The words of the Void Heavenly Master.

Let everyone blow up.

Everyone speculated.

Is Maoshan also out of the Immortal Realm.

[Dragon Tiger Mountain Public Fortune Heavenly Master]: "You Maoshan, also out of the Immortal Realm?" The

Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master asked.

He asked, and that's what everyone wanted to know.

[Emei Void Quiet Heavenly Master] "It's the Clear Void Heavenly Master, have you broken through." "

On the Mao Mountain.

If the Dao has practiced for more than 8,000 years, he is a Void Heavenly Master, and if he wants to break through, he can only break through.

[Maoshan Clear Void Heavenly Master]: "No, it's our Zhen Demon Heavenly Master." "


Throughout the group chat, the Heavenly Masters who saw the news couldn't believe their eyes.

It is not the Void Heavenly Master, but the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master, how is this possible.

The Zhen Demon Heavenly Master has only broken through to the Heavenly Master Realm for a long time, how can he break through the Immortal Realm.

That's probably too shocking.

【Shushan Wine Sword Heavenly Master】"Qingxian Heavenly Master, are you serious, I am hundreds of years old, such an age, I can't stand the stimulation, don't joke with me." [

Maoshan Town Demon Heavenly Master]: "Nature is true. "

And then.

The Void Heavenly Master sent a video.

The video was shot outside Tongzheng's retreat room.

I saw it in the video.

In Tong Zheng's room, golden blemishes constantly appeared, obviously a sign that the flesh was about to condense into a golden body.

This video can be regarded as confirming the news that Tong Zheng is about to break through to the immortal realm.

[Zhengyi Cloud Sky Master] "It's really a sign that it is about to break through to the immortal realm, it's only been a long time, the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master is about to break through to the Immortal Realm, Zhengyi and Maoshan have been in the same vein since ancient times, Maoshan is our brother who passed our life, I Zhengyi once again congratulated the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master in advance for breaking through the Immortal Realm." "

I can't imagine that now the great calamity is coming, Maoshan can actually produce a worldly figure, in less than a month, he has been promoted from the Heavenly Master to the Immortal Realm, my Ultimate South Mountain has been friendly with Maoshan since ancient times, the Zhen Demon Heavenly Master has obtained the Dao today, and my Huaxia Dao Sect has produced another Immortal Realm, which is gratifying." [

Maoshan Qingxu Heavenly Master]: "Thanks to the congratulations of Zhengyi and Ji Nanshan, my Maoshan gave birth to the Immortal Realm, and many Chinese cultivators will definitely contribute." "

In the group.

One by one, they congratulated Maoshan.

And far away on the Dragon Tiger Mountain.

In the golden Dragon Tiger Mountain Hall.

The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain looked at the information in the group chat, and his face was very ugly.

Right now.

These Taoists simply don't know how to be evil.

Just now, when they said that they had someone who had broken through to the Immortal Realm, these people did not speak.

Now Maoshan said that some of them had broken through to the Immortal Realm.

I began to make good friends with Maoshan one by one.

Is this simply incompatible with them Dragon Tiger Mountain?

Do these people think.

The potential of this Maoshan Town Demon Heavenly Master is greater than the potential of their Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect, and it is worth befriending!

All the avenues congratulated Maoshan one after another.

Only one Kunlun remained without making a statement.

If Kunlun also expressed congratulations to Maoshan, then they Dragon Tiger Mountain this time, this time will be isolated again.


Kunlun, as the head of the Chinese Taoist system, has the strongest strength and the most right to speak.

If Kunlun stood in Maoshan, even if they had the Immortal Realm in Dragon Tiger Mountain, it would be difficult to fight Maoshan in the future.


The representative of Kunlun, speaking in the group.

[Kunlun Jiuyang Heavenly Master]: "Kunlun, congratulations to the Demon Heavenly Master of Maoshan Town, breaking through the Immortal Realm, in the coming day, I Kunlun will definitely prepare a thin gift and send it to Maoshan, congratulating Maoshan on the birth of a master of the Immortal Realm." "

Ancheng, Zhen Moguan.

Seeing Kunlun's Nine Yang Heavenly Master, he made a statement.

And it is not a simple verbal statement, but directly to congratulate with gifts, which has given Maoshan enough face.

And expressed a firm position.

After all, when Dragon Tiger Mountain said just now that some of them had broken through to the Immortal Realm, but no Daoist leader chose to take sides.

Qing Void Heavenly Master looked at Tong Zheng's room.

Now the has been blown out.

Just wait for Tong Zheng to break through.

If Tong Zheng can't break through, then he will be slapped in the face!

At this moment, in the room.

On Tong Zheng's body, a terrifying golden immortal light burst out and rushed straight into the sky.

This golden light was several times larger than the light of merit when he broke through the Heavenly Master, and the quality was also sublimated, directly covering the entire Zhen Demon View in the golden divine light.


Above the dome of the sky, the wind and clouds change.

One by one, Xiangrui descended, passed through the roof, fell into the room, and descended on Tong Zheng.

Outside the room.

The Void Heavenly Master, the Three Talents Daoist and the others all cheered up.

This is a breakthrough.

Broke through to the Immortal Realm.

From now on, Maoshan will stand up.

In the room.

A series of auspicious rays of light surrounded Tong Zheng's body, and auspicious rui rose, raising his entire momentum to an unprecedented height.

Under the flesh, every inch of flesh and blood, shining gold.

Like a golden man.

Condense the golden body, sword and gun do not enter, water and fire do not invade.

At the same time, Tong Zheng's divine consciousness condensed into the Yuan God, but the Yuan God came out and went in and out of the Netherworld.

The realm has been elevated from a heavenly master to an immortal!

Become an immortal.

Tong Zheng suddenly felt that he had a lot more sense between him and this heaven and earth.

In the dark, you can also feel many causes and effects.

He can easily mobilize the power of heaven and earth for his use, countless times stronger than the Heavenly Master, walking between walks, shrinking the ground into inches, and traveling thousands of miles every day.

Tong Zheng's eyes turn into fairy eyes, which can penetrate the void at a glance, and his sensing ability can be improved in an all-round way.

The wind and grass in a radius of 10,000 meters could not escape his senses, and even if he closed his eyes, the scene of 10,000 meters nearby could be presented in his mind.

It can be said.

In the Zhen Demon Temple, he could sense what was happening under the mountain.

"My divine consciousness turns into a Yuan God, and when the Yuan God comes out, I can leave the physical body, even if the physical body is destroyed, as long as the Yuan God does not die, I can cultivate the physical body again." Tong Zheng sensed the current realm and sighed.

Immortals and Heavenly Masters are no longer a level existence.

Breakthrough Division.

If you gain the recognition of heaven and earth, you can give birth to spiritual knowledge, attract the power of heaven and earth, use it for your own use, and fly in the air.

Breakthrough Heavenly Master.

Spiritual knowledge has increased a hundredfold, and when one thought becomes the law, the word follows the law.

And break through the immortals.

Condense the golden body, give birth to the Yuan God, but the Yuan God comes out, and the years are immortal.

Tong Zheng felt that his previous self belonged to the stage of mortals, while his current self belonged to the stage of immortals.


Tong Zheng broke through not in the early stage of the Immortal Realm, but directly through the early stage of the Immortal Realm and reached the middle stage of the Immortal Realm.

Because Tong Zheng is not an immortal realm that has broken through with 8,500 years of skill, but an immortal realm that has broken through with 10,000 years of skill.

The ordinary Heavenly Master Perfection is all an immortal realm that has broken through with 8,500 years of skill, so once it breaks through, it is the early stage of the immortal realm.

And Tong Zheng was 1,500 years higher than them, and he broke through the Immortal Realm with 10,000 years of skill, so as soon as he broke through, he directly crossed the early stage of the Immortal Realm and reached the middle stage of the Immortal Realm.

In the middle of the Immortal Realm, it is several times stronger than the early stage of the Immortal Realm.

Tong Zheng is now fully sure of the existence of the early stage of the Immortal Realm.


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