"Master!" shouted Lin Jing'er in a lost voice, hurriedly going up to hold her up.

"What's wrong?" Tong Zheng also went up, a gentle mana, poured into the body of the Nine Yang Heavenly Master, he wasn't fine when he just went out, how did he become like this when he came back?

It's the Ghost Emperor..." Leaving such a sentence, the Jiuyang Heavenly Master fainted.

"Ghost Emperor?" Tong Zheng was shocked, why did he appear in this place?

He turned to Lin Jing'er and said, "You contact Kunlun Mountain and explain to them the situation of the Nine Yang Heavenly Master, I will go down the mountain first to see what is going on." "

Good!" Lin Jing'er gritted her teeth and nodded.

"Brother Tong Zheng, be careful!" said Xiao Rou worriedly.

According to the route of the Jiuyang Heavenly Master, it should be after coming down from Maoshan and flying all the way towards Kunlun, if it is the ghost emperor encountered on the road, then Tong Zheng only needs to fly along this road.

Just halfway through the flight, Tong Zheng stopped.

In the forest in front of him, a pale-faced boy was lying on a tree with his eyes closed, while next to the boy, the female ghost was sitting cautiously on her knees.

Tong Zheng's gaze shrunk, and the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife appeared in his hand.

The young man opened his eyes and faced Tong Zheng in the sky, and then smiled slightly: "So it's you, the guy who killed my doppelganger?"

If this is really the case, then this enemy in front of you is not so easy to deal with.

"To be honest, I don't like to be called that. The young man smiled and said, "You may not believe it, and I don't want to become like this, but in this world, sometimes you can't fulfill your wishes, and as a young immortal, you probably can't understand what I said." "

Did you injure the Nine Yang Heavenly Master?" asked Tong Zheng.

"If not for you to come over. The young man smiled and said, "I can kill him directly." "

Less nonsense. Tong Zheng scolded angrily, and the flame of the Demon Exterminator on the blade rose up.

The young man's figure moved, and in an instant, he came to Tong Zheng's face: "I don't want to fight with you, I want to make a deal with you."

Tong Zheng frowned: "What deal can I make with you?"

The young man smiled: "This transaction is not harmful to you, after all, it is a transaction, and the ultimate goal must be to satisfy both parties."

"What deal?" asked Tong Zheng, while carefully observing the other party's actions.

"I just want to survive. The young man said, "But my living space is being squeezed, and the specific reason is of course because of your so-called righteous Taoists, but I can also understand that the evil spirits who do so make you have a bad impression of us."

"Aren't you?" replied Tong Zheng.

"Yes, I'm very different from them, even if it's the weak and poor guy in front, I just hurt him. The boy replied.

Tong Zheng carefully thought about the young man's words, "What do you want?" "

I mentioned that the living space is only, and in exchange, I can give you the information of the other ghost emperors." The smiling boy said the exciting news now.

Is the camp on the other side

so unstable?"

Tong Zheng said.

"It doesn't hurt. The teenager snapped his fingers: "When we meet for the second time, I hope you can give me an answer."

Looking at the back of the two as they left, Tong Zheng fell into deep thought.


Soon after, on Mao Mountain, it was heard that it was the Ghost Emperor, and Kunlun Mountain even sent two immortal realms to come here to ensure that nothing was lost.

At this time, a group of people were gathering in the main hall, listening to Tong Zheng talking about what had just happened.

"In other words, that Ghost Emperor hopes to exchange the information of other Ghost Emperors for his own stable survival?" said an immortal from Kunlun Mountain with a frown.

"Impossible. Another immortal directly refused: "The other party is a ghost, and his goal cannot be as simple as survival."

Tong Zheng sighed, thought about it, and still sent the message to the WeChat group.

The group instantly exploded.

[Emei Jingyue Heavenly Master]: "What is the situation, the ghost took the initiative to come over and negotiate conditions with us?" [

Shushan Wine Sword Heavenly Master]: "I heard that I also injured the Jiuyang Heavenly Master, is the Jiuyang

Heavenly Master okay?" [Ultimate South Mountain Return to the Heavenly Master]: "I think it's not bad, you can promise it first, and then get rid of it after the news arrives."

Tong Zheng scratched his head, and also felt that what they said made sense, although the boy did not look hostile, but after all, he was a ghost emperor, no matter how he was, he was the enemy of mankind, maybe he wanted to trick them into letting his guard down, but there were other conspiracies brewing behind his back.

You have to find out what that ghost emperor wants to do!

Tong Zheng felt very strange at the beginning.

That ghost emperor, born in the Republic of China, how could he have such strong strength, what happened to that female ghost, why could she be weak and let the ghost emperor send a doppelganger to rescue her?

After the female ghost left, the alley returned to normal, and Tong Zheng could no longer smell the strong smell of blood, but it was no longer possible for anyone to dare to come here, so it was particularly depressed.

Tong Zheng walked in and walked to the house that had collapsed because of the fighting.

He was the female ghost he met here.

She pounced on him in horror and begged him for her.

When Tong Zheng, who is a fairy realm, saw through her disguise at a glance, so he naturally regarded her as the culprit here, but now that he thinks about it, it is actually not so simple.

Tong Zheng unfolded his consciousness and soon found what he needed in a pile of ruins, and with a wave of his hand, he removed the rubble, revealing a crumpled photo underneath.

It was a black and white photograph that had been distorted by the traces of time.

But Tong Zheng could feel the curse entangled in it, he frowned, went to the nearest photo studio, and used the latest technology to restore it.

It was a graduation photo, with a group of students in uniform gathered together and smiling at the camera.

"That's it. The owner of the photo studio asked: "It's quite old, is it left by your grandmother?" Tong

Zheng frowned, his divine sense swept lightly on the photo, and the next second, a vision appeared, and all the classmates in the photo were gone, leaving only the boy and the female ghost, and the original faint smile turned into a hideous and terrifying smile, as if mocking everything.

The boss who was smoking saw this scene and the cigarette butts fell to the ground: "Lying groove, this photo is not clean!"

Tong Zheng smiled disdainfully.


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