Now that he has reached the late stage of the Immortal Realm,

if he wants to ascend to the perfection of the Immortal Realm, he will need four million energy points.

As for successfully reaching the True Immortal Realm from the Immortal Realm, he obtained five million energy points.

The further you go to the back of cultivation, the more difficult it is to improve.

But Tong Zheng is not worried.

The further the horror resurgence goes, the more powerful ghosts there are.

Like now.

Just after the third blood moon appeared, so many ghosts would become little brothers.

In the back, isn't there a ghost king like a dog, and the ghost king is walking all over the place.

If you want to improve your cultivation, you just need to be diligent.

Nor is it a problem.

"Brother Tong Zheng, you broke through?" asked Lin Jinger on the side.

Xiao Rou also looked at Tong Zheng curiously.

Tong Zheng after the end of a thunder spell.

The momentum on his body increased.

It seems that there has been another breakthrough in cultivation.

"Well, a breakthrough. Tong Zheng replied with a smile, "It's already the late stage of the Immortal Realm. "

Rao is the immortal inheritance in the awakened body of the two women, and knows that Tong is the inheritor of the eastern gods.

Gifted and blessed by the gods.

I couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Now it is only the third terrifying recovery, it is in the late stage of the Immortal Realm, and the growth rate is still so fast.

I'm afraid it won't take long.

You can reach the True Fairyland, and even the Xuan Fairyland.

After the Immortal Realm, there are True Fairyland, Xuan Immortal Realm, Golden Immortal, Taiyi Golden Immortal, and Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Tong Zheng twisted his neck and said, "That Ghost Emperor doppelganger was not killed, just now my Leifa was resisted by him, you follow behind me, I will go in now and destroy him." "

This Ghost Emperor doppelganger, although its strength is not as good as the body, but it knows many means, and the thunder attack of Tong Zheng just now is too wide.

He avoided it.

"Good. The two women nodded and followed Tong Zheng.

Although they have awakened the immortal inheritance, their cultivation has not yet been improved, and there are not many means now.

It is not yet an opponent of the Ghost Emperor doppelganger with a power of more than five thousand years.

Tong Zheng dragged the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Dao, retreated from the door of the small courtyard, and walked in step by step.

In the yard.

The Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger, looked up at Tong Zheng who walked in step by step, and at the center of his eyebrows, the six-pointed star pattern slowly rotated.

"Unexpectedly, I have been keeping a low profile, blocking this place, and being discovered by the Holy Lord of the East. The Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger spoke.

In the Western world.

The Holy Lord is what the East calls the Immortal Realm.

He was arranged by Satan of Western Hell to be resuscitated in the Huaxia region, and the third blood moon had just appeared, and he had a sense of revival.

First time.

He just sealed off the village and prevented the ghosts from going out to cause trouble, so as not to attract strong enemies.

Unexpectedly or miscalculated.

"Tell me all the locations you know about the revival of the Western Ghost Emperor, and I can consider treating you lightly." Tong Zheng said lightly.

The Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger in front of him was much stronger than the young Ghost Emperor doppelganger, reaching more than six thousand years.

I'm afraid the ontology is also stronger.

"Deal with it lightly, you really think that you have eaten me, these ghosts, but one-fifth of the ghosts I gathered, it's a big deal that I lose a little cultivation and recover early." The Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger said coldly: "I want to see, how many pounds and taels do you have." "

The Western Ghost Emperor split his body, a terrifying yin qi burst out, and above the six-pointed star pattern on his forehead, holy light gathered, and the momentum forced towards Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, and the protective god pattern on his body flashed with light, shaking back the momentum of the Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger, and then directly raised the Devil Slashing Daguan Knife, and slashed towards the Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger with one sword.

On the Demon Slaying Knife, the terrifying Saint Breaking Blade Rune flashed with light.

The Protective Body Holy Light is nothing in front of him.

The Western Ghost Emperor was shocked, this broken holy blade made him very jealous, he estimated that if he was hit head-on, it would definitely be uncomfortable.

The Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger hurriedly dodged to the side.

The next moment, Tong Zheng's sword light slashed at the position where he was standing, and the ground was directly cut apart by this knife, revealing a huge ravine, which was shocking.

The Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger who dodged this knife roared and looked at Tong Zheng.

Fortunately, he was fast, otherwise this knife would have been miserable if it slashed at him.

The six-pointed star light on the forehead of the Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger burst out, and his body suddenly leaped up, wings were born on his back, and one hell demon head condensed around his body, flying towards Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng disdained, and directly held the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife and slashed it in the front.

The demon heads gathered around the Western Ghost Emperor immediately formed a shield against Shangtong Zheng's sword light.


He was too underestimating Tong Zheng's Demon Slaying Dao, his grade was raised to the sixth order, and various attributes were greatly improved, how could his Demon Head Shield resist.

The Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger condensed in the devil's head shield that took off was directly broken by Tong Zheng's Zhen Demon Daguan light, and then Tong Zheng's Devil Slashing Daguan Knife directly slashed at the body of the Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger!


Zheng was a little surprised.

Sure enough, the Ghost Emperor who reached the Immortal Realm could be sent by the Western Hell Camp to the Eastern Huaxia side.

There are indeed two brushes.

As soon as Tong Zheng cut off his demon head shield, he took the initiative to split the doppelganger and prepared to escape.

Just now, he seemed to be very rigid, but in fact, he had been trying to find a way to escape.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, his speed was fully opened, and at the same time, his divine consciousness communicated the power of heaven and earth, blessed his speed, and continued to slash towards the Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger with a sword.

The blood-red Demon Suppression Rune flashed on the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife.

The Western Ghost Emperor doppelganger who escaped this time did not have time to separate himself in time, and was slashed on his back by Tong Zheng.

The terrifying sword light tore his doppelganger on the spot, and the Demon Exterminating God Flame burned along the two halves of the doppelganger.

The two doppelgangers suddenly fled forward like headless flies.

The doppelganger does not matter, it is dead when it dies.

But this avatar has a part of the soul origin of the Western Ghost Emperor, and once this soul origin is destroyed, it will also cause a lot of damage to the body.

So now, even though these two halves of the doppelganger are being burned by the Demon Exterminator God Flame.

They are also desperately flying in the direction of the body.

The soul origin can resist the burning of the Demon Destroying God Flame, and when it reaches the vicinity of the body, it can return to the body.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Tong Zheng's mouth.

There are two groups of origin left, and they still want to escape.

Tong Zheng held the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife and swung it out suddenly, and the Bagua Dao Method blocked the front, and slashed towards the front doppelganger of the Western Ghost Emperor.

The dazzling sword light slashed down.

Slashed on the previous doppelganger of the Western Ghost Emperor, the terrifying power of the demon directly destroyed this half of the Western Ghost Emperor's doppelganger, and the soul origin was also directly wiped out.

There is another doppelganger left.

Tong was concocted by the law, slashed out with a knife, and killed it, and the soul origin was also forcibly erased.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the ghost emperor doppelganger with 6,900 years of Dao, gain 69,000 energy points, 690 merit points] 6,900

years of Dao, really stronger than that young ghost emperor doppelganger.

No wonder he could resist so many knives.

However, this Ghost Emperor doppelganger is a problem, and his own single attack means are also a problem.

Arrive at the Immortal Realm.

He also used his previous attack methods, which was inevitably excellent and lagged behind.

Now, a lot of merit points have been accumulated, and it seems that it is necessary to exchange some powerful magical spells with the system.

Otherwise, he always takes a big knife to cut, and some of them are too out of line.

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