"Holy sword, block." The Holy Sword Angel drank loudly, holding the Holy Light Sword, and straddled the front, and suddenly, the shadow of the Holy Light Sword spread out, forming a sword array, protecting the Holy Sword Angel.

If you want to die, you have to struggle.

Tong Zheng's slashing sword light slashed at the holy light sword of the holy sword angel.

The Holy Light Sword Array was directly cut off, and then, the big knife cut off the body of the Holy Sword Angel on the spot.

The Holy Sword Angel's whole person turned into two parts, and he was cut off and fell from the air, and blood continued to fall.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the Holy Sword Angel, get 10,000,000 energy points, 100,000 merit points]

10 million energy points!

Hey, it really deserves to be a holy sword angel.

"Good." Tong Zheng spoke.

Xiao Rou came to him and said, "Now, let's go directly to the Holy See headquarters." "

Well, two angels died in a row, they will definitely not come to send them to death again, it is estimated that those angels of the Nether Realm have gathered at the headquarters of the Holy See and are waiting for me." Tong Zhengdao.

"Okay." Xiao Rou nodded.

Lin Jinger said, "Now, let the other eight teams come and combine."

"Let them combine." Tong Zheng said, "Just come here to gather, and we will kill it directly."

"Okay." Lin Jinger nodded and said, "I'll inform them." "

At this time.

Tong Zheng in his mind.

The system's prompt sounds.

[Ding, the system mall is updated, and the immortals give orders. ] 】【

Ding, the system prompts, the gods of the Eastern Heavenly Court, detected that there are angels in the western heavenly realm, to deal with the host, the Eastern immortals can also be in the lower realm, to help the host cope with the crisis, the host can choose the eastern immortal fairy token to the lower realm in the system mall, each immortal token, can let its nether help the host once, but the immortal nether is suppressed by rules, and will be suppressed by a large realm.

"I really can't hold it." Tong Zheng smiled, and he knew that since the two camps were at war, the West could have an angel nether realm.

These immortals of the Eastern Heavenly Court will definitely not sit there watching the play, watching him being beaten by the group, and they will definitely find a way to help him.

Tong is opening the system mall.

In the first row, there is the list of Eastern Immortals

: [Item 1: Yuan Shi Tianzun gives an order, can let Yuan Shi Tianzun give an order, Yuan Shi Tianzun

, cultivate to the saint realm, need: one billion merit points] [Item 2: The Lord of the Tongtian Sect gives an order, can let the Lord of the Tongtian Sect give the mortal, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect, cultivate to the Saint Realm, the cost: one billion merit points]

[Item 3:

Taishang Laojun gives the order

, can let the Taishang Laojun go down to the mortal, Taishang Laojun, cultivate to the Saint Realm, the price: one billion merit points] [Item 4: The Jade Emperor gives an order, can let the Jade Emperor give an order, the Jade Emperor, cultivate to the Manifestation Saint Realm is complete, the price: 100 million merit points] [Item 5: The Ziwei Emperor gives an order, can let the Ziwei Emperor go to the mortal, Ziwei Emperor, cultivate to the Manifestation Saint Realm is complete, the price: 100 million merit points]


Item 6: The Immortal Emperor gives an order, can let the Immortal Emperor go down to the mortal, the Immortal Emperor, cultivation to the Manifestation Saint Realm is complete, the price: 100 million merit points] [Item 6: The Eastern East Pole Qinghua Emperor gives an order, can let the Eastern East Pole Qinghua Emperor give the mortal, the Eastern East Pole Qinghua Emperor, cultivation to the Manifestation Saint Realm is complete, the price: 100 million merit points]


[Item 12: The Queen Mother of the West gives an order, can let the Queen Mother of the West go to the fan, the Queen Mother of the West, cultivation to the late stage of the Manifestation Saint Realm, the price: 80 million merit points] [Item 13: Erlang God Yang Jian gives an order, can let Erlang God Yang Jian go down to the fan, Erlang God Yang Jian, cultivation to the late stage of the Manifestation Saint Realm, cost: 100 million merit points]

[Item 14: The Great God Nezha of the Three Altars Sea Society gives an order, can let Nezha give an order, Nezha, cultivation to the middle of the Manifestation Saint Realm,


: 80 million merit points] [Item 14: Tai Yi Thunder should transform Tianzun to give an order, can make Tai Yi Thunder should transform Tianzun to lower mortals, cultivate to the middle stage of the Manifestation Saint Realm, cost: 80 million merit points]


[Item 99: Marshal Tiancang gives an order, you can let Marshal Canopy go down to mortal, cultivate to the early stage of the Manifestation Saint Realm, the price: 20 million merit points]


Watch these give orders.

Tong Zheng is a little stupid, and his feelings invite these immortals to go to mortals, and he also needs merit.

As if sensing Tong Zheng's thoughts, the system said: "Of course, you have to be meritorious, otherwise they will work for you in vain."

"These immortals, who don't want to take advantage of the great calamity, for the immortals, merit points are what they dream of the most." The system said: "At the same time, if the heavenly realm in the west wants to go to mortals, it must also be beneficial to go to mortals."

"But this time, the Western world picked the head, and the Eastern side is ready to send two people to help you for free once, don't have merit points." The system replied.

"The two?" Tong Zheng asked.

"Erlang Xiansheng True Monarch Yang Jian, Great God Nezha of the Three Altar Sea Society." The system replied.

"I rely on, it turns out to be these two big guys!" Tong Zheng suddenly held his breath, feeling that happiness came too suddenly.

Yang Jian, an existence in the late stage of the Manifestation Saint Realm, the first war god of the three realms, deserves to be the strongest in combat power, and once fought with Sun Wukong to a tie.

Nezha, in the middle of the Manifestation Saint Realm, is also a top master.

With these two people in the lower realm, even if they are suppressed in a big realm, they are the existence of the late and middle stages of the Great Luo Golden Wonderland, and with them, how many angels kill in the West.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining Yang Jian's order, Nezha gave the order, has been used for the host, the two of them will soon arrive here to support the host]

The system prompt sounded.

"Awesome." Tong Zheng asked excitedly, "Do I want to wait for them here, and then we will go to the Western Church headquarters together."

"No need." The system said: "You take people first, when you arrive, they should also arrive." "Good

." Tong Zheng nodded excitedly.

Seeing this, Lin Jing'er and Xiaorou asked, "Brother Tong Zheng, what are you excited about?"

Tong Rushi replied, "Aren't there many angels in the West Nether, and we also have Immortal Nether in the East to help us." "

Oh, we also have immortals in the east, are those immortals." Lin Jinger asked.

"Nezha and Yang Jian." Tong Zheng replied.

"What, it turned out to be these two great gods." Lin Jing'er was taken aback, these two great gods were higher than the status of the Nine Heavenly Xuannu she inherited.

This time, the West was miserable.

And at this time.

The Holy See headquarters, the Western Allah, has gathered all the lower angels to the headquarters, and at the same time gathered all the forces that the Holy See can gather at present.

Now the headquarters of the Holy See.

There is a lower mortal twelve archangels, who have been suppressed in a great realm, and now cultivation is in the early stage of the eight-winged realm, which is equivalent to the early stage of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, which is now the most terrifying combat power in the western lower realm.

At the same time, there are five archangels of the eight-winged realm, and there are also six-winged realms after going down, and then there are ten guardian angels of the six-winged realm, and after going down, there are also four-winged realms.

The rest are all the power of the church on earth, more than a dozen two-winged angels, as well as hundreds of true god messengers, thousands of holy lords, and more than a dozen ghost emperors who have reached the realm of two-winged angels, and an army of nearly a million hellish ghosts.

Tong Zheng was menacing this time, on the way here, he slaughtered the church headquarters of cities in the Western world all the way, and even the Holy Armor Angel and the Holy Sword Angel who went to block it were killed, and they had to pay attention.


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