Come to Grandma Xiaorou's yard.

Xiao Rou and Lin Jing'er looked at Tong Zheng, who had become bigger.

The two women covered their small mouths with their small hands and exclaimed, "It's so big!" Looking

at the shock of the two, Tong Zheng was very satisfied.

Tong Zheng received magical powers.

Slowly shrunk into a normal appearance, and said, "It's just a matter of the size of the magical power, let's go see your grandmother first."

Xiao Rou nodded.

Tong Zheng led the two girls into the courtyard and pushed the door to the house.

I saw Xiaorou's grandmother sitting cross-legged in front of the altar at this time.

There is a formation arranged around it, which seems to be to prevent the invasion of evil qi, but unfortunately, it has no effect, and now there are dead qi surrounding her.

Tong Zheng injected a stream of mana into her body, expelling the dead qi.


Xiaorou's grandmother woke up.

Seeing Tong Zheng and the three, she was a little confused, and after a moment, she slowed down and hurriedly said: "Xiaorou, why are you here, this place should not stay for a long time, leave quickly!" Xiao

Rou spoke: "Grandma, don't worry, we came here to solve the problem here."

"Solve the problem, do you know what you have here, that is an existence that the supernatural bureau can't deal with, leave quickly, go as far as possible, and don't come back in the future." Grandma Xiaorou said.

Grandma Xiaorou knew that she had joined the Paranormal Bureau.

However, the supernatural bureau is not the opponent of a ghost emperor.

To know.

The strongest in the Spirit Bureau is only the Heavenly Master, and this Ghost Emperor has the strength of the Heavenly Master as soon as he is a doppelganger.

The ontology has reached the realm above the Heavenly Master.

How the supernatural game is an opponent.

Coming here is just to increase casualties.


Xiao Rou shook her head and said, "Grandma, don't worry, we actually came, we are not afraid of the ghost emperor here, you tell us where the ghost emperor's recovery location is, we went to destroy him." As

Xiao Rou spoke, she made a look at Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng nodded, and the cultivation of the late stage of the Immortal Realm directly broke out.

Feeling the breath of Tong Zheng, Xiaorou's grandmother was suddenly shocked.

In the late stage of the Immortal Realm

, a Taoist powerhouse comparable

to the Ghost Emperor! With such a strong person coming, it seems that Xiaorou does have the strength to deal with the Ghost Emperor.

"The recovery site of the Ghost Emperor is in the valley of the mountain behind the village, so I will take you there. Grandma Xiaorou said.

Tong Zheng and the three nodded.

And at this time.

In the shady valley of the back mountain.

Nearly five hundred ghost generals and more than ten ghost kings gathered here and waited for the battle.

These ghosts are all from the Western Hell camp, and they are at the disposal of the Western Ghost Emperor.

In the valley.

The Western Ghost Emperor spoke: "West Asian Ghost King, Tusuo Ghost King, you two ghost kings with two hundred ghosts will continue to intercept that eastern immortal realm on the road, give me time, I am ready to lose some origins and forcibly recover early, whether I can deal with him today depends on whether I can recover in advance." "

The Western Ghost Emperor has just fought with Tong Zheng, and he already knows Tong Zheng's approximate strength.

Right now.

The only way is for him to lose a certain source and recover early.

He has the complete cultivation of the Immortal Realm, and the loss of the origin is revived in advance, and the realm may fall to the late stage of the Immortal Realm.

But there's no way around it.

If he hadn't been revived before, bursting out into the strength that his body should have, and Tong Zheng arrived, he would only have one way to die.

He recovered in advance and was able to exert the strength of the late stage of the Immortal Realm, even if he was no match for Tong Zheng, it was no problem to escape.

Where there is life, there is hope.

"Obey, Lord Andrew. "The two ghost kings took the order, and with two hundred ghost generals, they rushed to the side of the village.

Tong Zheng, Lin Jing'er, Xiaorou, and Xiaorou's grandmother rushed to the back mountain Yin Valley.

Passing by the village.

Basically, the entire village, except for Xiaorou's grandmother, who has a good way, everyone else is dead and has turned into a red-clothed ghost.

After the third blood month.

The entire village was shrouded in dead qi by the Western Ghost Emperor, where could ordinary people withstand the erosion of dead qi.

In a few days, all of them naturally died, absorbing the dead qi and turning into powerful ghosts.

The reason why Xiaorou's grandmother was not killed by the death qi was because, in her body, she awakened the inheritance of the prefecture god Meng Po.

Tong Zheng had just let the system feel it when she was transmitting immortal qi into her body, and found that her Meng Po inheritance had awakened, and she was automatically protecting the lord, so that she could live until now.

Right now.

Xiaorou's grandmother is the fourth person to awaken the memory of the immortals.

In the future, the speed of cultivation will be thousands of miles a day.

"Grandma, do you know how many ghost kings there are under that Western Ghost Emperor?" asked Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng wanted to see how many energy points he could harvest next, and whether it was enough for him to impact the Immortal Realm to perfection.

"The specifics are not clear, but the ghosts will not be less than five hundred, and the ghost king will not be less than ten. Grandma Xiaorou probably estimated it.

"Shhh!" When Tong Zheng heard this, he gasped, it will not be less than five hundred ghost generals, ten ghost kings, just one ghost general 20,000 energy points, five hundred, is ten million energy points, plus ten ghost kings, and that ghost emperor, it is more than ten million energy points.

Not to mention that the fairy realm is complete, even the true fairy realm is enough.

Tong Zheng was excited, and immediately accelerated his speed to rush to the Yin Valley.

Grandma Xiaorou was a little confused.

Knowing that the more enemies, the more excited they are, what is the situation.

Xiao Rou and Lin Jing'er shook their heads with a smile, they naturally knew what their man was excited about.

He also followed Tong Zheng quickly forward.

The four had just left the village.

Then he met the two ghost kings sent by the ghost emperor to intercept.

Seeing the two ghost kings and two hundred ghost generals in front of him, Tong Zheng said excitedly: "Xiaorou, Jing'er, you two protect your grandmother, I will deal with these ghost things."

"Good. The two women replied.


Tong Zheng was holding the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and one after another terrifying aura emanated from him, approaching the ghost in front of him.

The two ghost kings had solemn faces.

They already knew that Tong Zheng was not an ordinary character, this was someone who could even be killed by the doppelganger of the Ghost Emperor, and they were not opponents.

However, their task is not to be frontal, but to stop them and delay time.

Wait for the Ghost Emperor Lord to awaken and revive in advance.

As long as the Ghost Emperor Lord awakens and recovers in advance, they have a chance of victory.

"Surround them!" the two ghost kings ordered.


The two hundred ghosts will separate and directly surround the four of Tong Zheng, and these ghosts will all keep a certain distance from the four of Tong Zheng.

Not approaching the four Tong Zheng and not letting the four leave, so they stalemated and stalled for time.

Seeing this, Tong Zheng snorted coldly, delay time, do you think that these few minutes of delay can change anything!

Just send me more experience.

Tong Zheng did not hesitate and directly cast a range attack on Lei Fa.

On Tong Zheng's body, the fairy light rushed into the sky, and the thought became a law.

Divine consciousness seduced heaven and earth, and in the sky, one after another terrifying thunder and lightning gathered.

"Spread out. The two ghost kings hurriedly ordered, this is the range thunder law, although the Tong Zheng realm is high, but after dispersing, the power will also be greatly reduced.

It's a pity that he thought wrong.

Tong Zheng's thunder method is a fusion of two extremely strong attack thunder books, and with Tong Zheng's cultivation in the late stage of the Immortal Realm, the divine sense can allow the thunder law to cover a distance of thousands of meters.

At this distance of thousands of meters, even if Leifa is scattered, it is not something that these ghosts will be able to resist.

In the time of dispersion of the ghost general.

In the air above, the wind and thunder were raging, and thunder and lightning slashed down from the air, covering the nearby area of thousands of meters.

The terrifying thunder and lightning turned the kilometer area into a thunder field, and one after another thunder and lightning continued to fall.

These lightning bolts that were led down, under the guidance of Tong Zheng's divine sense, accurately slashed the ghosts around them.

Boom! Boom!

Two hundred, none of them escaped.

In the precise strike of thunder and lightning, the soul is directly scattered on the spot!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 2,500-year-old ghost general, gain 25,000 energy points, 250 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 2,400-year ghost general, get 24,000 energy points, 240 merit points



[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 2,200-year-old ghost general, gain 22,000 energy points, 220 merit points]

Two hundred prompts sounded.

This move allowed Tong Zheng to directly obtain about 4.4 million energy points and more than 44,000 merit points.


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