Tong was chasing the black shadow all the way, and soon there was no shadow of Ye Cheng behind him.


quickly told him the answer, the black shadow that flew halfway suddenly changed direction and flew down, Tong Zheng did not dare to slacken, and hurriedly followed.

The black shadow fell into a blood-red valley, surrounded by dead wood, the ground was full of rotting animal carcasses, and in the air, red-eyed crows hovered and hissed.

Tong Zheng's Devil Slaying Knife followed the black shadow, and the Demon Destroying God Flame slashed down, and the black shadow threw the female ghost aside, and then stretched out a gray but strong arm from it, and took Tong Zheng's Devil Slaying Daguan Knife in his hand with his bare hands.

Tong Zheng was shocked in his heart, his Demon Slaying Daguan Dao is also a five-grade quasi-immortal weapon, coupled with his strength in the middle of the Immortal Realm, it was so understated by the other party?

But the scene that happened next still made Tong Zheng suffer a lot, it seemed to miscalculate the power of the Demon Destroying God Flame, and after less than a second of contact, the black shadow retracted his hand again, and at the same time took the initiative to retreat to open the distance.

"Go back, don't run out next time!" came a voice from the black shadow, ugly and hoarse.

Tong Zheng scratched his ears and suddenly felt better.

"Yes!" replied the female ghost, and before leaving, she also looked at Tong Zheng with a complicated look, making the latter tremble, what is it, isn't this female ghost interesting to him? Tong Zheng

put the knife on his shoulder and said: "I don't care what kind of ghost emperor you are, now that you let my goal go, you have to make up for it yourself."

Tong Zheng, who always felt strange after this sentence, couldn't help but add: "Oh, I mean your life."

"Human monks. The black shadow said: "Leave this place, I will no longer pursue the pursuit and killing you just made."

"Don't pursue it, Lao Tzu is afraid that you will pursue it!" Tong Zheng snorted coldly.

The other party is willing to persuade him to leave, he must be jealous of him, otherwise who will reason with you when they have the strength to crush you?

Tong Zheng didn't want to think about it, and directly slashed down.

He likes to be reasonable.

The light of the Zhen Demon Knife slashed into the valley, and the ravages of energy began to erupt in the blood-colored valley, and the red-eyed crows scattered with a cry after a disaster, far away from this place of right and wrong.

The black shadow is also far more difficult than Tong Zheng imagined, and although every sword seems to be his upper hand, it is still far from enough to take down the black shadow.

Thinking of this, Tong Zheng was no longer sluggish, and the gossip knife method was fully powerful, suppressing the living space of the black shadow little by little.

The arm stretched out from the black shadow again, it seemed that because he sensed the danger, the black shadow, which had always been passive, suddenly took the initiative to attack, only to see the rich blood condensed in his claws, towards Tong Zheng's face, the speed was so fast that Tong Zheng was startled, fortunately, he had enough strength as a hole card, his figure retreated sharply, and he dodged the blow without risk.

But the second blow of the black shadow came one after another, this time it was the second arm stretched out from the black shadow, and the blood-colored claws came in an instant

! "A little skill, but not enough!" Tong Zheng snorted coldly, ready to use his Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan knife to teach the other party to be a ghost once!

An arm was cut off and fell from the sky to the ground, but no blood gushed out.

In my mind, there is no energy point prompt sounding.

Tong Zheng looked down, and saw another hand, stretched out from inside the black shadow.

"Groove. "Tong Zheng, the third hand?

The Demon Exterminator Flame stained his hands, and it couldn't burn him.

This time, Tong Zheng's target was not his hand, he directly locked the black shadow: "Just let me see what kind of thing you are!"

Since the hand can still regenerate, then I directly cut off your body, what else do you rely on to regenerate?

A slash down, directly let this black shadow be destroyed, and burned by the Demon Exterminator God Flame.

Tong Zheng was expecting in his heart, if the other party was really a ghost emperor, then how much energy could this time be enough for him to break through to the later stage.

With the ugly and desperate scream of the black shadow, the long-lost system prompt sounded in the ears:

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the ghost emperor doppelganger, get 50,000 energy points, 500 merit points]

Tong Zheng almost didn't stay in place.

In his mind, Tong Zheng opened his mouth to the system: "System, is this just a ghost emperor doppelganger?"

The system replied.

Tong Zheng shook his head and said, "It's just a doppelganger, I said that the Ghost Emperor can't be so weak." "

It's no wonder that if it's really the Ghost Emperor, it can't be eliminated by him so easily.

Tong Zheng looked at the ground, and the split black shadow did not leave any corpses at all, only the potholes on the ground proved that there had just been a thrilling battle.

With Tong Zheng's strength, 5,000 power is indeed not a problem, just because it is the doppelganger of the ghost emperor, so it is far more difficult than the normal ghost emperor?"

"Forget it, anyway, the energy points are also in hand, and then find some ghost king-level ghosts to kill to be able to rise to the later stage." Tong Zheng said to himself, "But I have to speed up, this Ghost Emperor's strength is so terrifying, in case I encounter it, I have to have the strength to fight against it." After

saying that, his figure moved, and he left the valley surrounded by blood.

And in a yin and yang castle far away from the Blood Valley, a pale-faced young man sat on the throne with his eyes closed, and he opened his eyes when he felt something: "Dead doppelganger, who is the human cultivator?"

And next to him, I don't know when she returned to the beautiful appearance of Tong Zheng when she first saw her, kneeling and shivering.

"You sneaked out again, didn't you?" said the boy turning his head to the female ghost.

"Yes, I'm sorry. The female ghost shivered.

"I can smell the blood on you, you've killed a lot of people." The young man suddenly laughed defiantly: "Can you tell me, Su Li, who is the human who killed my doppelganger?"

The female ghost replied.

"Immortal Realm cultivator!" the young man's eyes narrowed, the Immortal Realm was not weaker than him now, and he was already a level existence.

Tong Zheng, who returned to Maoshan, sneezed, bah.

At this time, who was still nagging me?

Several disciples from before hurriedly gathered around, and the female disciple asked anxiously: "Ancestor, Senior Brother Chen, how is he?"

Tong Zheng shook his head: "I didn't see the corpse, it is estimated that something happened to me, and it was refined by that female ghost." "

Is this so," the female disciple bit her eyes.

Tong Zheng sighed, it was also their bad luck to encounter a ghost of this level.

I had to go back to my residence.

Tong Zheng and the Qing Void Heavenly Master and other high-level Maoshan high-level people said what had just happened, and everyone was shocked.

It seems that terror has revived, and more and more terror has been revived.

Everyone has to find a way to improve their strength.

Next, Tong Zheng planned to go to various places to kill some powerful ghosts, at least earn some merit points first, and remove the quasi-words of this Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan knife in his hand and upgrade it to the sixth order.

He is also an immortal, and he can't always use quasi-immortal weapons, there is a system, he doesn't need to slowly warm up with mana, just add a little upgrade.

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