The Western camp, those high-level powerhouses, saw that Tong Zheng had broken through to the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, and their faces were difficult to look at.

I can't imagine that there are also strong people of this level in the East, and their advantages are suddenly gone.

However, they had confidence in their Allah, and their Allah, having inherited the cultivation and ability of the twelve archangels, would definitely be able to kill this successor of the East.

"I can't imagine that you have also reached this realm." The West Allah and said, "But so what, I am invincible, I have obtained the abilities of twelve archangels, and today, I will let you know what despair is."

"I told you what despair is." Tong Zheng spoke, "Kill!" "

An order.

On Huaxia's side, Lin Chong, Wu Song, Li Kui and other ten ghost emperors directly killed with an army of one million.

"Kill!" The Western Allah also gave the same order, ordering the army to start rushing to kill.

Over in the west, eight True Immortal Ghost Emperors began to kill with an army of nearly a million.

"I'll deal with that Allah, and the three Palm Sects will deal with the three True Immortals in the West." Tong Zheng spoke: "Jing'er and Xiaorou helped our Immortal Realm to slaughter the high-level above the Western True Immortal Realm, today, we will drive them to extinction!" "

Tong is arranging strategies.

On the western side, in addition to the eight true immortal ghost emperors, there are only three true immortal powerhouses left, and in the east there are Kunlun palm sect, Shushan palm sect, Emei palm sect three true immortals, entangled them, can kill if they can, can't kill and entangle.


There are two true immortals, Lin Jing'er and Xiaorou, who took Huaxia's Immortal Realm to the high-level of the Immortal Realm in the Western camp.

With two true immortals leading against a group of immortals, this is a one-sided slaughter.

"Ordered." Kunlun, Shushan, and Emei were taught by the three major masters, and Xiaorou and Lin Jing'er also nodded, and then rushed over with the high-level of the Huaxia Dao League.

Tong Zheng, on the other hand, looked at the western Allah in front of him, and the two flew to the higher sky in tacit understanding.

The two are the strongest here, and the battle between the two of them, whoever wins, will affect the entire battle situation, so their battle is the key to victory.

"Your deployment is very reasonable, if I don't kill you quickly, I'm afraid that the high-level of my Western camp will be killed by your vacated two True Immortals." The West Allah.

"You still worry about yourself!" Tong Zheng said indifferently.

"Military angel power, ten thousand armies to help!" Western Allah drank heavily, and suddenly a terrifying force erupted from his body, gathering the power of the surrounding elements to form angel soldiers, tens of thousands.

And each of them has the strength of the Heavenly Master, killing the Eastern Yin Legion below.

These tens of thousands of angel soldiers, that is the ability of the military angel, one of the twelve archangels he inherited, can condense angel soldiers with the power of the elements.

Tens of thousands of Heavenly Master-level angel soldiers would be slaughtered if they rushed into the Yin army in the east.

Looked at.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly and shouted: "Divine power, scatter beans into soldiers." "

Cast a Tiangang thirty-six divine powers, scatter beans into soldiers.

Scattering beans into soldiers, now this magical ability, when cast, is to communicate the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into pawns, the appearance of these pawns is controlled by Tong Zheng, and the pawns have a certain strength.

Tong Zheng is now casting beans to become a soldier, and if he condenses a Heavenly Master level pawn, he can condense a hundred thousand statues.


Tong Zheng scattered beans into a soldier, and the spiritual energy of the surrounding heaven and earth was triggered, directly turning into 100,000 heavenly soldiers, which was twice as many angel soldiers condensed by Western Allah.

The realm is still a Heavenly Master complete, directly killing those angel soldiers.

"How is it possible!" The Western Allah looked incredulous.

He had heard of the magical powers of the Eastern Heavenly Court, but he didn't expect that it would be so powerful, stronger than the ability of the military angel he inherited.

"Nothing is impossible." Tong Zheng said coldly: "Eat me again and turn over the mountains and the sea." The

moment Tong Zhengda finished drinking.

Directly turned over a thousand-meter-high mountain with divine powers and smashed into the western Allah.

This oriental power, is it so terrifying.

"Blazing angel power, sword of flame!" The Western Allah drank loudly, cast the sword of flame, and slashed at the mountain that Tong Zheng smashed.

The blazing angel is formless and disembodied, able to communicate directly with God, a spirit of pure light and thinking, and he is the best angel with the sun as the emblem of the crimson flame.

His ability, the Flame Sword, can cut everything.

At the moment when the Western Allah exerted the power of the blazing angel, he fused with the blazing angel phantom behind him, held a thousand-meter giant sword in both hands, and slashed down with a sword, directly splitting Tong Zheng's overturning sea god power.

After casting the Sword of Flame, the aura in the Western Allah's body was reduced by at least one-tenth, and he looked at Tong Zheng with a solemn face, unexpectedly, at the beginning, Tong Zheng let him cast an angelic trick.

He put away his contempt and had to take this battle seriously.

Tong Zheng was a little surprised to see that this Western Allah had successfully resisted his overturning powers.

Good boy, not bad.

So, go ahead.

"Magical power, good size." Tong Zheng once again cast a magical power, and suddenly his body began to grow larger and become thousands of meters tall, like an ancient giant, slapped directly towards the western Allah suppressed.

"The angel of force is possessed, and the divine power is boundless." Western Allah drank heavily.

Suddenly, the power angel phantom among the twelve angel phantoms behind him fused into him, bringing him terrifying power, and slammed into Tong Zheng's huge palm with a punch.

The angel of force is an unshakable symbol, it is the executor of God, with endless divine power.

The Western Allah who obtained the possession of the power angel directly resisted Tong Zheng's giant palm with one punch, so that Tong Zheng's giant palm could not be suppressed.

"Magical power, infinite power." Tong Zheng drank heavily, and cast one magical power, and two magical powers blessed himself.

The power of the gods is infinite, which can bring five infinite powers to Tong Zheng, and with the blessing of infinite power, Tong Zheng's palm suddenly slapped again.

This time, the western Allah was suddenly slapped and smashed into the ground from the sky, smashing the ground into countless cracks, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Good fellow, I underestimated you, come again." Western Allah exposed again from the ground and flew up.

"Please heal the angel of light, let me recover, thank you. The Western Allah began to chant, and soon his body was enveloped in divine light, and soon his injuries recovered as such.

This is the ability of the Guangyan Angel, the guardian of the Tree of Life, one of the seven angels who often stand in front of the throne of God, and it is clear that the Western Allah obtain his ability, which is equivalent to having an infinite nanny.

Unless he can be killed all at once, he can recover from any injury.

"Such a strong recovery ability, then I want to see if you recover so quickly." Tong Zheng spoke.

"Magical powers, body fixing curse." Tong Zheng directly cast the Body Fixing God Spell, and suddenly nearly one-tenth of the mana in his body was sucked out, turned into regular divine power, and bound to the west Allah.

"Bastard!" The Western Allah cursed that Tong Zheng still had this kind of magical power.

And at the time when he scolded.

Tong Zheng continued to speak: "Divine power, control the five thunders, divine thunder descends!" "

He cast the divine thunder among the five thunders, and the Lord kills.


Above the nine heavens, a thick divine thunder descended, and the divine thunder turned purple-gold, with panic and power, killing all evil in the world.

Bombardment on Western Allah.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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