Tong Zheng did not choose to fly directly.

Instead, he took Xiaorou and Lin Jinger and took the train to Ancheng.

Maoshan is not far from Ancheng.

It can be reached by train in a day.

If it was Tong Zheng and Lin Jinger, they could fly directly.

But he still carries Xiaorou, who has only 1,500 years of skill and cannot fly.

Tong Zheng and Lin Jing'er can fly, she won't, if Tong Zheng chooses to fly over, Tong Zheng will fly with her.

Girls are more accountant of these in their hearts.

She needed Tong Zheng to fly with her, and in front of Lin Jing'er, she was lowered, and she seemed to be like a drag oil bottle.

She would definitely feel uncomfortable in her heart.

So Tong simply did not choose to fly over, the three of them took the train over, anyway, Ancheng is not in a hurry, they have time.

The three got on the train and went straight to Ancheng.

On the train.

Tong Zheng sat in a row with the two women, Tong Zheng sat outside, and the two women sat inside.

Watch the scenery fly by outside the window.

Tong Zheng sighed with some emotion.

During this time, his spirit has been spent in a state of tension.


It's time to relax.

Right now.

With two women by his side, he can be regarded as a small successful person.

Tong Zheng was like this, lying on his seat, closing his eyes and recuperating.

Tong Zheng's divine sense, breath, all restrained.


He's just an ordinary person.

When arriving at night.

Outside the train window, it was pitch black.

The scene is blurry and invisible.

Next to Tong Zheng, due to some overconsumption last night, Lin Jinger and Xiaorou both leaned on the chair and slept now.


An old woman in black dressed in cloth, I don't know when, came to sit opposite Tong Zheng.

His eyes stared straight at Tong Zheng.

There were not many people in this carriage, the seats were relatively loose, and this old woman should have come from another position.

"Young man, the wife is bored, come to you to nag. The old woman spoke.

Tong was looking at the old woman in front of him, there was no Yang Fire on her body, and her resentment was restrained.

Dao Xing is not weak, and it should reach the level of red clothes.

However, there are still some people in the car, and Tong Zheng is not good at doing it in the car, otherwise it will alarm a car of people, and it will not end well in the end.

And now there is still some distance from the destination, this time.

It's nice to have a ghost thing to chat with.

"Chat, well, I like to chat the most." Tong Zheng also stared straight at the old woman.

The old woman didn't know at all, her details had been seen through by Tong Zheng.

When the old woman saw Tong Zheng taking the bait, she said grimly: "Young man, now that the terror is recovering and ghosts are rampant, the old woman will talk to you about some taboos, these taboos, if mastered, can help you avoid those ghosts."

"Well, I like to hear taboos the most." Tong Zheng replied.

"Hmm. The old woman nodded and spoke: "The first taboo, don't take young children to the grave."

"Don't take the toddler to the grave, why?" asked Tong Zheng, although the other party was a ghost, he was now chatting nonsense.

But Tong Zheng was still a little curious about why.

The old woman's voice was gloomy and cold, and she said slowly: "Don't take young children to see the funeral or go to the grave, because the children's heavenly spirit cover is not closed, the spiritual light is still alive, and you can see things that adults can't see, but the children's yang is not strong." It is easy to get sick by the invasion of yin qi.

"Moreover, children tend to see things that we can't see, go to unclean places, and easily provoke those things."

"So it is. Tong Zheng nodded thoughtfully.

"The second taboo, in special circumstances, if you are walking at night and hear someone call you, then you have to wait for him to call you three times before answering. The old woman continued.


Tong Zheng was interested, which he had heard of before, but did not know the principle.

"That's why. Tong Zheng asked.

The old woman said: "In the middle of the night or foggy days, someone familiar calls your name, and you can't agree until after three rings, because many times you can't distinguish what those things are, and if something is not clean, you answer, your soul may be taken away by him."

"Got it. Tong Zheng then asked, "Is there anything else?" "

This ghost has a little bit of knowledge.

"Next taboo, don't look in the mirror in the middle of the night. The old woman continued: "You can't look in the mirror in the middle of the night, don't comb your hair, and you must hold the mirror when there is thunder on rainy days, because the mirror gathers shade and is easy to attract unclean things." "

Go on. Tong Zheng spoke.

The old woman continued: "This is a taboo for girls, girls should never give the following things to others: 1, hair, 2, nails, 3, socks, 4, intimate clothes or small items that you often carry with you.

"Give it to others, "Hearted people" as long as there is one of them, you can ask for the girl's life, and do not take strangers' money or things casually, do not be greedy and cheap, and do not abuse compassion.

"Makes sense. Tong Zheng listened with relish, this old woman and ghost, really knows a lot.

Tong Zheng is a little strange now.

This ghost suddenly came to him and said so many taboos, what was he going to do.

The old woman continued: "The next article is about warding off evil spirits, that is, when you encounter something unclean, you can bite your middle finger to ward off evil spirits."

"Because the blood of the middle finger of a person has an innate pure yang qi, it can ward off evil spirits, and the middle finger can be bitten at a critical moment."

Tong Zheng nodded.

He knew that many of the Dharma decisions on Maoshan were meant to bite the middle finger.

The old woman continued: "Also, you can't say unlucky things.

"Going out to run errands, not saying unlucky things, going to a friend's house without saying ominous words, is like, this year is coming, not coming next year, or never coming."

Tong Zheng nodded, this kind of words, there is a hint of cause and effect, and it may come true if you say it.

The old woman continued: "The seventh taboo, the house snake cannot be beaten, and if it hits the house, something will happen. "

And then.

The old woman said the eighth rule: "You can't use chopsticks one long and one short."

"With chopsticks can not be one long and one short, because one long and one short, is very unlucky, meaning three long and two short, the old society in the dead have not yet been loaded into the coffin, the components of the coffin are two short wooden boards in the front and back, and a total of three long wooden boards on both sides plus the bottom, and the coffin made of five wooden boards together is exactly three long and two short, so it means unlucky."

"And?" asked Tong Zheng.

"Two more. The old woman continued: "Article nine, those who rush at night, it is better not to sing.

"People who rush at night, it is best not to sing, some people say that singing is bold, but in fact, it will only spit out your lonely and meager yang qi, just like fishing, the gas you spit out is fishing bait." You can smoke a cigarette or make yourself angry.

"Tenth, eat fish. The old woman said: "People who eat fish in Jiangbei by the sea cannot turn over the fish, which means capsizing, which is unlucky." "

That's it. Tong Zheng asked.

The old woman nodded and said, "Young man, there is another taboo, that is, people who have listened to my ten taboos have to exchange their lives with me for ten years."

"So, you told me so much, do you want me to live ten years?" asked Tong Zheng.

"What do you think? The old woman laughed grimly.


Xiao Rou on the side suddenly opened her eyes and spoke: "If you can bear my hammer, I will give you ten years of life." "

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