The human world, Huaxia.

Tong Zheng is not yet aware of the conspiracy of the Western God.

At this time, Tong Zheng was practicing mastering the three heaven-opening treasures, the Donghuang Bell, the Pangu Banner, and the Taijitu.

The three heaven-opening supreme treasures, each of which is infinitely powerful, even if he is now in the middle of the Daluo Golden Wonderland, it is very difficult to control it.

To control the three heaven-opening supreme treasures, you must first have a strong physical body that can withstand the countershock power when the three supreme treasures are cast, and secondly, you must have a powerful divine soul that can control these three supreme treasures.

Because of his cultivation of the Nine Turns Xuan Gong, Tong Zheng's divine soul and physical body were very strong, reaching the quasi-saint level and reaching the conditions for controlling these three supreme treasures.

The rest is the Da Luo mana in the body, and every time you cast the three supreme treasures, you will consume a lot of mana, and you have to spend a lot of time practicing before you control it.

So that slow control.

Half a year, quietly passed away.

In the past six months, the world has been very calm, the Western world has not come to make trouble, and the major forbidden areas have not been very active, and it seems unusually quiet.

Tong Zheng understood that this strange calm must be hiding a bigger conspiracy, and he urged the Dao Alliance cultivators to speed up their own strength anyway.

to prepare for an even bigger crisis.

At the same time, Tong Zheng also strengthened his training in the control of the three supreme treasures.

In half a year, Tong Zheng was finally able to simply control the three supreme treasures to attack and kill the enemy, although he could not fully exert the power of the three supreme treasures, but it was no problem to operate these three supreme treasures against the early stage of the manifestation.

Below the manifestation, the killing of the Da Luo Golden Immortal is complete, easily.

And in the past half a year, in the entire Huaxia region, everyone has almost crazy cultivation, and the strength of the Dao Alliance has made a qualitative leap.

Now the Daomeng already has six strong people in the Taiyi Golden Wonderland, namely Xiaorou and Lin Jing'er, as well as the heirs of Sanqing and the heirs of the Later Land.

There are more than 100 strong people in the Golden Immortal Realm, who are the six Taoist emperors, the five elders of the five sides, the ten Yan kings of the prefecture, the heirs of the Jade Emperor, etc., as well as the five ghost emperors, Luo Xiu Liutian, etc., as well as some Dao Alliance masters who have reached the Xuan Immortal Realm before they have reached the consummation of the Xuan Immortal Realm.

At the same time, in the past half a year, the Dao Alliance has newly born more than a thousand Xuan Immortals, and most of these Xuan Immortals are the third and fourth echelon immortals of the Heavenly Court camp awakening the immortal memory this time.


The more than 14,000 True Immortal Pills handed down by Tong Zheng before, the Dao Alliance powerhouse cultivated to upgrade to the True Immortal Realm after taking it, and after half a year of cultivation, he had reached the middle and late stages of the True Immortal Realm.

Coupled with some masters who did not take the True Immortal Pill and directly cultivated to the True Immortal Realm, now the Dao Alliance already has more than 20,000 True Immortal Realm powerhouses.

The Immortal Realm has more than 200,000, and the powerhouses of the Heavenly Master Realm have exceeded one million.

Coupled with the fact that the Dao Alliance has begun to popularize and practice exercises before, so that everyone in Huaxia can practice, today's Dao Alliance and Huaxia, all the cultivators, many of them have had nearly five hundred years of skill, and those with extraordinary talents have raised their skills to one or two thousand years, and now they encounter the invasion of large-scale forbidden areas.

Even if you can't beat it, it's no problem to escape.

And today.

At the headquarters of the Dao League, Tong Zheng drew 10,000 true immortals and 100,000 immortals from more than 200,000 true immortals and more than 200,000 immortals to form the forbidden army.

From more than a thousand Xuan Immortal Realms, a hundred people were transferred to serve as commanders, and from more than 100 Golden Immortal Realms, ten people were transferred to serve as generals.

He personally served as commander-in-chief.

The Forbidden Army is divided into ten armies, each team, commanded by a Golden Immortal General, assisted by ten Xuan Immortal Commanders, and set up a thousand True Immortal Realm captains, 10,000 Immortal Realm soldiers, each captain controls ten Immortal Realm, one commander controls a hundred teams, and a general controls ten major commanders.

And Tong Zheng controls ten generals and ten armies.

Destroy the Forbidden Army, and start cultivating today.

Huaxia still has millions of Heavenly Masters today.

However, the strength of the Heavenly Master must be the same as that of the immortals, and some are weak, and Tong Zheng did not accept the Heavenly Master as a forbidden army.

The other masters of the Dao League, the Sanqing heir, sat in the headquarters of the Dao League, and the heir of the Houtu helped Tong Zheng train the Forbidden Army. The remaining masters, fifty percent are scattered throughout Huaxia, ensuring that the defensive strength of each city is solid, and the remaining fifty percent remain in the Dao League, ready to support other places at any time.

Another half month passed.

There was still no movement in the Western world and the major forbidden areas, and this strange calm made Tong Zheng feel more and more that they were planning something, and did not dare to be the slightest vigilant.

This day.

Tong Zheng, Xiaorou, and Lin Jing'er are assisting the Houtu heirs and training the Forbidden Army.

The person in charge of the western border region of the Dao Alliance, Xiao Rou's tenth, Kunlun Jiuyang Heavenly Master, suddenly arrived.

"Alliance master, I came back this time, it is the border between the western part of Kunlun and the three kingdoms where I sit, and the same strange thing has happened in several nearby cities, and I can't detect it several times, so I came to you, hoping that you can use stargazing divination to find out who did it." Jiuyang Heavenly Master.

"What's the matter." Tong Zhengdao.

"The western border where I sit in the town, most of them are Tibetans, Tibetans mainly believe in Tibetan Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, far-reaching, and also have a very high status in China, nearby cities, there are often pilgrims, thousands of miles to pilgrimage, but a few days ago, in the western city where I sit, suddenly many pilgrims disappeared, these missing pilgrims, there are no clues, we looked for many places, but did not find, so I want you to use divination to calculate it." Jiuyang Heavenly Master spoke.

"Got it." Tong Zheng nodded and said, "I'll take a divination to see if the disappearance of these pilgrims for no reason is related to the Western Holy See and the major forbidden areas that have recently been low-key." Tong

Zheng performed divination and began to divination.

Divination divination is unknown.

Tong Zheng soon learned the whereabouts of these missing pilgrims, according to the results of the divination resistance.

These pilgrims all went to a forbidden area in the Three Kingdoms of Afghanistan, which is called the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area.

In the past six months, the Dao League has marked all the forbidden areas that appear on the earth, some of which are not in the territory of Huaxia, and some of them have the shadow of the Buddha Gate behind them.

That is, there is a backstage behind it.

For example, this is located in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area of the Three Kingdoms, and there are two bodhisattvas of Buddhism behind it.

And the people who captured these pilgrims were some monsters in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area, who used false evil Buddhas as bait in several western cities to attract these pilgrims to pilgrimage.

Then they are taken away.

According to divination feedback, this afternoon, in a fake Buddhist temple on the western border, there was still action.

Tong Zheng told the Jiuyang Heavenly Master the results of the divination feedback, and the Jiuyang Heavenly Master thought about it and spoke: "I'm afraid this matter is related to the people in the Buddhist sect. "


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