Tong Zheng opened the attribute panel

: [Host: Tong Zheng

] [Realm: Late Immortal Realm

] [Energy Points: 475000

] [Merit Points: 25950] [

Mastering Skills: "Body Fixing Spell" (Dacheng+), "Talisman God Pattern", "Bagua Dao Method" (Completion), "Five Thunder Spells" (Completion), "Five Thunder Jade Book" (Dacheng +), "Shangqing Great Cave

Thunder Method" (Dacheng +), "Imperial Qi Technique" (Dacheng +)] [Has magic weapons: Devil Slaying Daguan Dao (sixth order), Heavenly Thunder Hammer (fourth order), purple electric cone (fourth order)]

looked at his current attribute panel, merit points reached 25,950 points, energy points accumulated to more than 400,000, not bad.

During this time, he obtained more than 3.4 million energy points, and the corresponding merit points were about 34,000.

However, some time ago, he raised the Demon Slaying Dao to the sixth order, consuming nine thousand merit points.

So now there are more than 25,000 merit points left.

Now that there are merit points, Tong Zheng remembers that after he broke through to the Immortal Realm, the system mall seemed to have updated many magic powers.

Tong Zheng hurriedly read in his mind, silently, and entered the system mall.


In Tong Zheng's mind, a page appeared.

System Mall

: [Item 1: Taiyi Dust, 10,000 merit points required] [Item 2: Flying Dragon Talisman, 1,000 merit points required] [Item 3: Avatar, 5,000 merit points required] [Item 4: Tianyuan Dan, 5,000 merit points required] [Item 5: Diyuan Dan

, 3,000 merit




[Item 99: Binding immortal rope, 100,000 merit points are required] [Item 100: Hitting the God Whip, 1,000,000 merit points are required] The current items are much more expensive than the previous one, especially the final binding of the immortal rope, which requires 100,000

merit points, and the God Whip,

it takes 1 million merit points.

Can't afford it at all.

"Huh!" Tong Zheng exclaimed, after the system mall was updated, in addition to the item column, there was also a column of magical powers.

Tong Zheng clicked in without hesitation.

Divine power

: [Scattering beans into soldiers: You can conjure beans into pawns, this is a heavenly soldier, and extraordinary soldiers, the strength of the soldier is based on the cultivation of the caster, and 5,000 merit points are required. 】

【Size Ruyi: can be changed to larger and smaller at will, strength, etc. change with changes, and in the later stage, it can be used to practice heaven and earth or hidden shape, which requires 10,000 merit points]

[Longitudinal golden light: itself can turn into golden light, and in an instant, the golden light escapes, which is the method of God. Need 10,000 merit points]

[Summon rain and wind: You can summon strong wind, heavy rain, and even clouds scattered and rained. It can also rain blizzard or frost, and the method of clouds and rain requires 10,000 merit points. [

Refers to the formation of steel in the ground: to turn the land of an area into steel, it takes 10,000 merit points to complete the earth escape and the earth practice. 【

Mediation creation: It is supreme mana, mediating heaven and earth, Xuankan creation, can evolve Qiankun, create living beings, and requires 100,000 merit points. 】


[Upside down yin and yang: can make the heaven and earth lose their order, the sun and the moon lose their abnormality, and they can reverse right and wrong, and mix black and white. It can disturb yin and yang, cover up the heavenly machine, and need 1,000,000 merit points. 】

【Moving stars for fighting: turning everything in the universe and changing their positions, then the rebel can kill their bodies, destroy their elements, and live. It can also manipulate the stars, rotate the sun and the moon, and even reverse the day and night, and control the time sequence, which requires 1,000,000 merit points]

[Return to the sky and the sun: can gain insight into the heavens, shine all over the floating world, billions of Hengsha realms, can show the past or present, and the scene that happened in the next three time periods, without obstacles. Need 1,000,000 merit points]

[Reverse knowledge of the future: can have insight into the past or present and the future, good insight into the heavenly machine, unknown prophets, can know the fate of all sentient beings. 1,000,000 merit points are required. 】

【Resurrection from the dead: Raise the dead and flesh and bones, let the soul of the deceased return to the corpse, nirvana rebirth, full of the mystery of life and death, can resurrect the dead, 1,000,000 merit points. There

are a total of thirty-six magical powers.

Every door is tough.

It's a pity that it's too expensive.

The cheapest one costs 5,000 merit points.

The latter ones basically start with one million merit points.

I can only buy it when I have merit points in the future, and now I have more than 25,000 merit points, think about which magical powers to buy.

After thinking about it, Tong Zheng decided to buy all the previous three magical powers.

Scattering beans into soldiers, the size is satisfactory, and the three magical powers of golden light are all very practical magical powers for fighting.

Divine powers are not like spells, as the divine power improves in cultivation, it can also increase its power in the later stage, and the size can be transformed into a world of law when it reaches the later stage.

Very nice.

Tong Zheng directly did not hesitate and spent 5,000 merit points to exchange for scattering beans to become soldiers.

"Scattering beans into soldiers, after exchange, spend 100 merit points, you can directly cultivate, there is no entry to the divine power, small completion, large completion, perfection, how much power can be exerted, according to your cultivation." The system explained.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, spend 5,000 merit points to exchange the magical power "Scattering Beans into a Soldier"]

Tong Zheng continued: "System, spend 100 merit points, scatter beans into soldiers, and immediately cultivate." "

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100 merit points, scatter beans into soldiers to cultivate]


Tong Zheng felt that the divine power had been completely mastered by him.

This magical power, when cast, is actually the difference in essence, the same as Sun Wukong's external incarnation, plucking monkey hair, and becoming a monkey monkey Sun.

It is to turn the mana in the body into soybeans and then into pawns, and the appearance of these pawns is controlled by Tong Zheng, and the pawns have a certain strength.

Tong Zheng is now casting beans to become a soldier, and if he condenses a Heavenly Master level pawn, he can condense ten gods.

If it is a pawn at the level of a condensed earth division, it can condense a hundred.

In the future, his realm will improve, and the strength of the pawns that can be condensed will increase, and the number will also increase.

Continue redeeming.

"System, spend merit points, exchange magical powers for great and small wishful and vertical golden light. Tong Zheng said to the system.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 10,000 merit points to exchange for the magical power "Big and Small Ruyi"] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 10,000 merit points to exchange for the magical power "Longitudinal Golden Light"]

spent another 20,000

merit points, and now, there are only more than 800 merit points left.

But get the three magical powers, everything is worth it.

"The system, respectively, spend 100 merit points, and cultivate the size of Ruyi and the golden light of the longitudinal land. Tong Zheng continued.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100 merit points, and cultivate the size of Ruyi] [Ding, congratulations to the host, consume 100 merit points, and cultivate

the golden light of the vertical earth]

Feeling that the two magical powers in his heart were cultivated by him, Tong Zheng's heart was very happy.

Even if the golden light of the ground, can be turned into golden light, in an instant, it is an excellent divine ability to rush for his life, and when he encounters an invincible opponent, he turns into golden light and escapes, who can stop him.

The size is satisfactory, and it can be changed as large or small as you like.

Tong Zheng did not hesitate to use magical powers.

"Big, big, big!" shouted Tong Zheng in his heart.


Tong Zheng's height reflects the rapid increase in size, from one meter eight to eighteen meters, like a small giant.

"Hahaha. Tong Zheng laughed loudly, walking towards the courtyard on Xiaorou and Lin Jing'er's side, and the feeling of getting bigger was different.

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