Look in the photo.

Two hideous ghosts.

The owner of the photo studio took several steps back in fright.

Now that terror is revived, there are more and more ghosts, and supernatural events are not so strange.

Only when you experience it yourself can you understand the fear.

Tong Zheng looked at the two ghosts in the photo in front of him and said, "What is your purpose?"

"What I said, after you go back, have you discussed it clearly?" The Ghost Emperor boy said in the photo.

Although he speaks in the photo, he can hear clearly in the outside world.

And in the moment he spoke.

The owner of the photo studio fainted instantly.

Obviously, the content of their chat, the young ghost emperor did not want this boss to know.

"If you reveal the news of those ghost emperors to me, what benefits can you get?" asked Tong Zheng.

He did not immediately reject the content of the deal proposed by the Young Ghost Emperor.

For the Ghost Emperor who can obtain a large amount of information about the imminent recovery, it may not be anything to others, but for him, it is of great benefit.


The recovery of a ghost emperor must be accompanied by countless ghost things, and if he takes a ghost emperor's den, the energy points obtained will be massive.

Kill a ghost emperor's den, it is enough for him to raise a small realm energy point.

"I don't hide with you anymore, just tell you so, horror recovery, a total of ten opportunities for the blood moon to reappear, after the first blood moon appeared, ghosts everywhere began to recover, and every time the blood moon appeared, the degree of terrifying recovery will intensify, and more and more powerful ghosts will begin to recover." The young ghost emperor explained.

"Now it's just the third blood moon reappearing, what you have encountered is just small characters, the third blood moon appears, the existence of the ghost emperor level, is still being suppressed, there is no way to appear in the real body, can only come out as a doppelganger.

"However, the existence of the ghost emperor level can already come out, and we, the ghost emperors, are all the best in the prefecture, and have been drawn out of the prefecture to cope with this catastrophe of heaven and earth." The young ghost emperor said solemnly: "This catastrophe of heaven and earth, sweeping the heavenly court, the earth, the earthly mansion, as well as the western hell, the western heaven, and the Buddha realm spirit mountain, are all inevitable.

"In the future, our eastern hell and western hell, and the eastern heavenly court and western heaven, there is a possibility of war, so we are one camp, although you represent the power of the world, we are not hostile."

"I can provide you with some information about the powerful ghost emperors in the West that are about to recover, you go and destroy them, and fight against them in the future catastrophe, and we in the East can also win the Immortal Opportunity." "

The words of the young ghost emperor.

Tong Zheng was a little surprised, this amount of knowledge is a bit huge.

The terrifying recovery turned out to be a catastrophe that swept through the three realms of heaven and earth, as well as Western Heaven, Western Hell, and Buddha Realm Spirit Mountain.

Doesn't that mean that no one can avoid it?

Tong Zheng asked in his heart: "System, is what he said true?" Tong

Zheng faintly felt that the system must know something, and this system had been eager for merit points and energy points.

Tong Zheng guessed that not only did he need merit points, but also energy points to upgrade and become stronger, and the system also needed them.


What role did the system play in this catastrophe that swept the three realms?

And the system, why did it choose him.

"Really. The system replied: "Now, the third blood moon has passed, this great calamity is slowly opening, you have also reached the Immortal Realm, there are some things, I can tell you in advance."

"This terrifying recovery can be regarded as the fourth heaven and earth catastrophe, the first heaven and earth catastrophe, the war of the witch race and the demon race, the destruction of the flood and barren world, the second heaven and earth catastrophe, the battle of sealing gods, the establishment of the heavenly court, the third heaven and earth catastrophe, the dispute between Buddhism and the way, and now the fourth heaven and earth catastrophe is the battle of Chinese and Western beliefs, and the battlefield is the world, which side is the final victor, which side is the next master of heaven and earth."

"Terrifying recovery, the appearance of the blood moon, not only the recovery of ghosts, but also the awakened people in the human race are also awakening on a large scale, and the concentration of spiritual energy is also constantly increasing, that is, constantly selecting the strong and screening out the strong in all camps."

"We in the East have two camps, the Heavenly Court and the Earthly Court, and the West also has two camps, heaven and hell. The system explained: "The young ghost emperor in front of him should be one of the ghost emperors selected by King Yan Luo, the lord of the prefecture in our eastern camp, in order to fight with the hell in the west, from the prefecture, a lot of terrifying existences have been selected, and a recovery is brewing." "

System words.

Let Tong Zheng be a little in a trance.

The fourth immeasurable calamity, the war of faith between China and the West,

is it just like the last battle between Buddhism and paths?

However, this time the battle of faith was even more cruel, directly sweeping the three realms of heaven and earth.

Take the human world as a battlefield.

The masters of the two camps take turns to fight.

King Yan Luo of the Eastern Hell, in order to fight with the Satan of the Western Hell, summoned countless ghost emperors from the Underworld!

"That system, what role am I playing in this catastrophe?" Tong Zheng asked.

He obtained the system, was born with a force, and the background should not be simple.

The system said in a serious tone: "You, the lord of heaven and earth chosen by my eastern gods in this catastrophe, that is, the leader of the world, will lead our eastern cultivator camp against the western cultivator camp."

"The final great war will be divided into three confrontations, heaven vs. heaven, hell vs. battlefield, and the west against the east. The system explained: "After the tenth appearance of the Blood Moon, the great war will begin, and before the tenth Blood Moon appears, you have the responsibility to unite the cultivator camp in the East.

"I see. Tong Zheng took a deep breath, it seemed that this task was a little ambitious.

"The protective god tattoo on your body is part of the protection given to you by many gods in the East, otherwise do you think that five hundred merit points can be exchanged for such a powerful thing, with this god tattoo on your body, you will be like the protective body of the gods, and all evils will not invade." The system encouraged: "Come on, young man, with me, plus the help of the Eastern Gods to you, you will definitely be able to take on the heavy responsibility."

"Good. Tong Zheng replied.

Thought about it.

Then he said, "The system, what are you, what is your essence, and why is it in me?"

"It's not something you can know right now, don't worry, I'll tell you when the time comes." The system said: "By the way, the two female babies beside you are not simple, that Xiaorou is the seedling selected by the Queen Mother of the West in the Eastern camp, and that Lin Jing'er is the reincarnation of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu, and you can develop both of them well."

"When you reach the immortal realm, you should be able to feel some of the causes and effects in the underworld, you, as the protagonist of heaven and earth, the person who has received the blessing of the gods, the people you can meet around you, are not simple, it seems that it is fate, you must meet, even if you don't meet now, sooner or later." "

I can clearly tell you that in Huaxia, every awakened person is a person chosen by the Heavenly Court camp or the Earth House camp, and their cultivation does not need to worry, as the degree of terrifying recovery intensifies, the number of blood moons increases, and the inheritance in their minds will open.

"For example, that Xiaorou, she is the chosen descendant of the Queen Mother of the West, although she has only awakened the spiritual eye now, maybe after a while, she will awaken the inheritance of the Queen Mother of the West, and in her mind, there will be exercises and magical powers provided by the Queen Mother of the West, etc., to help her become stronger quickly." "


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