"Hammer him." Tong Zheng spoke.

"Hmm." Xiao Rou nodded, teleported, and came to that Korean Oppa, and the Heavenly Thunder Hammer swung.

A hammer hammered directly at him, smashing it into a meatloaf.

Blurred flesh and blood.

"Ugh!" All the brainless girls present screamed.

"Disgusting!" Niu Zhentian spat on these ignorant brain-dead star-chasing girls, he did not have the slightest good impression.

Looking at the audience, many girls who were frightened and incontinent and extremely embarrassed, they deserved it.

At the moment when the Korean Oppa was smashed into a meatloaf, a black gas flew out from the Korean Oppa's corpse meatloaf, suspended in the air, and stared at the four Tong Zheng.

It is this black gas that controls this Korean Oppa.

The black qi transformed into a human form and spoke, "Who are you, do you know the end of going against my ghost domain?"

"Who we are, people you ghost domain can't afford to mess with." Niu Zhentian said, "If you dare to come to Huaxia to do evil, I will go today and destroy your ghost domain."

"What a big breath, destroy my ghost domain, I want to see, how can you dare to say such things." The black gas humanoid spoke.


The next moment, Tong Zheng appeared directly in front of him, so fast that everyone didn't see Tong Zheng's movement trajectory.

Tong Zheng grabbed the ghost qi human form and suddenly launched a tracking soul search to investigate the origin and address of this ghost domain.

By tracking down the soul search power, Tong Zheng obtained the information he wanted from the ghost form.

Ghost Domain.

It is a force composed of all powerful ghosts in South Korea, and after the recovery of terror in South Korea, because there is no strong religious force, the strength of ghosts has increased rapidly.

Soon nine ghost emperors were born, the ghost domain established, I heard that the strongest ghost emperor, the ghost master of the ghost domain, has reached the realm of true immortal perfection.

Ghost Domain, in South Korea.

Now, he has actually paid attention to Huaxia.

The ghost master of the ghost domain still didn't know that the ghost creatures of Huaxia had been killed to despair.

They just naively thought that after being invincible in Korea, they would be able to come to China to be presumptuous.

Of course, the ghost lord of the ghost domain also knew that Huaxia had a Dao Alliance sitting in the town.

So do not dare to make a large-scale invasion.

So you can only engage in petty theft in border cities.

Korean stick stars are very popular with those brainless girls in Huaxia, and those brainless girls, when they meet Korean stick stars, are more enthusiastic than their parents.

Therefore, the ghosts of the ghost domain abducted the Chinese girl through the Korean stick star.


Just a few times after winning it, it was recognized by Tong Zheng and them.

A pinch-popping ghostly human form.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost emperor doppelganger with 2,800 years of Dao, gain 3,000 energy points, 300 merit points]

"I already know the location of the ghost domain, let's rush over now." Tong Zheng spoke.

Niu Zhentian, Xiaorou, and Lin Jing'er nodded, and the four of them came out, flew directly into the air, and went to the ghost domain.

The countless Huaxia girls in the rear understood that this time, they were completely disgraced in front of the high-level of the Dao League, and let the high-level of the Dao Alliance completely disappoint them.

Since they were young, every time they have suffered anything, they watch dramas and chase stars every day, and for the first time now, they feel that their behavior is ridiculous and pathetic.

If it weren't for the people of the Dao Alliance coming to rescue them this time, they would have died, at the hands of the Korean stick stars they chased day and night.

Their hearts are extremely sad.

Before, they were also ready to apologize to the heroes for the Korean stick, and to expose Tong Zheng and them.

Their behavior is so ignorant and ridiculous.

Ghost Domain.

In the north of South Korea.

It's a relatively remote hell.

However, the geographical location is very special, it is above the Yin vein of Korea.

Each country has different qi luck, qi luck is born from the yin and yang two veins, the yin vein is rich in yin qi, the most suitable for ghost practice.

On the way to the ghost domain, the place passed, but almost every village passing by was not lit up and did not have the slightest anger.

It seems that these villages close to the ghost domain have long been slaughtered.

When he came to the village closest to the entrance ghost domain, Tong Zheng said: "This village has the smell of evil things, let's go in and take a look." "

Before the four people flew through the air, passing by the village, there was no breath of ghosts, but this village did.


Tong Zheng estimated that this village should be the first barrier to enter the ghost domain.

Niu Zhentian and the others nodded.

The four fell to the ground and stepped into the village.

Just entered the village.

An old woman dressed in Korean clothes said coldly in a hoarse voice: "After so long, has food been delivered to the door again?" "

And then.

The old woman walked towards the four step by step.

Tong Zhengxian's eyes bloomed and fell to the front, and the old woman was illuminated by the fairy light, and soon she was covered in black resentment, obviously a ghost general.

The eyes narrowed slightly, and two immortal rays of light were directly shot out, shooting at the old woman's body, and the terrifying immortal power directly pierced the old woman, and her soul flew away.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost general with 2,800 years of Dao, gain 28,000 energy points, 280 merit points]

Destroy an old woman ghost.

Suddenly, in the village ahead, many terrifying grievances erupted.

Apparently, there is a large wave of ghosts that are approaching.

Xiao Rou, Lin Jing'er, and Niu Zhentian took out their weapons and stood beside Tong Zheng.

"This village is just an appetizer." Tong Zheng spoke, "Tonight's goal is to level the Ghost Domain." "

Tong Zheng has now accumulated more than 400 million energy points, I don't know if tonight, can he accumulate to one billion, so that the realm can break through to the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm.

Finish speaking.

Tong Zheng's divine consciousness spread, covering the entire mountain village, and a quick victory.

Xiao Rou, Lin Jing'er, and Niu Zhentian nodded, they knew the details of Tong Zheng, and did not take the initiative to give up the ghost to Tong Zheng to kill.


In the village ahead, dozens of red-clothed ghosts suddenly came out and slaughtered towards Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng sneered, and the Devil Slaying Daguan Daguan Knife appeared, slashing out horizontally, directly slashing at the dozens of red-clothed ghosts that rushed on the opposite side.

The sword light tore directly from them, causing these red-clothed ghosts to scatter their souls.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with nine hundred years of Dao, get 9,000 energy points, 90 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a red-clothed ghost with seven hundred years of Dao, get 7,000 energy

points, 70 merit points]


Nearly forty prompts sounded, allowing Tong Zheng to obtain more than 400,000 energy points.

"Keep going." Tong Zheng spoke.

Kill a wave of red-clad ghosts.


Then a ghost emperor came to the entrance of the village with a group of ghosts.

"What are you who dare to come here!" The Ghost Emperor said indifferently.

He was in charge of sitting in the village in front of the Ghost Domain, and this was the first time since the establishment of the Ghost Domain that someone had come to the door.

"Destroy the people of your ghost domain." Tong Zheng sneered.

Then, one after another terrifying aura emanated from his body, approaching this ghost emperor step by step.

Beside Tong Zheng, Lin Jing'er, who was holding the purple electric cone, and Xiao Rou, who was carrying the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, who was already holding the Heavenly Thunder Sword, all bloomed with breath.

The Ghost Emperor's face changed.

When he reached the level of the Ghost Emperor, he was no longer a rookie, and he could feel that the cultivation of the four people in front of him was not low.

By no means an ordinary character.

"Up!" The Ghost King ordered.


A group of ghosts directly surrounded Tong Zheng and the four.

Tong Zheng's divine consciousness directly triggered the thunder in the sky, and one after another terrifying thunder and lightning gathered.

"Good terrifying divine sense, quickly retreat, withdraw to the ghost domain." The ghost emperor was frightened and hurriedly ordered the retreat of the ghost thing, but it was too late.


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