This is the Heavenly Court and Earth Mansion of the Eastern Faction that I listed to go to war and choose the name of the heir in the world.

Let's see if there is anyone who wants a dragon set, for example, if you want a dragon set, it is the heir of Lu Dongbin Xiafan, then you are in the comment area, comment on the name of the dragon set, and the selected characters of the immortal Xiafan.

Format: Zhang Jiu, Lu Dongbin's heir.


1, Yuan Shi Tianzun.

2, Lingbao Tianzun.

3. Moral Heavenly Venerable. (also known as Taishang Laojun)

Six Emperors:

1, the Central Jade Emperor.

Full name Haotian Golden Que Supreme Jade Emperor, real position and real power, ranked under the three Qing, the head of the immortals, the great god of the total heavenly way, ruling ten thousand heavens.

2, the Northern Arctic Middle Heavenly Ziwei Emperor.

He is in charge of the latitude of the heavens and the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, and the four seasons of the climate, and rules the sun, moon, and stars.

3, the Southern Antarctic Immortal Emperor.

Also known as the Jade Halal King, he is the ninth son of the first heavenly king, that is, the Antarctic Immortal Dragon, who rules all souls.

4, the Eastern Pole Qinghua the Great.

Also known as Taiyi Saving Suffering Tianzun, one of the two attendants of the Jade Emperor, ruling ten thousand categories, known as Taiyi Zhenren, the main worship of Miaozhen Dao.

5, Western Taiji Heavenly Emperor.

Assist the Jade Emperor in his duties as the three talents of the North and South Poles and the people of heaven and earth, rule the stars and preside over the military revolution between them, and rule over ten thousand thunders.

His subordinates are: the eight marshals, the five-pole god of war, the sky god of war, the earth god of war, the god of war among people, the arctic god of war and the south pole god of war.

6, Mother Earth.

Chengtian imitated the wife of Emperor Tianhe, the god of the Later Earth, who ruled over the mountains and rivers.

Five Elders:

1, Guanyin in the South Antarctica.

2, Eastern Chongen Saint Emperor.

3, Mishima Ten Continents Immortal Donghua Emperor (i.e. Prince of the East).

4, Northern Arctic Xuanling Doumu Yuanjun.

5, the central yellow pole yellow horn immortal.

Duke Mu of the Golden Mother, who rules and governs the male and female immortals:

1, Queen Mother of the West.

Also known as Ximu, Wang Mu, Jin Mu and Jin Mu Yuanjun (especially emphasized, in the orthodox Taoist theological system, the Jade Emperor and the West Queen Mother are not husband and wife, and the West Queen Mother appeared earlier than the Jade Emperor).

The Queen Mother of the West is a condensation of innate yin qi, the head of all female immortals, in charge of Kunlun Immortal Island. (commonly known as the queen mother).

2, the Prince of the East, congenital Yang Qi condensed, the head of all male immortals, in charge of Penglai Immortal Island.

Tianguan Xingguan: 1, Central Tiangong

Immortal Table: Clairvoyance, Shunfeng Ear, Golden Boy, Jade Girl, Lei Gong, Electric Mother, Fengbo, Rain Master, You Yi Lingguan

, Yisheng Zhenjun, Mighty Ghost King, Seven Fairies, Taibai Jinxing, Barefoot Great Immortal, Guanghan Fairy (Da'e Fairy) Chang'e, Jade Rabbit, Jade Toad, Wu Gang, Marshal Tiancang, Marshal Tianyou, Nine Heavenly Xuannu, Twelve Golden Treasures, Nine Obsidian Stars, Day Wandering God, Night Wandering God, Taiyin Xingjun, Sun Star Jun, Wude Xingjun, Yousheng Zhenjun, Tota Heavenly King Li Jing, Jin Zha, Muzha (Walker Hui An), Three Altar Sea Meeting Great God Nezha, Giant Spirit God, Yue Lao, Zuo Fu Right Bow, Erlang God Yang Jian, Taiyi Thunder Ying Hua Tianzun Wang Shanwang Lingguan, Sa Zhenren, Ziyang Zhenren, Wenchang Emperor, Heavenly Deaf, Earth Dumb.

Three official emperors

: 1, heavenly official - blessing:

the heavenly official is named Shangyuan Yipin to bless the heavenly official, Ziwei Emperor, subordinate to Yuqing, the heavenly official is composed of blue, yellow and white three qi, the general lord of the heavenly kings, every 15th day of the first month of the upper yuan festival, that is, the lower earth, calibrate the sins of people, so it is called the blessing of the heavenly official.

2, the prefect official - forgiveness of sins: The

prefectural official is named Zhongyuan Erpin pardon sin prefectural official, the emperor of Qingxi, subordinate to the Shangqing realm. The earth official is formed by the mixed spirit qi of the yuan cave and the extremely yellow essence, and the general lord is the five emperors and the five immortals of the earth. Every July 15th Zhongyuan Day, that is, come to the world, school abstaining from sins and forgiving sins.

3 Water Officer - Xie E:

The water official is named Xiayuan Sanpin Xie Er Water Official, the Great Emperor of Dongyin, and belongs to the Yuqing Realm. The water official is formed by the qi of wind and the essence of morning hao, and is the general master of the great immortals in the water. Every October 15th Yuan Day, that is, come to the world, school abstaining from sin, and eliminating disasters for people.

Four Heavenly

Kings: 1, Growth Heavenly Kings.

2, the king of the kingdom.

3, the king of many heavens.

4, Guangmu Tenno.

Four-value meritorious cao:

Li Bing, the god of the year, Huang Chengyi, the god of the moon, Zhou Deng, the god of the sun, and Liu Hong, the god of time.

Four Heavenly Masters:

Zhang Daoling, Xu Xun, Qiu Hongji, Ge Hong.

Four Gods:

Qinglong Mengzhang Shenjun, White Tiger Overseer Shenjun, Suzakuling Guang Shenjun, Xuanwu Zhiming Shenjun.

Four Dragon Gods:

Yellow River Dragon God, Yangtze River River God, Huai River Dragon God, Jishui River God.

Four marshals

: 1, Marshal Ma:

also known as Ma Tianjun, also known as Huaguang Tianwang, Huaguang Emperor.

2, Marshal

Zhao: that is, Zhao Gongming, the god of martial wealth, also known as Zhao Xuantan.

3, Marshal Wen:

Wen Qiong, general of the Dongyue Emperor.

4, Marshal

Guan: Guan Yu.

The Five Truths:

Golden Light Revealing, Silver Head Revealing, Polo Revealing, Baltic Monk, Maha Revealing.

Five Wu

Zhenjun: 1, Oriental Star Mude Zhenjun.

2, Southern Glow Fire De Jinjun.

3, Western Taibai Jinde Jinjun.

4, Northern Chenxing Water De Zhenjun.

5, Central Town Hoshito Toku Jinjun.

Five Emperors:

1, Dongyue Taishan Tianqi Rensheng Emperor.

2, Nanyue Hengshan Si Tianzhao Saint Emperor.

3, Zhongyue Song Mountain Zhongtian Chongsheng Emperor.

4, Beiyue Hengshan An Tian Xuan Sheng Emperor.

5, Xiyue Huashan Golden Heavenly Wish Saint Emperor.

Five Dipper Stars-kun:

East Dipper, West Dipper, Middle Dipper, South Dipper, and Big Dipper.

Six Ding Liujia: Six

Dings are Yin God Jade Girl, Ding Shen Sima Qing, Ding Ji God Cui Juqing, Ding Wei God Shi Shutong, Ding You God Zang Wengong, Ding Hai God Zhang Wentong, Ding Ugly God Zhao Ziyu; Liujia is Yang God Yunan, Jiazi God Wang Wenqing, Jia Shen Zhanzijiang, Jiashen Shen Hu Wenchang, Jia Wu Shen Wei Yuqing, Jiachen God Meng Feiqing, Jia Yin Shen Wen Ming.

Nandou Six Star Jun

: First Day Mansion Palace: Si Mei Xingjun.

The second day of the palace: Silu Xingjun.

The third day Liang Palace: Yanshou Xingjun.

The fourth day of the same palace: Yishu Xingjun.

Fifth Day Pivot Palace: Duer Xingjun.

Sixth Heavenly Machine Palace: Shangsheng Xingjun.

Big Dipper:

The First Yangming Greedy Wolf Star Jun of the Big Dipper.

The second Yin Spirit Giant Gate Star Sovereign of the Big Dipper.

The third real person of the Big Dipper, Lu Cun Xingjun.

The fourth Xuanxian Xingqu of the Big Dipper.

Big Dipper Fifth Dan Yuan Lian Zhen Xingjun.

Big Dipper's sixth Arctic martial arts star kun.

On the seventh day of the Big Dipper, Guan broke the army Xingjun.

Another title of the Big Dipper:

Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Shaking Light.

Eight Immortals:

Tie Zhu Li, Han Zhongli, Lü Dongbin, He Xianggu, Lan Caihe, Han Xiangzi, Cao Guoun, Zhang Guolao.

Eight generals under the Growth Heavenly King:

Liu Jun, Xun Leiji, Pang Yu, Bi Zongyuan, Deng Bowen, Xin Hanchen, Zhang Yuanbo, and Tao Yuanxin.

Nine Stars: Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Luo, Jidu, Purple, and Moon.

Twenty-eight stars: Kang Jinlong, Female Earth Bat, Fang Ri Rabbit, Heart Moon Fox, Tailed Fire Tiger Water Leopard, Doumu Badger, Ox Golden Bull, Citu Raccoon, False Sun Rat, Dangerous Moon Swallow, Room Fire Pig, Wall Water Orange, Kui Mu Wolf, Lou Jin Dog, Stomach Tubiao, Pleiades Chicken, Biyue Wu, Fire Monkey, Samshui Ape, Jingmu Qi, Ghost Golden Sheep, Liu Tuliang, Xingri Ma, Zhang Yuelu, Winged Fire Snake, and Water Worm.

Thirty-six days generals: Jiang Guang, Zhong Ying, Jin You, Yin Jiao, Pang Yu, Liu Ji, Guan Yu, Ma Sheng, Wen Qiong, Wang Shan, Kang Ying, Zhu Yan, Lv Kui, Fang Jiao, Geng Tong, Deng Bowen, Xin Hanchen, Zhang Yuanbo, Tao Yuanxin, Xun Leiji, Bi Zongyuan, Zhao Gongming, Wu Mingyuan, Li Qingtian, Mei Tianshun, Xiong Guangxian, Shi Yuanxin, Kong Leijie, Chen Yuanyuan, Lin Dahua, Zhou Qingyuan, Ji Leigang, Cui Zhixu, Jiang Feijie, He Tianxiang, Gao Ke.

Houtu Niangniang.

The Great Emperor of the Northern Yin Dynasty

Five Ghost Emperors:

Eastern Ghost Emperor Cai Yulei, Shen Xuan, Zhi \ Taozhi

Mountain Ghost Gate Western Ghost Emperor Zhao Wenhe, Wang Zhenren, Zhi \ Jiuzuka

Mountain Northern Ghost Emperor Zhang Heng, Yang Yun, Zhiluo Mountain;

Southern Ghost Emperor Du Ziren, Zhiluofu Mountain;

Central Ghost Emperor Zhou Beg, Ji Kang, Zhi \ Huo

Lian Shan Luo Xiu Six Days

: (the following is the name of the palace, the six days are the palace guarding gods)

Shuyin Heavenly Palace, Tai Xie Shizong Heavenly Palace, Ming Chen Wucheng Heavenly Palace, Tian Zhao Sin Qi Heavenly Palace, Zongling Seven Fei Heavenly Palace, Dare Si Lian Wan Repeated

Ten Temples

Yan King: King Qin Guang, King Chujiang, Emperor Song, King of Servants, King of Yan Luo, King of Pingping, King of Taishan, King of Cities, King of Bian Cheng, King of Zhuanluo


Chief Judge Cui Fujun, Zhong Kui, Black and White Impermanence, Bull Head and Horse Face, Meng Po Shen.


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