenge on Dragon Tiger Mountain, and he will definitely lose." "

Is Senior Brother Palm going to break through to the Immortal Realm?" Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master said in surprise.

"Good." Yubu Tianshi said with a smile: "Senior Brother Zhang's skill has been stuck for 8,500 years for a long time, the first two blood moons reappeared, he had signs of breaking through, but they were unsuccessful, last night the blood moon reappeared for the third time, the energy of the explosion was even more terrifying than the previous two combined, directly let Senior Brother Zhang break through the shackles in one fell swoop, in three days, he will enter the immortal realm!"

"Great!" Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master said excitedly: "If Senior Brother Master breaks through, then Maoshan will not be afraid." "

Every time the Blood Moon reappears, it can not only intensify the degree of terrifying recovery, but also burst out powerful energy, which is a good time for cultivators to break through their cultivation with the help of Blood Moon Energy.

Now their Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect can enter the Immortal Realm in three days with the opportunity of the Blood Moon to reappear.

Six days later, the challenge.

With the Immortal Realm in it, Maoshan will not be a concern.


Maoshan's Palm Sect Clear Void Heavenly Master also gained a lot of benefits when the Blood Moon reappeared last night, allowing his skill to increase from 8,300 years to 8,400 years.

At their level, it is even more difficult to improve their power for a year, and last night's blood moon reappeared, which allowed him to directly improve his skill for a hundred years, which shows the benefits of blood moon.

While reaping the benefits.

The Void Heavenly Master also began to worry.

The master of Dragon Tiger Mountain has a higher skill than him, and as early as before the terrifying recovery, he reached the realm of 8,500 years of skill, the perfection of the Heavenly Master, and went through the baptism of the blood moon twice.

He was a little worried that the Dragon Tiger Mountain's Palm Sect would break through to the Immortal Realm in this Blood Moon Reappearance.

If an Immortal Realm appeared in Dragon Tiger Mountain, the advantages that Tong Zheng had established before would all be gone.


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