"The pilgrim disappeared and was captured by the evil Buddha disguised as a monster in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area." Jiuyang Heavenly Master said: "The leader of the demon clan in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area is the green lion and white elephant, the mount of the two bodhisattvas of the Buddha Gate Chinese Shupuxian, now there are two possibilities, one is that this green lion and white elephant made his own claim and came to China to take away the pilgrims, and the second possibility is the Buddha Gate, testing the attitude of our Dao Gate towards them, if we let it go, they will probably have to step in next." "

Hmm!" Tong Zheng snorted coldly: "No matter what kind of situation they are, this lion and white elephant in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area dare to come to my Huaxia region to catch pilgrims, this Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area must be destroyed, gather 100,000 forbidden troops, follow me to the western border, I want the art of war Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area."

Then, Tong Zheng did not hesitate, took Xiao Rou, and Lin Jing'er and the Jiuyang Heavenly Master rushed to the evil Buddha temple that had just been calculated by divination and was still in action today.

According to the feedback of divination, this evil Buddha temple is a gathering place for monsters, who disguise themselves as living Buddhas and hold temple fairs, thereby abducting Chinese pilgrims and going to the Shitueling forbidden area.

Tong Zheng and a few people, first go to destroy the evil Buddha temple den, rescue those who are trapped in it, wait for the arrival of the 100,000 forbidden army, and then go to the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area of the Three Kingdoms to deal with the group of monsters in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area.


The four of Tong Zheng came to the sky above the gate of this evil Buddha temple.


A large number of pilgrims, standing in the wide square at the entrance of the temple, looked reverent, and performed the five-body salute.

"Ask for a living Buddha."

"Ask for a living Buddha."

The pilgrims prayed.

The four of Tong Zheng stood on the clouds above, opened the fairy eye, and saw that in the temple in front of them, the demon qi was rushing into the sky.

Right at this moment.

A few Buddhist monks with a strong demon aura walked out and said, "Everyone who wants to see the living Buddha comes in, quiet, orderly, and a pure place of the Buddha's gate, don't make noise."

"Living Buddha compassion."

"Living Buddha Mercy!" The pilgrims got excited.

Finally, it was time to meet the Living Buddha, and a large group of pilgrims lined up to enter the temple.

"Let's stop them." Tong Zhengdao.


Tong Zheng and Xiao Rou fell directly from the sky and fell to the gate of the temple, blocking the path of all pilgrims.

This one.

Immediately, the pilgrims around him became angry.

"What kind of people are you, you actually cut the queue, you can't be so anxious to see the Living Buddha!"

"Everyone is waiting to see the Living Buddha!"

A large group of pilgrims, you say a word, I accuse with a word.

"Take a good look at who is standing in front of you." Jiuyang Heavenly Master shouted.

Heavenly Master, Tong Zheng turned to look at all the pilgrims.

The moment they saw Tong Zheng, all the pilgrims were extremely shocked, this is, the Dao Alliance Lord.

Now Huaxia, the strongest existence in the cultivation world, with the power of one person, created the Taoist Alliance, suppressed the Korean Ghost Domain, overthrew the Yin-Yang Master of the island country, defeated the Western Holy See twice, and created a prosperous era of Chinese cultivation.

He actually came here.

"God, it's the Dao Alliance Lord, I've seen the Dao Alliance Lord Real Person, I've seen the Dao Alliance Lord Real Person!"

"Quick, quickly kneel down and meet the alliance master."

Countless pilgrims were excited in their hearts and hurriedly knelt down.

Now Tong is in China and has almost become a legendary figure.

One person, open up the world of the Chinese cultivation world.

It is the greatest being in the hearts of countless people.

"Let's get up, everyone." Tong Zheng said, "I came here today not to join the big team, but to save everyone and deal with the monsters!"

"What, deal with the youkai, where are the youkai!" When the pilgrims heard that Tong was here to deal with the monsters, they immediately became nervous.

"The evil Buddha temple in front is the gathering place of monsters, this is not a living Buddha at all, but a monster in the forbidden area of Lion's Moose Ridge, then everyone is attracted here, they want to take you away and go to Lion's Moose Ridge." Tong Zhengdao.

"The living Buddha in this temple was transformed by a monster in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area!" Suddenly, everyone was shocked beyond belief, and began to retreat step by step.

Pilgrims have great respect for the Buddha in their hearts.

When others say this, they won't believe it, but Tong Zheng said, they won't doubt that in the whole of Huaxia, Tong Zheng's words are the most authoritative thing.

"Don't worry, I came here today to eradicate these demons, so you should retreat first." Tong Zhengdao.

"Thank you, Lord." Countless pilgrims gave thanks.

Tong Zheng nodded, and then cast an enchantment to envelop the entire Evil Buddha Temple and isolate it from the outside world, so as to prevent the demons in the Evil Buddha Temple from escaping.

Feel locked by enchantments.

The temple that was still calm just now, suddenly became enchanting, no longer calm, using monks, all changed their faces, became hideous, and turned into a monster.

There was a tiger demon, suddenly rushed out, wanting to catch these pilgrims, Tong Zheng snorted coldly, a look, directly let this monster explode, flesh and blood flying.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a tiger demon with the immortal realm, get 68,000 energy points, 680 merit points]

This scene, the pilgrims in the venue are scared, fortunately, the Dao Alliance Lord came today.

Otherwise, if they go in, I am afraid they will be dead now.

Seeing Tong Zheng's eyes, he made a monster explode, and the remaining monsters, one by one, looked at Tong Zheng in fear and began to retreat.

"Flee, where to escape!" Tong Zheng said coldly: "This place has been sealed by the enchantment, today, all the monsters have to die!" He


His hands suddenly burst out with suction, sucking the two fairy realm monsters into his hands, and suddenly pinched, directly breaking the necks of the two monsters.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a leopard demon with the fairy realm, get 70,000 energy points, 700 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a cat demon with the fairy realm, get 55,000 energy points, 550 merit points]

"Do it." Tong Zheng spoke.

The other three nodded, and directly faced the monsters of Lion Moose Ridge who were retreating to the rear, and used their means to kill.

There are hundreds of monsters in total, the strongest is a true fairy realm monster, that is, the fake living Buddha, there are more than twenty relatively strong fairy realm monsters in the area, and the rest are all monsters of the Heavenly Master Realm.

Xiao Rou held the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, and the terrifying aura was poured into the Heavenly Thunder Hammer, and endless thunder and lightning gathered.

"Lei Yu." Xiao Rou drank loudly.


Suddenly, the thunder hammer of this day, a hammer to kill down.


With a loud bang, a large earthquake shook, and an area where monsters gathered in front of the temple exploded directly, and dozens of monsters were killed by a hammer.

"They, they are people from the Dao League." A fairy monster in the realm said in fear.

"The Lord of the Dao Alliance is also." Tong Zheng spoke, "Destroy it." "

Hmm." Xiao Rou nodded, teleported, and came to the talking monster, and the Heavenly Thunder Hammer swung.

A hammer hammered directly on him, smashing it into a meatloaf, blurring flesh and blood.

Looked at.

In the Evil Buddha, staring at the four Tong Zheng, he spoke, "You know, we are monsters under the Blue Lion White Elephant in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area. "

I know." Jiuyang Heavenly Master said: "We not only know that you are monsters in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area, but also destroy you, dare to come to Huaxia to do evil, today is your time of death, and the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area behind you." "


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow the wonderful continues

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