"Go." The western Allah spoke, "Go to the mountain range area outside the city to meet those in the east." He


So he took the nearly one million army of the Holy See, as well as more than a dozen ghost emperors and thousands of church masters, to the forest area outside the city to face the battle.

Naturally, he could not let the Eastern Dao Alliance Lord fight in the sky over London, and if such a large-scale battle took place in Dunlun, it would completely destroy the entire center of the Western world, and the lives would be ruined and blood would flow like rivers.

Naturally, you have to meet them on the border outside the city.


One archangel, five archangels, and ten guardian angels sent by the Celestial Realm would definitely not be able to resist with the previous strength of the Dao Alliance Lord.

Because the archangels they descended, even if they were suppressed and cultivated, they had reached the early stage of the Eight Wings, comparable to the Great Luo Golden Wonderland in the East.

If Tong Zheng is still Taiyi Golden Wonderland, he will definitely die this time, but there is still something in his heart, and Tong Zheng will have a backhand.

After all, Tong Zheng knew that they had the help of the Angel Nether in the West, and he still rushed murderously, either he himself had reached the Great Luo Golden Wonderland, or he had a back hand. You can also call the helpers of Da Luo Golden Wonderland.

After all, when the two sides go to war, the West can call helpers, and the East can naturally call them.

This is what worries him the most.

But now, it is useless to worry, these mortal angels, one by one, look down on him, and do not want to listen to his command, only feel that they are the most awesome.

Just wait for him to lead people to kill and start a decisive battle, when the time comes, they will be able to suppress the east.

If the Easterners are so easy to deal with, they can still be used, and the West Allah despised.

Half an hour later.

In the central area of the western world, above the mountains outside Dunlun, the sky was overcast, and the entire sky turned gray.

The Western army is here, forming a queue, directly facing Shangtong Zheng and dozens of others.

"I can't think of you, that's it." The West Allah and said, "I really look up to you, if you only have this few people, you will definitely die this time." "

Tong Zheng turned out to be, not a single Oriental Heavenly Court helper was invited down, and with him, there were only three Golden Immortal Realms, although the remaining forty-five people were Xuan Immortal Realms.

On his side, the angels of the lower mortals, there are five people in the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, plus six of him, the four-winged angels of the Golden Fairyland, but there are ten people, not to mention, there is also an archangel who has reached the early stage of the Eight Wings, Tong Zheng, what to fight with him.

"Yes, before the end, you are so sure that you can win." Tong Zheng said lightly.

And Tong Zheng was talking.

In the Western Celestial Realm, the archangel, as well as the five archangels and ten guardian angels, descended from the sky and levitated beside the Western Allah.

"This is your Orientals who have repeatedly lost battles, such a weak strength, you have failed." An archangel ignored Tong Zheng and spoke directly to the west.

Western Allah blushed and was powerless to refute.

The strongest archangel looked at Tong Zheng and said, "Those who killed my Western camp one after another, your life will be ended by me today."

As he spoke, he directly burst out of Xiu Wei, and a divine light erupted from his body, and terrifying coercion covered all directions.

Behind him, an archangel's phantom appeared, surrounding him.

On the side of God in Western Heaven, there are twelve archangels, military angels, fire angels, death angels, light angels, morning star angels, blazing angels, wise angels, seat angels, main angels, energy angels, power angels, power angels, power angels.

No archangel has the strength of the early stage of apparition, and he is regarded as the strongest existence under God.

This time, the wise angel of the twelve archangels is the embodiment of divine wisdom, the representative of transmitting hope to the world, and behind him, eight-winged wings appeared, slightly instigated.

It means that after he is suppressed, he still has the realm of the early stage of the eight wings.

At the moment when the six-winged wings behind the wise angel appeared, the high-level and army of the entire Western camp were all shrouded in wisdom brilliance, and their overall strength increased.

This is the ability of a group to bless and boost the morale of the army.

With the glorious blessing of the wise angel, the entire Western camp was extremely excited, and on their side, they had masters who had reached the realm of the eight-winged angel.

This is equivalent to the existence of the Huaxia Da Luo Golden Wonderland, and now, they are not afraid of anything.

The eight-winged angel is enough to sweep everything, and this time, the Dao Alliance Lord will die.

Suddenly, the Western army was full of momentum, and the roar was heaven-shaking.

Compared to the West, on the Huaxia side, the forty-five Xuan Immortals are very calm, because they all know that their alliance masters have reached the realm of the Great Luo Golden Immortal Realm, and there are two great gods who have rushed from the heavenly realm to support, and they are completely worthless.

There is only one eight-winged angel in the West, and on their side, there will be three immediately, and they won.

Tong Zheng looked at the people of the Western camp who were excited, and said lightly: "It's just an eight-winged angel, just let you run rampant like this!" "It's like who's

not the same." Tong Zheng snorted coldly, and then, Tong Zheng Daluo's cultivation of the Golden Wonderland burst out.

Shrouded in golden fairy qi, the protective spirit patterns on his body lit up one after another, and the three flowers on the top converged, and the fire of the Da Luo Golden Immortal burned on Tong Zheng's body.

The coercion suddenly suppressed forward, extinguishing the coercion of the wise angel.

The forty-five Xuan Immortals of the Dao Alliance were illuminated by the immortal light on Tong Zheng's body, and they were immediately blessed and full of confidence.

The Western camp, those high-level powerhouses, saw that Tong Zheng had broken through to the Da Luo Golden Wonderland, and their faces were difficult to see, and they couldn't imagine that the Eastern Dao Alliance Lord had reached this realm.

Lying groove, is he still human?


It can't be opened like this, the same human heir, they Allah in the west, and they have just recovered to the early stage of the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, and the Nima Dao Alliance Lord has arrived in the Daluo Golden Wonderland.

How to play this Nima, surrender directly!

"I can't imagine that you have also reached this realm." The wise angel said: "But what about that, I am invincible, I am one of the twelve archangels, I have been an archangel for countless years, my real cultivation in the heavenly realm is the realm of the ten-winged angel, that is, the realm of manifestation that you said in the east, even if my cultivation is suppressed in the human world to reach the eight-winged realm, the use of power is not comparable to you a person who has just entered the eight-winged realm, I will let you know what despair is." "

Although Tong Zheng also has the Eight Wings Realm, however, they have confidence in themselves, he is one of the twelve archangels, the realm has been suppressed to the Wing Realm, and the control of power, he is not comparable to Tong Zheng, he will definitely be able to kill this Dao Alliance Master in the East.

"Yes, I see, I let you know what despair is." Tong Zheng spoke: "Third Prince, Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun, until now, you have not come out, let alone when." Tong

Zheng spoke to this heaven and earth.

Suddenly, two people who were full of immortal qi descended from the sky and fell to Tong Zheng's side.

A handsome, dignified appearance, bright eyes, wearing a three-mountain flying phoenix hat, wearing a stranded gold boot liner dragon stocking, and holding a three-pointed two-edged gun.

A young man with a young face, wearing a Pauline dress, holding a mixed sky aya, a fire-tipped gun, a shoulder strap, and a hot wheel.

Exactly, as well as Erlang Xiansheng True Monarch Yang Jian, the Great God of the Three Altar Sea Society, Nezha.

Saw the two arrive.

The angels from the Western Nether, including the wise angel, were all frightened.

These two from the east actually came to the Nether!

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