"We'll go up too." Tong Zhengdao.


Tong Zheng and Xiao Rou stepped forward directly and blocked the path of the Korean stick star.

Niu Zhentian even directly and deliberately hit him, knocking him back several steps and falling to the ground.

This scene.

Immediately let the brain-dead girls in the surrounding Huaxia work hard.

"What kind of people are these people, are they blind, they dare to block the way of South Korea's Oppa!"

"Still dare to hit my Oppa, how is Oppa, does it hurt, the national man is really rude, really disgusting, I deserve to find a girlfriend for the rest of my life."

"Quickly apologize to our Oppa, garbage country male maggot, quickly apologize to our Oppa, protect our best Oppa."

"Apologize, you must apologize, otherwise this matter will definitely not spare you!"

"Sisters, if these disgusting national men don't apologize, we will go to Weibo to make trouble, expose, and kill them, sisters, take photos!"

A large group of brainless girls in China began to take out their mobile phones to take photos of Niu Zhentian.

The bodyguards of the Korean sticks around came up and directly surrounded Niu Zhentian to prevent him from escaping.

Niu Zhentian shook his head, some people want to die, you simply can't save them.

If he and Tong Zheng and the others did not appear tonight, none of these brainless girls could run, and they would be taken away by this Korean stick and sucked dry Yuanyin.

Now they come out to block it, but they are treated like this.

"Okay, don't care, I'm fine." At this time, the Korean stick star who was knocked down by Niu Zhentian had already stood up and came to Niu Zhentian, he looked at Niu Zhentian with a friendly face, and spoke: "This friend must not mean it, so be it." "

Welcome to my concert." The Korean stick star said to the surrounding Chinese girls. Calming the emotions of fans.

No way, now that the concert is about to start, he has no time to spend time with Niu Zhentian, start quickly, cast evil methods, and charm these Chinese girls to kidnap is the right thing.

Seeing that the Korean stick was unwilling to care, these brain-dead girls in China were even more energetic.

"Such a gentle Oppa, too graceful, this is a gentleman, unlike some national men who make people European, bumped into people, and didn't even apologize!"

"The current national men, do they all have this quality, sisters, looking for a boyfriend, you must keep your eyes open, don't look for this disgusting national man!"

"Although our Oppa forgave him, we can't just forgive it, Oppa needs to be guarded, don't let him pay a little price this time, anyone will dare to contradict our Oppa in the future, you must apologize, otherwise expose the society to death!"

A large group of brainless girls shouted.

Niu Zhen was so bad that he wanted to directly hack to death this group of girls who had been abandoned.

Didn't save these group-chasers.

Countless masters of the Dao Alliance are fighting on the front line, fighting against powerful ghosts, in exchange for ordinary people to have a peaceful life.

Now, after half a year's efforts, the Dao Alliance forces have spread throughout every city in China, effectively preventing ghosts from endangering the Chinese people.

Unexpectedly, without the destruction of ghosts, a group of girls who lost their minds with playthings were raised.

In front of these drama stars, even the most basic ability to think about distinguishing right from wrong is gone.

He was so disappointed, Niu Zhentian even felt that the Dao Alliance now had to protect these people, right.

"Let's back off first." Tong Zhengdao.

Love your Oppa so much, just go.


Tong Zheng took Niu Zhentian and Xiao Rou, and Lin Jinger left directly.

You'll know it tonight.

"Garbage country man, you still have reason to hit people, if Huaxia is such a person, the future is worrying, looking for a boyfriend in the future, you can only go to those Oppa!"

"Oppa, I want to give birth to you a baby!"


A large group of Chinese girls hugged Korean stick stars and entered the concert theater.

"Shall we let this Korean stick go!" Niu Zhentiandao.

"Naturally not, dare to come to my Huaxia to do evil, no matter what, he must die, and the Korean use group involved behind him is also death." Tong Zheng said: "It's just to let him live a little longer, since these brainless things like this Korean stick so much, let them experience the Korean stick tonight."

"When the time comes, we will go in again and destroy the Korean stick!" Tong Zhengdao.

"Well, these brainless things must be taught a lesson!" Niu Zhentiandao.

Soon, it got dark.

The concert also began.

Under the influence of the evil law, the whole concert was very successful, and often all the girls were fascinated.

One by one, they desperately shouted Oba Oppa.

Right at this moment.

An enchantment envelops the entire concert theater and isolates it from the outside world.

Then, South Korea's Oppa, who was still handsome before on stage, suddenly changed his face and became hideous.

Suddenly rushed off the stage, grabbed a girl in the audience, and directly bit the girl's neck, blood flowing.

This sudden scene frightened the girls in the venue.

"What's the situation, how can Oppa become a ghost, sisters, Oppa is an evil thing, let's run away!"

"Flee, where to escape!" The Korean Oba, who was sucking the girl's blood, said coldly: "This place has been sealed by the realm, tonight, everyone has to die!" He


His hands suddenly burst out of suction, sucking the two girls into his hands, and suddenly pinched, directly cutting off the necks of the two girls, and then absorbing their Yuan Yin and Essence Qi.

In the blink of an eye, the two girls directly turned into dry corpses.

"Ugh!" Countless girls around, directly frightened to pee, incontinent, squatting on the ground, extremely fearful.

They were originally a group of pampered greenhouse flowers, not doing business for a day, so lazy to eat, they only knew that chasing stars climbed high and rich.

Where have you seen this kind of battle.

"What about the Dao League, the people of the Dao League, why don't you come to save us now."

"Daomeng's regulator, is it so bad!"

For a while, they actually began to complain about the Dao Alliance.

These people are complete egoists, they will always think of others to help them when something happens, and if they drink too much poisonous chicken soup, they are the center of the world, and everyone has to revolve around them.

"You guys are really helpless!" At this time, Xiao Rou's voice sounded.


Tong Zheng, Xiaorou, Lin Jing'er, and Niu Zhentian came to the entrance.

Xiao Rou's whole body was running, and the terrifying aura was poured into the Heavenly Thunder Hammer.

"Lei Yu." Xiao Rou drank loudly.


Suddenly, the thunder hammer of this day, a hammer to kill down.


With a loud bang, the earth shook, and the entrance ground exploded directly, and the enchantment, under the terrifying hammer, was destroyed into nothingness by the lightning power.

The four walked in, and the enchantment was useless to them.

"It's them, they turned out to be people from the Dao Alliance, and the Dao Alliance came to save us."

"It turned out that the people of today's Daomeng saw that these Koreans were not normal, so they came to stop them, but we misunderstood them and drove them away."

"If they hadn't come to save us now, we would all have died tonight!"

Only now have these brainless girls reacted.

And ahead, that Korean Oppa had a gloomy face, and he didn't expect that this time, he was discovered by the Daomeng!


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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