In the main hall of Maoshan.

Tong Zheng opens the properties panel

: [Host: Tong Zheng

] [Realm: Middle Immortal Realm

] [Energy Points: 875000

] [Merit Points: 7150] [

Mastering Skills: "Body Fixing Spell" (Dacheng +), "Talisman God Pattern", "Bagua Dao Method" (Completion), "Five Thunder Mantra" (Completion), "Five Thunder Jade Book" (Dacheng +), "Shangqing Great Cave Thunder Method" (Dacheng +), "Imperial Qi Technique" (Dacheng+)

] [Has magic weapons: Devil Slaying Daguan Dao (quasi-immortal weapon), Heavenly Thunder Hammer (fourth order), purple electric cone (fourth order)]

looked at his current attribute panel, merit points reached 7150 points, energy points accumulated to more than 800,000, not bad.

After returning from Dragon Tiger Mountain, during this time, he went to various places to kill many thousand-year-old ghosts and harvested a lot of energy points.

But it was far from enough to rise to the 1.5 million energy points in the late stage of the Immortal Realm.

During this time, the recovery of terror intensified, and what made him vaguely worried was that the truth behind the night of the blood moon might come at any time, and if the strength was not enough at that time, waiting for the end of all mankind, there would only be one left.

This time.

Maoshan's development was prosperous, and Tong Zheng asked Zhang Laodao, the three talents of the Daoist, the Qing Void Heavenly Master, etc., to find a way to quickly improve their cultivation.

In the future, strength is the most fundamental thing.

At this time, Tong Zheng's divine sense sensed that several Maoshan disciples were rushing to the main hall of Maoshan with a worried look.

Tong Zheng's figure moved, and he came to the front of several people in a breath.

Several people were startled, and when they saw the person in front of them, they quickly respectfully said, "See the Zhen Demon Ancestor." "

Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded, his eyes swept over a few people: "Did something happen, in such a hurry?"

Several people looked at each other, and one of the women knelt down directly and prayed, "Please Ancestor save Senior Brother Chen and them!"

Tong Zheng asked why.

It turned out that several of them were disciples who had gone to the bottom of the mountain to practice, and in Yecheng, they found a lifeless atmosphere in a remote alley.

These disciples had just come down the mountain, and the newborn calves were not afraid of the tiger and wanted to go in to see what happened, but they didn't expect that after entering, they didn't even see the opponent's face, and they died one by one, and finally Senior Brother Chen used all his strength to send these people out of the alley and return to Maoshan for help.

Dead air?

Is there a powerful evil thing at work?

"I see, I'll go there myself." Tong Zheng agreed.

After speaking, Tong Zheng flashed and disappeared in front of several people, and now with his strength in the middle of the Immortal Realm, he walked and shrunk into inches, extremely fast, and could directly rush to the place of the incident.

Several disciples looked at each other and were shocked, is this the strength of the Zhen Demon Ancestor?

Tong Zheng came to Yecheng, and the lifeless alley in the disciple's mouth was particularly eye-catching.

In the eyes of Tong Zheng's immortals, the whole sky is about to be dyed red, which shows that the evil things in it are not simple.

It seems that the third horror revival, the ghosts have also evolved.

Tong Zheng walked over and found that there were many people standing at the mouth of the alley, pointing inside.

"It's really pitiful, just died two more, right?"

"It's obviously so terrible, why take the initiative to walk in?"

"That kid is quite smart, why is he so confused?"

Tong Zheng walked over and asked, "There are powerful evil things here, you guys leave quickly."

An aunt turned around, and was about to say something, when she suddenly opened her mouth and pointed to Tong Zheng's face, "You, aren't you the superior person on the news."

"It's Heavenly Master!" The person next to him called out.

"Great, the Heavenly Master of Maoshan is here, and there is salvation."

Tong Zheng shook his head.

Celestial Master?

Sorry, it's immortals now.

"Heavenly Master, quickly bring down the ghosts inside, two more babies will die at this time."

"Don't worry, leave it to me!" Tong Zheng waved his hand and slowly walked in.

As soon as he entered the alley, Tong Zheng felt a sense of oppression rolling in, the walls on both sides were gray and mottled, and the traces of time fell off, and several newspapers were pasted on them.

Telling the story of what happened in 1911, Tong Zheng could hear the crying of babies, the wheels of honest bicycles, the laughter of women...

"A ghost in the Republic of China!" Tong Zheng snorted softly, his eyes widened, and he spat out fairy voices: "Break it for me!" "

I only heard a bang, something shattering in my ears, and then everything disappeared, the walls on both sides turned into normal modern cement, and the atmosphere was a little depressed, but no longer terrifying.

Tong Zheng's divine sense swept around, frowned, came to a low house, and pushed the door open with both hands.

There was a shout from inside, and a woman shrunk in a corner in horror and asked Tong Zheng, "Are you a mage, save me!"

Tong Zheng's eyes narrowed and he asked, "I'm not a mage. "

You're human?" The woman heard the sound and pounced, "Please save me!" The

momentum seemed to be to plunge headlong into Tong Zheng's arms in order to seek protection.

However, Tong Zheng held her head with one hand and lifted her up: "Don't worry, I will save you immediately, and also, surpass you!"

"Okay, save me." The woman said vaguely: "Wait, overtake me!" "

What do you mean!

Next second.

Tong Zheng had a hand in his right hand, and the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife appeared in the palm of his hand.

It's going to be slashed down.


The abnormality occurred, and the woman in her hand suddenly surged with a terrifying aura, and a thick blood mist gushed out from her body, climbing up Tong Zheng's arm and surging towards Tong Zheng.

"Little obedient, can't you pretend to have a showdown!" Tong Zheng let go of the woman, and the Devil Slaying Knife in his hand slashed forward, directly splitting the blood mist in half, only to hear a miserable cry in the fog, and a figure flew out backwards and hit the wall.

At this time, where are there any beautiful women, there is only a fierce ghost with teeth and claws.

Do you still want to confuse me with this kind of practice?

Tong Zheng disdained, and at the same time, the Devil Slaying Knife in his hand did not stop at all, ready to harvest the energy points in front of him.

The female ghost raised her head, her eyes showed fear, and suddenly, she raised her head and shouted upwards, "Ghost Emperor save me!" "

Ghost Emperor?" Although Tong Zheng was puzzled, he didn't care: "Even if the ghosts and gods come, they can't save you." Halfway

through the Demon Slaying Daguan Dao, Tong Zheng suddenly felt a powerful aura lock on him.

I don't know when, a black shadow slowly poked out from the ceiling, such a strange appearance, it was very uncomfortable.

Tong Zheng looked at the black shadow in front of him and found that his divine sense could not penetrate it, as if a wall had firmly blocked him from the outside.

He was shocked in his heart, to know that he was now in the middle of the Immortal Realm, and there was actually an existence that he couldn't detect, what was this black shadow?

Ghost Emperor?

The realm of ghosts and things, the stronger they are, and after the ghost generals, they are the ghost king, the ghost emperor, and the ghost emperor.

If it is a ghost emperor, it may also be an existence of the Immortal Realm.

The resurgence of terror has intensified, and more and more existence has been resurgent.

"I'd rather see what you are!" Tong Zheng shouted, and the Demon Exterminating God Flame rose and ran straight towards the black shadow.

The two auras collided violently, and the whole house collapsed, and Tong Zheng evacuated the room in a flash, and saw the black shadow wrapping the female ghost and rising up.

Tong Zheng shouted, "Where to go!" "

Holding the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand, he rushed straight up.

He wanted to see what kind of existence this so-called ghost emperor was today!

The black shadow shot a black arrow towards Tong Zheng, was slashed by Tong Zheng, and then continued to chase towards the black shadow.

The two sides are gradually moving away from Yecheng!

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