Kunlun's words shocked everyone.

Say so.

What the Zhen Demon Ancestor said was true.

This horrific recovery is the fourth immeasurable calamity.

The gods of China and the West will go to the nether realm, choose a successor in the world, and start a war of faith.

"All of you here are gifted people, I am sure that you are all the chosen successors of our two camps of the Eastern Heavenly Court and the Earth Mansion, and after the appearance of the third blood moon, the successors chosen by the gods will awaken the inheritance memory one after another, I am just a little faster than you. Kunlun Palm Sect spoke.

He is now the only person who has awakened the inheritance memory and broken through to the True Immortal Realm in one fell swoop, and he knows more than anyone.

The inheritance of the gods is the existence of the external plug-in.

As long as you awaken, with the help of terrifying revival, the more and more concentrated heaven and earth aura, cultivation and improvement are like being a rocket.

For example, before the reiki was not revived, Zhang Laodao practiced for fifty years before he had about a thousand years of skill, and the first blood moon appeared, and the concentration of reiki increased fivefold.

His cultivation speed has increased fivefold, and he only needs to cultivate for ten years to have a thousand years of skill.

The second blood moon appeared, and the concentration of Spiritual Qi was five times higher than the first, and the cultivation speed of that old Dao was equivalent to twenty-five times that before the revival of Spiritual Qi.

The third blood moon reappeared, the concentration of spiritual energy increased by five times again on the basis of the second time, and Zhang Laodao's cultivation speed could be increased to one hundred and twenty-five times.

Other words.

Now after the appearance of the third blood moon, in today's aura concentration environment, Zhang Laodao's cultivation for one year can be equivalent to one hundred and twenty-five years of cultivation before the terrifying recovery, and can cultivate 2,500 years of skill.

This speed is absolutely terrifying.

As long as Zhang Laodao puts all his thoughts on cultivation this year, in one year, he can definitely raise his cultivation to the realm of earth masters.


This is still not the inheritance memory of the immortals in the awakened body, if it is the inheritance memory of the awakened gods, there is a cultivation method in the immortal inheritance, and the speed can be improved.

I am afraid that I will be able to break through to the Earth Master Realm in a few months.

In the main hall.

Thirty-six Heavenly Masters and ten Immortals, their eyes were extremely hot.

The words of the Kunlun Sect made them very excited, if they were all chosen by the immortals of the Eastern Camp, then they would awaken the immortals in their bodies after inheritance.

The speed of cultivation will also increase by leaps and bounds.

Like the Kunlun Palm Sect, it is not a problem to break through to the True Immortal Realm.

Even, the True Immortal Realm is not the peak, after all, the inheritance of the immortals of the Eastern Heavenly Court, the end of cultivation, is definitely more than the True Immortal Realm.

"Speaking of which, everyone go back this time, grasp the gathering of the power of our awakened people in the East, slowly organize these awakened people, and wait for the human leaders of our East to appear and lead us to fight against the West. Kunlun Palm Sect spoke.

"Yes, when we go back this time, we will start counting the power of the awakened people in the sect, and at the same time gather all the civil awakened people within the control area under the mountain. Shushan Palm Sect replied.

"Now the human leader of the Eastern camp has not yet appeared, and I don't know who it will be. Emei Palm Sect spoke, and when she spoke, her eyes looked at Tong Zheng intentionally or unintentionally.

The Demon Ancestor of Maoshan Town is so talented, and the time to rise so quickly, could it be him.

"Ahem. Tong Zheng coughed dryly and said, "I think the time has not yet come, the time is up, the human leader of my eastern camp will appear, now everyone go back first and arrange the layout."

Everyone nodded, now that they knew the secret behind the horror recovery, they had to go back to the layout and prepare.

Hurry up and raise the strength of the Huaxia camp.

Right now.

In the camp on Huaxia's side, there is one True Immortal Realm, ten Immortal Realms, thirty-six Heavenly Masters, and there are probably more than two hundred Earth Masters.

Not particularly strong.

However, now that the third blood moon has just appeared, everyone has not had time to cultivate, and the immortal inheritance memory in everyone's body has not awakened, and there are not many natural masters.

However, after the third blood moon reappears, the inheritance memories in everyone's body will awaken one after another, and I believe that it will not be long before a large number of new masters will be born.


After the third blood moon, there is a fourth blood moon, a fifth blood moon, and only after the end of the tenth blood moon will the great war between the Chinese and Western camps begin.

Every time the Blood Moon appeared, the degree of Reiki revival would be more than five times greater than the last time, and the time interval was one year.

That is to say, there are still seven years before the killing of the Eastern and Western camps begins, and before that, it is the time for both sides to develop.

Tong Zheng could use that young ghost emperor to check the clues of the ghost emperor planted in the Huaxia region in the Western Hell and pull them out one by one.


Tong Zheng was not in a hurry to go to Xujia Village near Ancheng to deal with the Western Ghost Emperor prompted by the Ghost Emperor teenager.

Instead, Zhang Laodao, Sancai Daoist, Huang Yan, Xiaorou, and Lin Jing'er were called, so that the system could feel which Eastern Immortal was the chosen person.

Regarding the secret of the terror recovery, Tong Zheng had already told them that they were all the closest people to him, and Tong Zheng let them know earlier.

It's good to be prepared.

At the same time, Tong Zheng wanted to see if the system could open the inheritance in their bodies in advance.


Tong Zheng gathered five people and said straight to the point: "From that young ghost emperor, I got some methods to sense the inheritance in your body, and see which Heavenly Court immortal you are chosen by to descend." "

Tong Zheng couldn't tell them that he had a system in his body and could sense it, so he could only push the pot onto that young ghost emperor.

"I have already felt it in Xiaorou's body, it is the inheritance of the Queen Mother of the West, and in Jing'er's body, it is the inheritance of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu. "Tong Zhengdao.

These two people have a big future.

Nine Heavenly Xuannu, also known as Nine Heavenly Xuannu, is omnipotent, knows the love of all things, knows the changes of the people, is an ancient immortal, and is the leader of all truths.

The Queen Mother of the West is a condensation of innate yin qi, the head of all female fairies, in charge of Kunlun Immortal Island. (It is particularly emphasized that in the orthodox Taoist theological system, the Jade Emperor and the Western Queen Mother are not husband and wife, and the Western Queen Mother appeared earlier than the Jade Emperor).

"There is also this method, then quickly test for the master, for whether there is a inheritance of the Chinese immortals in the master's body." Zhang Laodao spoke.

"What are you in a hurry, the master has not yet measured it, and he has no eyesight at all." The Sancai Daoist scolded.

Zhang Laodao smiled awkwardly and said, "The master will look first, and the master will come first." The

three talents came to Tong Zheng and said, "Quick, quickly test me, which god inheritance I have in my body."

"Hmm. Tong Zheng nodded, and then pressed one hand on the Sancai Daoist, and at the same time said to the system in his heart: "System, quickly sense, my master has the inheritance of which Chinese immortal in his body."

"In your master's body, there is the inheritance of the giant spirit god, and he is the person chosen by the giant spirit god. The system replied.

"Giant Spirit God. Tong Zheng smiled, the style of Master Zu and the Giant Spirit God was really a little similar.

The giant spirit god is a member of the heavenly god warrior under the tent of Tota Li Tianwang, the weapon used is a Xuanhua board axe, the body is huge and strong, and when dancing the heavy Xuanhua board axe, it looks like a phoenix wearing flowers, and it is extremely dexterous.

When the Tota Heavenly King led 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to conquer the rebellious Sun Wukong, the giant spirit god was the vanguard general, which shows that his martial arts and mana are different, but in the end, he still lost to Sun Wukong.

Isn't the weapon of the three talents of the master ancestor a giant axe, and the way of fighting is similar to that of the giant spirit god.


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