Take a look at the properties panel.

The merit points have already exceeded nine thousand, first raise the Devil Slaying Dao to the sixth order.

"System, spend merit points, raise the Devil Slaying Daguan Dao to the sixth order. Tong Zheng said to the system.


[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 9,000 merit points, raise the level of the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan to the sixth order, increase the attack power of all attributes by ten times, and obtain new attributes at the same time, knife intent] Looking at the Devil Slaying

Daguan Daguan Daguan knife that finally turned into an immortal weapon in his hand, Tong Zheng nodded with satisfaction, not in vain he worked so hard to collect merit points for so long, with this, even if the body of the ghost emperor came, he must have the power of a battle.


The door was pushed open, and Xiao Rou's little head poked in.

"Xiaorou, what's wrong?" asked Tong Zheng, who had already sensed the arrival with his divine sense.

"I wanted to surprise you. Xiao Rou muttered.

"Haha. Tong Zheng laughed twice, it was not easy to sneak around him: "What surprise, tell me about it."

"Me. Xiao Rou pouted dissatisfiedly, and almost hung up a tow oil bottle, but after a while she still pounced: "Brother Tong Zheng, you have been busy getting rid of ghosts everywhere these days, and people miss you."

Tong Zheng replied, "Terror is revived, the blood moon is coming, and all sentient beings are in dire straits, how can we be able to stay behind the scenes and covet pleasure?"

Xiao Rou said, not forgetting to turn back and make a face before leaving: "The palm sect said that something is looking for you." When

he came to the place of the Void Heavenly Master and found that he was playing chess inside, Tong Zheng said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the Palm Sect still has this Yaxing."

"Ahem. Qing Void Heavenly Master coughed lightly twice: "It's just a hobby."

"Let's not talk about that. The Void Heavenly Master waved his hand: "In recent days, there have been more and more things about the forbidden land.

"Hmm. Tong Zheng said, "I chased a dark shadow into the valley a few days ago, the blood and qi are pervasive, and there is no life, I am afraid that I can swallow people alive." "

The third blood night comes, the aura is even stronger, and presumably the ghost emperor-level yin thing will also appear. The Void Heavenly Master sighed.

"The doppelganger I met is the Ghost Emperor doppelganger. Tong Zheng spoke, "It's just not clear why they didn't come out." The

Clear Void Heavenly Master's gaze shrank: "Maybe there is some prohibition."

"Probably, at present, the ghost emperor can only send out a part of the doppelganger that is not strong, the body cannot come out, that body is just a doppelganger, but it still has five thousand years of skill, I estimate that the strength of the body should not be underestimated." Tong Zheng said.

The Void Heavenly Master sighed: "Now that human beings are on the cusp of the storm, a little attention can lead to the destruction of life, and you and I must all do our best to stop this catastrophe." Now that I have reached the Heavenly Master realm consummation, this cultivation today has not progressed, I am really ashamed, now the great enemy is now, we can't let your juniors carry it alone.

Tong Zheng frowned: "What does the head mean?" "

I want to condense the golden body, transform the divine consciousness, and suddenly the Immortal Realm!" The Emotional Heavenly Master's eyes burst into light.

"Come on. Tong Zheng cheered.

"Hey, hey, don't go, teach me some experience!" came the voice of the Void Heavenly Master from behind.

It's already hinted so obvious, I have to beg you.

Tong Zheng smiled.

It turned out to be for his guidance.

Tong Zheng didn't mind pointing him out.

After reaching the Heavenly Master Realm, if you get some of his guidance, it is still possible to improve.

Especially next, there is the blood moon.

And at this time.


Jiuyang Heavenly Master sat in front of Lin Jing'er, educating the other party with a serious expression: "Jing'er, I have said it all, to be a person, you must be willing to give up your shoulders and put down your burden, as the saying goes, men chase women, separate mountains, women chase men, and put a piece of paper." As long as you take the initiative and be positive, it is not a problem to take down Tong Zheng?" Lin

Jinger's pretty face turned red, "But." But I'm all like that, not active enough?"

"Also, your problem, not here, in other ways." Jiuyang Heavenly Master thought for a moment and said, "Now, it should be the question of whether Tong Zheng can accept both of you at the same time, if not, only accept one, who will he choose."

"Tong Zheng lives so close to that Xiaorou, I feel like I don't even have a chance." Lin Jinger said unconfidently.

"No!" Jiuyang Heavenly Master slapped his thigh, "Near the water building platform first to get the moon, the current battle situation you obviously have a disadvantage, I have to find a way to get you over." "


Half a day later.

Tong Zheng saw that the master and apprentice carrying large bags and small bags came to Maoshan.

Tong Zheng's eyes were puzzled: "Jiuyang Heavenly Master, what does this mean?"

Jiuyang Heavenly Master said with a smile: "Maoshan has recently become famous in the world, I specially brought Jing'er to study and win the strength of a hundred families." Now that the blood moon is coming again, the yin thing is rampant, the Zhen Demon Ancestor will not disagree, right? "


? You Kunlun is once the three super Daoists, four immortals sit, countless Taoist texts, you need to learn from them Maoshan!?

Looking at Lin Jing'er who was twisting and pinching next to him, Tong Zheng immediately understood the intentions of these two people.

"Welcome welcome. A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of Tong Zheng's mouth.

It's still Jiuyang Heavenly Master who thinks about it.

"Apprentice, you will live in Maoshan in the future. Jiuyang Heavenly Master looked at Lin Jing'er beside him.

It was Xiao Rou who heard the news.

His eyes looked dangerously at Lin Jing'er.

Out of a woman's nature, Lin Jinger, who was shy at a glance, immediately knew the true intentions of the two, and stopped in the middle of the two sides with a single step, and said with a smile: "Is my sister here to study!" "Otherwise!"

Lin Jinger also smiled: "Also, I want to accompany my sister, I'm afraid that my sister will be alone by Tong Zheng's brother's side, and I won't be able to take care of it."

"My sister is so considerate. Xiao Rou replied.

"Ahem. Looking at the two people facing each other, Tong Zheng coughed dryly!

Half a day later.

Jiuyang Heavenly Master was satisfied and went down the mountain alone, he helped everything he could, and let the young people solve the rest themselves.

As for whether Tong Zheng chose Lin Jing'er or Xiaorou in the end, it was not something he could interfere with.

Or, Tong Zheng chooses both.


With Tong Zheng's current strength in the Immortal Realm, if you choose both, Kunlun will not have an opinion.

After all, the Immortal Realm represents identity and status.

And in the future, Tong Zheng still has a lot of room for improvement.

After the Jiuyang Heavenly Master descended the mountain.

Tong Zheng arranged Lin Jinger's residence.

And just arranged.

The Jiuyang Heavenly Master, who was full of spring breeze when he went out, went and returned, but his face was very different from before.

"Did something happen, how did you come back?" Tong Zheng had a sense of foreboding.

"What's wrong, Master?" asked Lin Jing'er with some concern.


"Poof!" A mouthful of blood spat out from the mouth of the Nine Yang Heavenly Master, staining the floor red, shocking.

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