Under the joint resistance of the three angels, they finally resisted Tong Zheng's blossom and instantly became supernatural.

"It's time to end." Xi Allah was pale at this time, and until now, Tong Zheng's blossom was instantly powerful, which was the one who injured him the most.

"Angel of Light, Angel of the Morning Star, possessed." Western Allah spoke.

The Angel of Light, Raphael, the archangel of the celestial realm, ranks second only to God in status and ranks first among many great angels.

The Morning Star Angel, Lucifer, one of the most perfect angels God has ever created, led a group of equally dissatisfied angels to rebel because of his dissatisfaction with God (mainly his predetermined fate), but failed, and he was banished from heaven by God and punished to rule hell for eternity.

These two angels can be regarded as Western Allah can inherit the power of the two strongest angels at present.

The two angels possessed at the same time, which was ready to launch a big killing move.

"Excalibur of Heaven, Excalibur of Hell, Judgment of God." The western Allah drank loudly, and behind him, two angels held the Excalibur representing heaven and the Excalibur of Hell at the same time, and slashed towards Tong Zheng.

These two swords seemed to split the entire earth.

This moment.

The battlefield of the entire border land was quiet and static, as if only two divine swords that were slowly falling in the air remained.

These two swords represent the ultimate of heaven and hell, light and darkness, and the judgment of God.

As if no one could resist.

Seeing this, Tong Zheng did not have the slightest fear, and mobilized the mana in his body and spoke: "Divine power, move stars for fights!" "

Tong Zheng's ultimate magical power, moving stars and changing fights, casting.

Moving stars and changing buckets can turn everything in the universe and change their positions, then the rebel can kill their bodies, destroy their elements, and live. It can also manipulate the stars, rotate the sun and moon, and even reverse the day and night, allowing the caster to control the timing.

At the moment when Tong Zheng cast the star shifting bucket.

This heaven and earth suddenly changed.

The entire battlefield, the two warring sides, seemed to have left the battlefield, appeared under a starry sky, and were transferred by Tong Zheng.

Day turns into night.

The boundary is transformed into a cosmic starry sky.

The newly emerged heaven and earth are controlled by Tong Zheng alone, and he is the master of this starry sky.

At this time, the moment the two divine swords in the sky were slashed down, Tong Zheng disappeared and disappeared into the void, and the position where Tong Zheng was originally standing.

Where did the Western Allah suddenly appear, he was directly struck by the two Excaliburs he cast.

One of Tongzheng's abilities to change stars and change their positions.


The stars in the entire starry sky were mobilized by Tong Zheng, and one by one, the big stars bombarded the western Allah, constantly bombarding the western Allah.

His flesh continued to crumble, and the corners of his mouth spurted blood.

The West Allah extremely fearful, he was under this starry sky, as if Tong Zheng was the master of this starry sky, and he couldn't resist Tong Zheng at all.

The big star bombardment is over.

Then the sun and moon rotated, and then bombarded the western Allah, directly causing his physical body to collapse and turn into pieces.

The star shifting power ended, the heaven and earth returned to the border land again, and the shattered flesh of the western Allah was suspended in the air.

The whole heaven and earth were dead silent.

The West Allah defeated and was killed by Tong Zhengzhen!

Suddenly, countless Western armies began to flee and disperse.

They Allah dead, how can they resist Tong Zheng.

Right at this moment.


A spatial passage appeared, and a huge palm stretched out from it, grabbed the fragments of the corpse of the Western Allah, and returned to the spatial passage.

"Jade Emperor, the first confrontation was when you won, but this is just the beginning." This is the sound coming from the spatial channel.

End of sound.

No one responded.

The moment Tong Zheng appeared with this giant hand, he felt creepy, it was an unparalleled power, and it was definitely not something he could resist now.

"That is the hand of God in the West, then the Western Allah did not die, after all, it is the successor of the West, the catastrophe has just begun, and the gods of the Western camp cannot let him die like this." The voice of the system sounded in Tong Zheng's mind.

"Hmm." Tong nodded, but there were still palpitations in his heart, the power just now was too strong, if it was aimed at him, he would definitely die.

"Don't worry, he can't make a move on you, and he can't kill you." The system explained: "Although you are fighting in the Nether, in the Heavenly Court, the gods of the Heavenly Court are also always paying attention, as long as your life is in danger, the Jade Emperor will not hesitate to strike, and the protection of the two camps will not end until you grow to the realm of surpassing the Great Luo Golden Immortal."

"So it is, I see." Tong Zheng nodded, this is similar to a growth shelter, the big guys on both sides are watching from behind, although it is said to be a war, but in the early stage

, as long as there is a danger to life, the big guys behind will make a move.

Only after reaching the late stage of the terror recovery, Tong Zheng's strength has increased to surpass the strongest combat power of the two camps.

For example, only by breaking through to the realm of surpassing the Jade Emperor can you have the power to kill or even annihilate the Western camp.

"After this time, you have to find a way to quickly improve your strength and the strength of the Eastern camp." The system said: "I have a hunch that there are many terrifying existences that will come out of the forbidden area, and if you do not have a certain strength to resist, the world will soon encounter disaster."

"What taboo exists, it will make people robbed." Tong Zheng was shocked.

"The remnants of the races that were exterminated in the previous great calamities." The system said: "These people will not put the Heavenly Court and the Earth Mansion in their eyes, nor will they put the Western Heavenly Realm and Hell in their eyes, their purpose is only one, to invade the human world and compete for luck."

"What are they, so terrifying!" Tong Zheng exclaimed.

"The ancient witch race, demon race, demon race, and other great clans in the flood famine period." The system said: "Although they do not have the power of the Hong Desolate Divine Power, only some remnants have survived and are hiding in the small world in the forbidden area, but this heaven and earth calamity, qi luck manifested, they will inevitably be born to compete for qi luck, you have to be prepared."

"Got it." Tong Zheng nodded solemnly.

Unexpectedly, there were so many variables in this catastrophe, he thought that there were only opponents in the Western world, and now it seems that he is still too young.

There are so many ancient clans that are about to be revived.

It seems that it is necessary to find a way to improve the strength.

Tong Zheng looked at the army of Western ghosts below, leaving less than one-tenth of the Western Ghost Creatures, and directly used his magical powers to control the five thunders and began to harvest.

Since the beginning of the war, the eastern camp is stronger than the western camp, and the 100,000 heavenly masters who have been born with Tong Zheng's bean scattering and soldier power have joined in.

Up to now, the nearly one million troops of the West have been slaughtered by more than 900,000, and the remaining tens of thousands of troops began to flee frantically after the defeat of the Western Allah.


There are less than 10,000 left.

The entire border ground was covered by lightning.

"Fall." Tong Zheng drank, and the terrifying thunder and lightning that gathered above the border ground began to fall.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Under the destructive power of thunder and lightning, the remaining army of ghosts and creatures was all scattered on the spot!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 2,400-year-old ghost, gain 24,000 energy points, 240 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 2,500-year ghost, get 25,000 energy, 250 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 3,200-year-old ghost, get 32,000 energy points, 320 merit points]

Nearly 10,000 prompts sounded.

Let Tong Zheng obtain more than 300 million energy points.

Now, the energy points accumulated by Tong Zheng suddenly increased.


The author has something to say:

Recently, some people have reacted that there are a lot of typos, I will take half a day to revise it, causing everyone reading trouble, sorry, recently the end of the semester is a little busy, I am only in the third grade, I have to review homework

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