On Tong Zheng's side, the time to retreat and condense the golden body.

Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Outside a palace.

One after another, golden light bloomed out, extremely dazzling.

Shine on the entire top of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The whole of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The disciples who were cultivating were all attracted by this sudden scene.


Everyone felt that an extremely terrifying coercion erupted from the depths of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Hall.

This breath, like the sea, is unfathomable, and their cultivation is as small as dust in front of this breath, and it cannot be compared with it, as if it is the difference between mortals and immortals.

This is, the breath of the fairy realm!

In the hall of their Dragon Tiger Mountain, someone broke through to the Immortal Realm!

Is it their Dragon Tiger Mountain's master!


The entire Dragon Tiger Mountain went to school, and they were all excited.

This aura is too terrifying, if they break through to the Immortal Realm, it will really be great.

There are Immortal Realm powerhouses, how can they be afraid of Maoshan!

Two days ago.

The matter of Gui Yun Mountain shrouded the whole of Dragon Tiger Mountain in shadows.

The Demon Heavenly Master of Maoshan Town, showing his strong strength, killed two Earth Masters in the Spiritual Division, and three strong people with a power of 2,800 years.

He also threatened to go to Dragon Tiger Mountain in three days to challenge.

Determine the location of the authentic Taoist sect, as well as the question of the attribution of the supernatural bureau.

This is a declaration of war on them.

If they lose, in the future, in the Taoist system of Huaxia, their status will always be lower than that of Maoshan, and they will be trampled under Maoshan.

And if they lose.

Some time ago, the people who participated in the assassination and pursuit of the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master would probably also be directly killed.

These two days.

Dragon Tiger Mountain has always been panicked.

It's good now.

The palm sect broke through to the immortal realm, they don't have to be afraid.

Maoshan does not have an immortal realm, and Dragon Tiger Mountain gave birth to an immortal realm, which can steadily suppress Maoshan.

In the main hall of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

The three Heavenly Masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain, the Thousand Cultivation Heavenly Master, the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master, and the Public Fortune Heavenly Master, looked ahead excitedly.

Looking at the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect that had just come out of retreat from the depths of the main hall.

"Congratulations to Senior Brother Palm for breaking through the Immortal Realm." The three of Thousand Cultivation Heavenly Master, Purple Thunder Heavenly Master, and Yubu Heavenly Master faced the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Palm Palm Dao.

"Well, the three junior brothers don't have to be polite." Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect smiled.

Now that he has broken through to the Immortal Realm, Dragon Tiger Mountain can also have the power to protect himself in the next catastrophe.


The Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect saw that one of the arms of the Thousand Cultivation Heavenly Master had been cut off, his eyes were cold, and he asked: "Qian Xiu, what is going on, how is your arm broken!" When

the Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master heard this, his face was full of anger, and he knelt on one knee and said, "Please Master Brother be my master." "

Junior Brother, get up and talk." The Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect helped the Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master up and said, "What happened, why did I come out of retreat, and you were missing an arm."

"This arm was cut off by the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master of Maoshan." Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master explained.


During this time, the grudge between Dragon Tiger Mountain and Maoshan collided, and Maoshan suddenly killed Tong Zheng, which frequently made Dragon Tiger Mountain deflated and cut off his arm.

As well as threats, three days later.

Going to Dragon Tiger Mountain to challenge the location of the authentic Taoist sect and the ownership of the Spiritual Bureau were all told to the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect.


On the body of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect, a terrifying aura burst out, and said angrily: "A good Maoshan, a good Zhen Demon Heavenly Master, dare to provoke me so openly against Dragon Tiger Mountain, and dare to cut off one of your arms, it seems that he really doesn't put us in his eyes at all." "

Immediately notify the Dao Sects, contact them to gather at Dragon Tiger Mountain in three days, and announce the matter of my breakthrough to the Immortal Realm, and I want all the Dao Sects in this Huaxia to know who is the authentic Taoist sect."

"The Demon Heavenly Master of that Maoshan dared to cut off one of your arms, and three days later, I will cut off both of his arms to avenge you." The Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect assured the Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master.

"Thank you, Brother Master." The Thousand Cultivator Heavenly Master was excited.

Looking forward to three days later.

That challenge came.


The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master and the Public Opinion Heavenly Master spoke directly in the Huaxia Division Group on WeChat.

All members of Xianaite.


[Dragon Tiger Mountain Purple Thunder Heavenly Master]: "Everyone, I want to inform you of a piece of news, this news will be related to the future power pattern of the Huaxia Daoist system. "

See this message.

How many various Daoists, the heavenly masters who received the news, all wondered, what news.

It can be related to the pattern of Chinese Taoism in the future.

And also.

Since the last time Dragon Tiger Mountain was killed by Maoshan in Guiyun Mountain, it was much quieter.

Now suddenly active.

He also said that he was willing to announce a news that could change the power pattern of the Huaxia Dao system in the future, could it be that their palm sect had broken through to the immortal realm!

The Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect was completed in the Heavenly Master Realm three years ago, and now it has undergone three baptisms of blood moon reappear.

It is possible to suddenly come to the Immortal Realm.

If this is the case, then in the future, the power structure of this Chinese Daoist system will indeed change.

After all, the Immortal Realm is not something that Maoshan can compete with now.

Not even if Tong Zheng has potential!


The Heavenly Masters of the Great Dao Commandery were nervously peeping at the screen, waiting for the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain to inform him what this news was.

A moment later.

It whetted the appetite of all the great masters.

The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master sent the message.

[Dragon Tiger Mountain Purple Thunder Heavenly Master]: "The news I want to inform is that our Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect has just broken through to the immortal realm, in the future, I Dragon Tiger Mountain is a well-deserved authentic sect of Huaxia Taoism, three days later, Maoshan comes to my Dragon Tiger Mountain to challenge, we will defeat him in front of all the Dao Commanders, three days later, I Dragon Tiger Mountain, I want to invite the Heavenly Masters of the Great Avenues, come to my Dragon Tiger Mountain to observe the ritual, send the Heavenly Master to come to observe the Taoist Sect, is my good friend of Dragon Tiger Mountain, the previous unpleasantness, we all turn the page." "

Dragon Tiger Mountain decided.

Give everyone a chance to take a stand.

Is it to stand on the side of Longhu Mountain and support Longhu Mountain, or to stand on the side of Maoshan and support Maoshan.

Because some time ago.

When these Taoists went to the imperial capital of Christianity, they chose to stand on the side of Maoshan.

Right now.

Dragon Tiger Mountain did not care about the past and gave these Dao unification a chance to choose.

Today, it's different from last time.

Last time, these Daoists felt that Tong Zheng had potential, and it was normal to choose to stand on the side of Maoshan.

But this time, Dragon Tiger Mountain produced an immortal realm, an immortal realm, and a heavenly master who had not yet grown up.

It depends on how each avenue is chosen.

It's important to take sides now.

It can directly affect the division of the future power pattern.

Dragon Tiger Mountain has already spoken, and three days later, he came to Dragon Tiger Mountain to watch them defeat Maoshan and advance to the authentic Taoist sect, which is to give Dragon Tiger Mountain face and choose to stand on a line with him.

The previous unpleasantness was written off.

If he does not come to Longhu Mountain to watch the ceremony three days later, he will not give him face and choose to stand on the same line with Maoshan.

After that, they will meet each other.

Let's speak by strength.

If these people felt that choosing to be the right person with an Immortal Realm was more worthwhile than choosing a Heavenly Master who had not yet grown up.

Dragon Tiger Mountain will not talk much nonsense.

Anyway, there will be an immortal realm sitting in the future.

I am not afraid that these Daoists are on the side of Maoshan.

in the group.

It was determined that the palm sect of Dragon Tiger Mountain had broken through to the Immortal Realm.

The Heavenly Masters of the Great Dao Commanders were extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, the palm sect of Dragon Tiger Mountain really broke through.

It seems that the next power structure of the Chinese Taoist system is about to change.

And now, Dragon Tiger Mountain has let everyone start to stand in line, and it is difficult to decide.

After all, some time ago.

They all chose to stand on the Maoshan side.

If you go against the water now, shift your position, and support Dragon Tiger Mountain, you will inevitably be suspected of being a little wall-headed.

How to choose.

If you don't do wall grass.

An immortal realm appeared in Dragon Tiger Mountain, for the sake of a heavenly master in Maoshan who had not yet grown, was it worth it.

Just when everyone was very entangled.

The Heavenly Master of Maoshan spoke.

[Maoshan Qingxian Heavenly Master]: "Breaking through the Immortal Realm is remarkable, who hasn't broken through." "

In a word.

Let the whole group chat blow up directly.

The Void Heavenly Master means to say.

They Maoshan, have they also broken through to the Immortal Realm!


The author has something to say:

the two more merged into one, today is counted as three more, finally finished writing, good night everyone

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