"Yes, Lord." The Void Heavenly Master was ordered, put away the true immortal pill, and the elixir that Tong Zheng could come to improve people's cultivation was not a secret, and the Dao Alliance knew it.


This time, he actually got a pill that could directly raise his cultivation to the True Immortal Realm.

More than 10,000 pieces, doesn't this mean that he can directly build an army of more than 10,000 true fairyland, and more than 10,000 true fairyland, it is terrifying to think about.

"Hmm." Tong Zheng continued: "At the same time, take these pills to destroy the forbidden army, this will take the next half a year, full cultivation, special training, half a year later, I will start to sweep some weak forbidden areas.

"In the past half a year, the intelligence personnel of the All Dao Alliance have given me all their strength to probe the addresses and general strength of these forbidden areas in the world, and the rest of them have gone all out to cultivate, and at the same time urged the people of Huaxia to spend more time in cultivation and improve their overall strength." Tong Zheng ordered: "The entire Dao League, Huaxia, has entered a state of retreat development.

"Yes." The Void Heavenly Master nodded.

It seems that in the past half a year, Tong Zheng is preparing to vigorously improve the strength of the Dao Alliance, and half a year later, he will do a big job.

The Void Heavenly Master, holding more than 10,000 True Immortal Pills, went out.

And at this time.

The celestial realm of the West.

God looked at the wise angel who had been rescued by himself and the two Allah in the west, and said, "Now, the foundation of the Holy See in the west has been completely destroyed by the east. "

Bastard." The wise angel cursed, his face was still a little pale, obviously his injuries had not fully recovered.

"God, let me fuse your blood with Satan, I want angels and demons to cultivate, I must destroy the Eastern Dao Alliance Master." The West Allah.

"Fusing my bloodline with Satan, you will become a half-human, half-ghost, half-god, half-demon existence, although you can obtain great power in a short time, but you also have to endure pain that ordinary people can't endure, are you sure you want to do this?" God asked.

"I'm sure." The West Allah.

"Well, in that case, I'll help you." God said, "Perhaps, only if you fuse the bloodline power of me and Satan, the two quasi-saints, can you be the opponent of the Dao Alliance Lord."

God waved his hand, shot a holy light into the western Allah's body, and then said: "This is my bloodline, now send you to hell, to obtain Satan's bloodline, after that, you will cultivate in hell, less than the eight-winged realm, don't return to the world first."

"Good." Western Allah nodded.

God waved his hand and opened a spatial passage, and below was connected to hell, endless demonic qi and dead qi, emerging from the passage, and he directly sent the western Allah down.


God said to Satan on the other end of the passage, "Give him half of your bloodline, and only by fusing the bloodline of the two of us can he be the opponent of the successor of the East."

"Good." In hell, Satan responded.

"I'm going to go to the Buddha Gate Spirit Mountain to meet those who are in the Buddha Gate, now the Great Tribulation, several saints of the Eastern Dao Gate are powerful, I am afraid that most of the luck of the Great Tribulation will be taken away by the Dao Gate, the Buddha Gate and the Dao Gate have been fighting for so many years, I am unfortunate that the Buddha Gate can sit still and not come out to get a piece of the pie." God said, "Now, perhaps only the United Buddha Sect has the power to deal with the Dao Sect.

"Go ahead, this kid is handed over to me, I'll train him in hell." Satan said.

"Hmm." God nodded, waved his hand to close the passage, and then rushed directly to the Buddha Gate.

Buddha Gate, Lingshan.

Buddha did not speak about the Dharma today, but waited quietly with two saints on the top of Lingshan Mountain.

As saints, they naturally calculated that God would come today.

"The two saints of the Buddha Gate are so idle, don't you want to come out in the catastrophe and get a piece of the pie." God came to the three.

"This catastrophe, my Buddha sect is not involved, you go back." Buddhism leads to the Holy Humane.

"If you don't participate, you will be willing to let the Daomen swallow this luck alone, if the Daomen gives birth to another saint, it will not be beneficial to everyone." God Word.

"Needless to say, we have our own decisions." "God please come back."

"Hmph, you guys are waiting to be severely suppressed by the Daomen." God flicked his sleeves and turned away.

Of course, he knew that it was impossible for the Buddha Sect not to participate, but he was just unwilling to cooperate with him, to put it bluntly, he just looked down on them.

"Look down on us, sooner or later make you pay." God thought in his heart, and then rushed to the strongest forbidden area of the three tribes among all the forbidden areas.

The demon forbidden area, the demon forbidden area, and the witch forbidden area, these three races all have the existence of manifestation, and making good use of them is also a good force.

Before the West Allah cooperate with the three ethnic groups, it was not planned well, and it was destroyed by Tong Zheng, and this time he set up a plan to ensure that nothing was lost.

In the forbidden area of the Demon Abyss, God entered it with a doppelganger.

Entering the forbidden area of the Abyss World, he was restricted by the Heavenly Dao, and his ontology strength was too strong to enter.

In the abyss, the central hall of the demon race.

"Demon Ancestor, I came here this time because I have a plan to cooperate with your three races." God said, "If you want to plunder your luck in the great calamity, please invite other people from the witch and demon races to come to us to discuss cooperation, otherwise, none of us will be the opponents of the Daomen in this great calamity."

"It's not a Daomen opponent, what do you mean?" Demon Ancestor Dao.

"Don't hide from you, now in the world, the inheritor of the Daomen said that the strength can already defeat my archangel in the Western Heavenly Realm, that is to say, he now has the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm, although your major forbidden areas are strong, but now the power that can be sent to the world, but not too much Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, there is no way to win luck in the world, on the contrary, you will be directly killed in the world by the Daomen."

"Now, the best way is for us to join forces, and the top bigwigs of all races personally layout to win."

"Why should we trust you." The Demon Princess said, "Last time everyone cooperated, those people in your western camp were the fastest runners, and the last ones who died were the masters of our three races. As

the Demon Princess spoke, he sounded that a few days ago, he was arrested by Tong Zheng, shamefully bound with a binding immortal rope, and held hostage all the way, and suddenly a blush appeared on his face, and he was too ashamed to do it!

This damned scoundrel actually tied her up in such a shameful way, and still grabbed her in front of her to watch, took her around to hit the den, and when he went out in the future, he must kill this disciple prodigal son.

"Don't trust us, who was caught last time, fell into the hands of the enemy, and betrayed everyone." God snorted coldly: "It was not you last time, and the rest of the dens will not be exposed."

"You, you!" The Demon Princess was angry for a while, and then retorted: "That's also caused by your unfavorable plan.

"Okay." Demon Zu drank: "God, you talk about this plan, how we cooperate." "

The Demon Ancestor knows better than the Demon Princess that if you want to profit from this catastrophe, you really have to cooperate with the Western camp, otherwise if you do it alone, no one can do the Huaxia camp with the saints of the Daomen as the backstage.

"This cooperation, I naturally have a perfect plan, and we will discuss it when the elders of the other two races arrive." God said, this time, we must ensure that nothing is lost.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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