Listen to Xiao Rou's words.

Looking at Xiao Rou and Lin Jing'er who had just woken up.

The old woman was a little confused.

The current mages are all so dick?

She is a red-clothed ghost, and she doesn't put it in her eyes.

The old woman does not know.

The weakest Xiaorou here has 1,500 years of skill, and he has cultivated restrained.

She couldn't see through the strength of Xiaorou and the three at all.

"If I can carry your hammer, give me ten years of life, I want to see how powerful your hammer is." The old woman said abruptly.

"Okay. Xiao Rou nodded, and was ready to take out the Heavenly Thunder Hammer from the Qiankun bag.

Tong Zheng spoke: "Now on the train, it will arrive at the station soon, but out of the station, let's give you another experience."

"Good. The old woman said in a sharp voice, like the voice of a hen.

She wanted to see if the three people in front of her, pretending to be dragons and ghosts, had real skills.

For her, who has risen to the level of red, she is confident of defeating the three.

Half an hour later.

Arrive in Anjo.

After leaving the station, the three of them came directly to an empty field.

This is a roadside field, and no pedestrians will come here and fight just right.

"Do it, little girl, don't blame me for not giving you a chance. The old woman said in a sharp voice.

"Okay, complete you. Xiao Rou replied.


Tong Zheng and Lin Jing'er were directly away from this person and a ghost, afraid that it would affect him later.

Seeing this, the old woman snorted coldly, feeling that Tong Zheng and the two of them were inevitably a little witch and made a fuss.

She saw how much strength Xiaorou could have if she was a weak woman.

But the next second, she was dumbfounded.

I saw Xiao Rou from the Qiankun bag, took out the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, which was more than two meters long, the size of the water tank, full of spikes, hideous and terrifying, and blooming thunder power.

"Groove!" the old woman said directly.


! It's excessive!

Is this something that is used to deal with ghosts, is this the weapon that should appear at this stage?

This is something from the fantasy world.

"That, little girl, don't be impulsive, wife, I'm joking with you." The old woman hurriedly persuaded.

Answer her.

It was Xiao Rou's whole body power that operated, and the terrifying aura poured into the Heavenly Thunder Hammer.

"Thunderstorms, thunderstorms. Xiao Rou shouted.


Suddenly, the thunder hammer of this day, a hammer to kill down.

With a loud bang, a large earthquake shook, and the ground exploded directly, and a small mushroom cloud appeared.

The old woman ghost, under the terrifying hammer, was killed into nothingness by the power of lightning in seconds.

Overdo on the spot.

Xiao Rou put the hammer away and said lightly: "It turns out that the physical superpass is so cool, no wonder that when Tong Zheng's brother encountered a ghost before, he directly exceeded the physical super."

"Hahaha, enjoyable ha. Tong Zheng said with a smile: "Come on and improve your cultivation, and in the future, when you start a war with the Western camp, you will charge for me."

"Good. Xiao Rou waved her fist and agreed seriously.

"It's not early, let's go directly to Xujia Village. "Tong Zhengdao.

Now arrive in Anjo.

Ancheng is not far from Xujia Village, and the three of them can go directly on foot.

Xiao Rou knows the way, and with the speed of three people, she can arrive in an hour.

Xiao Rou nodded.

The three went directly to Xujia Village.

Xujia Village.

North of Anjo.

It is a relatively remote mountain village.

There are only a hundred or so households.

Tong Zheng and the others came to the entrance of the village.

Discover the village.

There is no light at all.

Other words.

There are more than a hundred families in Xujia Village.

Not a single household turned on the lights.

"Something is wrong. Tong Zheng spoke, "Xiaorou, how long ago was the last time you went back to Xujia Village, and was Xujia Village like this at that time."

"Three months ago, it was not like this then, and now it is only ten o'clock, even if the villagers have the habit of going to bed early, it is impossible to sleep at this time." Xiao Rou replied.

"Be careful, take out your weapons and follow behind me." Tong Zheng spoke.

"Hmm. The two women nodded, both took out their weapons, and followed Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng also took out the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and the three began to enter the village.

Just entered the village, passed by the door of the first household.

A childish voice shouted: "Sister Xiaorou, are you back, come to my house to play." "

And then.

A little girl of seven or eight years old came out of the house.

Step by step towards Xiaorou.

Tong Zhengxian's eyes lit up, looking at the little girl who was slowly walking towards the three people in front of him.

Under the eyes of the fairy.

The little girl was covered in black resentment, obviously a red-clothed ghost.

Tong Zheng's eyes narrowed slightly, the first one is like this, could it be that this village has become a ghost village.

Tong Zheng did not have the slightest hesitation, the Devil Slaying Daguan knife was raised, and it was directly slashed out, slashing at the little girl.

The blood-red sword light slashed horizontally, the speed was extremely fast, and it slashed on the little girl's body, and the terrifying power of the demon directly cut the little girl to pieces.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with eight hundred years of Daoism, gain 8,000 energy points, 80 merit points]

In Tong Zheng's mind, a prompt sounded.

Eight thousand energy points.

From the middle of the Immortal Realm to the late stage of the Immortal Realm, it takes at least three million energy points.

Almost a million have now been accumulated.

It still takes two million to ascend to the late stage of the Immortal Realm.

See if tonight, there is a chance to ascend to the late stage of the Immortal Realm.

Tong Zheng killed the little girl with a knife, and in the room in front of him, three more terrifying grievances erupted.

Apparently, in the house.

There are also three powerful ghosts at least the level of red.

Xiao Rou and Lin Jing'er, suddenly left and right, stood beside Tong Zheng.

"No need. Tong Zheng spoke, "Tonight, these ghosts will be handed over to me to deal with, and you two will crush the formation." "

Finish speaking.

Tong Zheng's divine consciousness spread out, covering the entire mountain village, and at the same time, a huge enchantment was cast by Tong Zheng with his divine sense, covering the entire mountain village.


Don't even think about running out.

With the enchantment arranged in the middle of his Immortal Realm.

Even the ghost emperor of the Heavenly Master level, don't think about breaking it.

Unless the Immortal-level Ghost Emperor makes a move.

Moreover, this Ghost Emperor's realm must be at least the same as or above him in order to break his realm.

Tong Zheng finished speaking.

Xiao Rou and Lin Jing'er both nodded, they now knew the details of Tong Zheng, and naturally gave the ghost to Tong Zheng to kill.

After all, their means of improving their cultivation did not rely on killing ghosts.


In the room ahead, three red-clothed ghosts suddenly came out and slaughtered towards Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng sneered, holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, the Bagua Daguan Technique was cast, and the knife slashed out horizontally, and the Zhen Demon Knife Light with the power of Bagua directly slashed at the three red-clothed ghosts who rushed on the opposite side.

The sword light tore directly from them, causing the three red-clothed ghosts to scatter.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with eight hundred years of Dao, get 8,000 energy points, 80 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with eight hundred years of Dao, get 8,000 energy points, 80 merit points]


Three more prompts sounded.

"Keep going. Tong Zheng spoke.

"Let's go to my grandmother's house first, I don't know if she has an accident." Xiao Rou said with some concern.

"Good. Tong Zheng nodded.

With the two women, they rushed towards the village.

"Where exactly is your grandmother's house? Tong Zheng asked.

He was just about to use his divine sense to probe into the village to check.

But you can't get in at all.

The village is shrouded in a mysterious force that prevents divine exploration.

This mysterious power, which is also at the level of immortals, should be that Western Ghost Emperor.

Tong Zheng's divine sense can only wrap the entire village in the periphery, but he can't enter to explore the situation.

"My grandmother's family is the third family in the west of the village. "Little judo.

"The third family at the west end of the village. Tong Zheng hurriedly gathered his divine consciousness and leaned in this direction.

If you know the direction.

He concentrated his divine power and could still probe in.

Tong Zheng's divine consciousness shrouded Xiaorou's grandmother's house.

In that house.

There was no one else, only Grandma Xiaorou alone.

Thankfully, Xiaorou's grandmother is not in danger of life.

Only temporarily imprisoned by ghosts.

At the door of her house, there was also a ghost emperor-level ghost guard, as well as hundreds of ghost generals.


The movement on this side of the village entrance just now has attracted the attention of the depths of the village.

Right now.

There is already a ghost king with a group of ghosts and things rushing to this side.

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