In the air above, the wind and thunder were raging, and thunder and lightning slashed down from the air, covering the entire area of the village.

The terrifying thunder and lightning turned the entire village area into a thunder field, and one after another thunder and lightning continued to fall.

These lightning bolts that were led down, under the guidance of Tong Zheng, slashed the ghosts around them.

Rumble! Rumble!

In the precise strike of thunder and lightning, the ghosts were directly killed on the spot, and their souls were scattered!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost for 2,400 years, get 24,000 energy points, 240 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost for 3,2800

years, get 32,800 energy points, 328 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a ghost for 1,320 years, get 13,200 energy points, 132 merit points]

Nearly 300 prompts sounded.

This move directly captured about six million energy points.

Killed the entire village of ghosts.

Ghost Domain Central.

"What is the situation, how can there be such terrifying thunder and lightning fluctuations outside." A ghost emperor spoke, his body exuded a rich blood qi, and it was suddenly full of bloody smell, obviously these days, he had absorbed a lot of girls' essence blood Yuan Yin.

"It's not clear, let the two ghost emperors of Yin and Yang check it out." The ghost lord spoke.

The territory of the ghost domain is very wide, the nine ghost emperors, respectively in different areas in the ghost domain, the address of the yin and yang ghost emperor is not far from the entrance of the ghost domain.

And at this time.

The four of Tong Zheng, after destroying the ghosts of the entire village,

came directly to the entrance of the ghost domain.

Ghost domain entrance.

In the outside world, it can be felt that there is an extremely large formation, shrouding it.

Tong Zheng carefully observed the formation shrouded outside the ghost domain, this formation was very ingenious, it could gather the yin qi, so that the yin qi of the yin vein could not spread out and be effectively used.

"This formation, the Yin Gathering Array." Niu Zhentian spoke: "Unexpectedly, there are still ghosts in the country of rods who understand the formation of my Huaxia Taoist.

"The birthplace of the entire Dao system under the world is all from my Huaxia, and it is not surprising that the ghosts of the Stick Country understand this formation." Tong Zheng spoke.

"Hmm." Niu Zhentian nodded.

Korean sticks often shout, what Dragon Boat Festival is theirs, Qu Yuan is theirs, Hanfu is theirs, everything is theirs.

But they are Huaxia.

The four prepare to enter the ghost domain.


In front of the entrance to the Ghost Domain.

On the ground, a thick yin qi and dead qi came out, and the ground suddenly trembled.

It's as if there's a whole bunch of zombies crawling out of the ground.

"There's something underground." Tong Zheng spoke.

The four stopped.

The other three naturally felt it, and the four looked ahead at the ground.

A moment later.

In front of the underground, there was a zombie, breaking through the soil from the ground and crawling out, these corpses were nourished by the yin vein and yin qi, all of them did not decompose, but were sucked dry of essence blood, plus a lot of dirt on the body, more hideous.

These corpses, most of them Koreans, seem to be dried by the ghosts in the ghost domain, and turned into dry evil corpses.

Because these evil corpses are warmed by the yin veins, coupled with the resentment of terrifying revival, the Dao practice is not low, and there are generally thousands of years of Dao practice, which is equivalent to the cultivation of corpses.

Looking at the evil corpses roaring around the four people.

A smile appeared at the corner of Tong Zheng's mouth, there were many of these evil corpses, they kept crawling out of the ground, Tong Zheng roughly estimated, at least tens of thousands.

Other words.

From the recovery of terror to the present, there are at least tens of thousands of people in Korea who have been sucked dry of the blood of these ghosts in the ghost domain, and the corpses are all here.

Tong Zheng was not in a hurry.

The four of them levitated into the air, waiting for all the evil corpses to crawl out, and another thunder law.

Clean sweep.

More than ten minutes later.

Almost all the evil corpses buried in the ghost domain crawled out.

In the end, the number of crawlers who climbed out turned out to be more than 60,000, which exceeded Tong Zheng's previous estimate.

It seems that after the revival of terror, South Korea did not have the protection of a strong Taoist system.

There are many ordinary people who died at the hands of these evil things.

Tong Zheng directly exerted control over the five thunders.

Group strikes.

Suddenly, the entire sky above the entrance of the ghost domain was covered by lightning.


The terrifying thunder and lightning that gathered in the sky began to fall.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Under the destructive power of thunder and lightning, on the ground, more than 60,000 evil corpses, spread thousands of meters of ground, covered by lightning, and the corpses exploded on the spot and turned into pieces!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 1,100-year Dao Xing evil corpse, get 11,000 energy points, 110 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a 900-year Dao Xing evil corpse, get 9,000 energy points, 90 merit points



[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill an evil corpse that has been practicing for nine hundred years, get 9,000 energy points, 90 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to

the host, kill an evil corpse of a thousand years of Dao, get 1,000 energy points, 100 merit points]

60,000 prompts sound.

Let Tong Zheng obtain more than 700 million energy points at once.

Coupled with the more than 400 million that had been accumulated before, now Tong Zheng broke through to the energy point of the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, which was enough.

Right at this moment.

In the ghost domain, the ground exploded.


The king of evil corpses, flying out of the ground, suspended in the air, his eyes were blank, looking at the four Tong Zheng.

"This king of evil corpses should be ruling the existence of the group of evil corpses just now, but he should also be controlled by the ghosts in the ghost domain, his eyes are godless, and he is estimated to be only used to guard this entrance!" Niu Zhentiandao.

"Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded.


The king of evil corpses suspended in the air suddenly killed Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, the king of evil corpses, he had to die when he met him.

Tong Zheng directly raised the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, and slashed towards the King of Evil Corpses, and on the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, the terrifying Demon Suppression Rune flashed with light, blooming with suffocating fluctuations.

The King of Evil Corpses hurriedly dodged to the side, but the sword light of a Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm could not be avoided.

The next moment.

Tong Zheng's sword light directly tore the king of evil corpses, and at the same time, the ground below the king of evil corpses was directly cut apart by this knife, revealing a huge ravine, which was shocking.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the king of the nine thousand years of Dao Walking Evil Corpse, get 90,000 energy points, 900 merit points]

[Ding, the system prompts, energy points have accumulated to 1.132 billion, spend one billion energy points can raise the realm to the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, whether to improve. "

Ascension." Tong Zheng said without hesitation.

[Ding, consume one billion energy points, raise the realm to the late stage of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland]

The system prompt tone ends.

In Tong Zheng's body, a terrifying energy erupted, raising his realm.

Feeling the skyrocketing cultivation in his body, Tong Zheng secretly sighed that he didn't come in vain this time, just at the entrance, he gained more than 700 million energy points.

I don't know if the ghost domain will bring him a surprise.

Now the Flood Clan in the forbidden area is about to recover.

Tong Zheng was still very worried in his heart that his cultivation in the Taiyi Golden Wonderland was not strong enough.

Perhaps this time, entering the ghost domain and eliminating all the ghosts in the ghost domain may be able to raise the cultivation to the perfection of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland.

"System, how many energy points do I need to upgrade to the Taiyi Golden Wonderland?" Tong Zheng asked.

"Three billion." The system spoke.

"Three billion, okay!" Tong Zheng suddenly felt Alexander!

Let's go to the Ghost Domain first.

In any case, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it.

Tong Zheng took the lead, took the three of them, and directly entered the ghost domain.

Entering the ghost domain, the three of them walked all the way, looking for the existence of the nine ghost emperors in the ghost domain.


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