The body of the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect fell from the air, smashed fiercely on the ground, suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and was seriously injured and pale.

Looking at the air, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, Tong Zheng was levitating.

He lost, completely.

Without the slightest suspense, in front of the various great masters of Huaxia, in front of countless awakened people, in front of countless media reporters, in front of their Dragon Tiger Mountain Hall, they were defeated by Tong Zheng with a few moves, cut off their arms, and had no resistance at all.

From today.

Dragon Tiger Mountain will no longer be qualified to compete with Maoshan for the position of the authentic Taoist sect, and the management fist of the Spiritual Bureau will also have to be handed over to Maoshan to manage.


Zhang Laodao, Huang Yan, Xiaorou, Lin Jing'er, Sancai Daoist, Qingxian Heavenly Master, Wanfu Heavenly Master and others, as well as hundreds of Maoshan disciples.


Win, Maoshan's Zhen Demon Ancestor wins.


Maoshan is the authentic Taoism of China.

There is also the ruler of the supernatural bureau, which will also be their Maoshan.

All this because of him.

Maoshan's Zhen Demon Ancestor, this invincible person who has created miracles all the way.

Relative to Maoshan's excitement.

On the other side of Dragon Tiger Mountain, it is shrouded in a sad atmosphere.

Their masters, the invincible existence in their hearts, were defeated by people in a crushing way.

Moreover, in front of countless Taoist leaders and countless media reporters in China, it can be said that in the future, they will live in the shadow of Maoshan Mountain.

When the world mentions Dragon Tiger Mountain, they all think of today's events, Dragon Tiger Mountain is a Taoist who was defeated by Mao Mountain.

The three Dragon Tiger Mountain Purple Thunder Heavenly Masters, Public Fortune Heavenly Masters, and Thousand Cultivation Heavenly Masters only felt that the sky had fallen.

When the brothers in charge were defeated, their faith collapsed.

All previous illusions will cease to exist.

Especially the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master, before he was a Maoshan Zhen Demon Ancestor, but he was just a cultivation who was promoted by pulling out seedlings, not their opponent in charge, and now he was slapped in the face.

Tong is precisely the cultivation behavior of pulling out seedlings to promote promotion, then they can't even beat Tong Zheng who is promoted by pulling out seedlings, and what is their palm teaching.

Tong Zheng looked at the Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect in front of him and spoke, "From today onwards, my Maoshan is the authentic Huaxia Taoist sect, and at the same time, I, Maoshan, will serve as the new ruler of the Huaxia Spiritual Bureau. The

Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect showed bitterness on his face, nodded in acquiescence, and now, it was useless for him not to agree.

Dragon Tiger Mountain was defeated in front of so many people, it is useless not to agree, and in the future, Dragon Tiger Mountain will no longer be the leader of the Dao Realm.


Tong Zheng looked at the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master and spoke, "This person, who designed to murder me some time ago and is preparing to blame Christianity, must die!" After

Tong Zheng finished speaking, he didn't give the people of Dragon Tiger Mountain a chance to react.

The Devil Slaying Daguan Knife was raised, and the Devil Destroying God Flame attached to it, and it was directly slashed out and slashed towards the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master.

The sword light with the divine flame slashed horizontally, and the speed was extremely fast.

Before the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master could react, he was slashed on his body, and the terrifying Demon Destroying God Flame and the Zhen Demon Knife Light directly split the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master and split it in half.

The Demon Exterminator God Flame stained on his two halves of the corpse, burned, and after a while, directly burned the two corpses to ashes.

Dragon Tiger Mountain's generation of heavenly masters, in the blink of an eye, there is no corpse!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a Heavenly Master with seven thousand years of Dao, get 70,000 energy points, 700 merit points]

In Tong Zheng's mind, a prompt sounded.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, but he had some strength, seven thousand years of skill, not weak.

But Tong Zheng will not let him go.

Kill him, Tong Zheng's grudge with Dragon Tiger Mountain can be regarded as completely over.

"You!" Seeing this, the Dragon Tiger Mountain Palm Sect's face was very ugly, but he was helpless.

In this situation, they have no resistance in Dragon Tiger Mountain.

It was useless for him to anger Tong Zheng to kill the Purple Thunder Heavenly Master, and the grudge between Tong Zheng and Dragon Tiger Mountain had to die a Heavenly Master to resolve.

The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master was the culprit who planned to assassinate Tong Zheng some time ago, and they might be able to keep him when Dragon Tiger Mountain was strong.

But now, in the entire Dragon Tiger Mountain, no one is Tong Zheng's opponent.

The Purple Thunder Heavenly Master must be sacrificed.

"In the future, the grudge between Longhushan and Maoshan will be written off, my Maoshan is the authentic sect of Huaxia Taoism, taking over the spiritual bureau, you Longhushan must not secretly do something that endangers my Huaxia's safety, otherwise I Maoshan will never spare you easily." Tong Zheng snorted coldly.


Tong Zheng turned and looked down, this time to watch the awakened people who came to watch the battle.

He spoke, "Today, thank you for coming to Dragon Tiger Mountain and witnessing that my Maoshan has become an authentic Chinese Taoist sect."

"Nowadays, the recovery of terror has intensified, and on the earth, ghosts and evil have appeared more and more, and in the near future, many forbidden areas will descend on our earth, and in these forbidden areas, there will be a revival of terrifying existence, opening a big era, when the time comes, everyone can practice."

"Now, the era of national cultivation has not yet begun, and after the baptism of the three blood moons, some gifted people have awakened their talents in advance and can step into the cultivation world, it can be said that all the awakened people present are the darlings of heaven and earth, and before the era of national cultivation begins, you are clocked by heaven and earth." Tong Zheng said, "You awaken your talent before others and practice first, and you will be far ahead of others before the era of national cultivation begins in the future." "

The Paranormal Bureau is the official organization of Huaxia, and now it is taken over by my Maoshan to recruit talents, and everyone can actively join the Paranormal Bureau to improve their cultivation by dealing with various supernatural events." Tong Zhengdao: "You can also join me Maoshan directly, I Maoshan welcomes everyone to join, in the future era, lead everyone all the way forward."

Tong Zheng's words were infectious.

Let the awakening present completely boil.

One by one, they scrambled to join Maoshan and the Spirit Bureau.

They awakened their talents in advance through the Blood Moon, and they all wanted to improve their cultivation and distance themselves from others before the great era of national cultivation began in the future.

Tong Zheng welcomed this very much.

The awakened people are all gifted people who are favored by heaven and earth, and in the current situation where the concentration of spiritual energy has increased dozens of times.

The speed of improvement in the cultivation of these awakened people is a thousand miles a day, and I am afraid that in a year and a half, they can withstand the decades of hard practice of their predecessors.


The power of the awakened is the mainstay of this era.

Maoshan can absorb these awakened people to join and expand himself, and he will be able to gain a firm foothold in the future era.

Return from Dragon Tiger Mountain to Maoshan.

Maoshan then arranged a group of strong people to go to the imperial capital to take over the Spirit Bureau.

Mao Shan went to take over the group of powerhouses who took over the Spirit Bureau, led by the Ten Thousand Fu Heavenly Master, one Heavenly Master, and four Earth Masters, and thirty Maoshan high-level people with a skill of more than two thousand years.

The three Heavenly Masters of Maoshan, as well as the direct disciples of the eight Earth Masters, added up, there were nearly a hundred people, and these hundred people could be regarded as the second-generation mages of Maoshan.

For example, the eleven disciples of the three talents and the Dao lineage are the second-generation mages.

The three talents and Taoists are a generation of ancestors.

And Xiao Rou, the apprentice of this series of second-generation mages, is a third-generation disciple.

The three generations of Maoshan's disciples, there are nearly six hundred people

, and some of them have also been arranged to go down the mountain to enter the supernatural situation to experience, quickly improve their cultivation, and improve their strength before the arrival of the future big era.

Those awakened people joined Maoshan and were arranged to become the outer disciples of Maoshan, and Maoshan provided these people with a simple practice that allowed them to absorb spiritual energy into their bodies and improve their cultivation.

With the addition of these people, the development of Maoshan can prosper.

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