Right at this moment.

In the army of demon corpses in front, a god roared and appeared.


The king of demon corpses, flying out of the army, suspended in the air, with blood-red light in his eyes, looked at the four of Tong Zheng.

This is a camel demon, before the green lion and white elephant went to the mortal, he was the eight hundred miles lion camel ridge, he was the owner of this lion camel ridge, after the green lion white elephant went to mortal, he killed him, and then occupied this lion camel ridge.

He also refined his corpse into the king of demon corpses, and was forever enslaved by the white elephant of the green lion.

"This king of demon corpses is the leader of that group of demon corpses, and his cultivation has reached the perfection of the Golden Immortal Realm, and has reached the point of half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm!" Little judo.

"Hmm." Tong Zheng nodded and said, "It's okay, it's just destroyed." "

At this time.

The king of demon corpses suspended in the air suddenly killed Tong Zheng.

Tong Zheng took out the Demon Slaying Daguan Knife, slowly raised it, gathered huge energy, and slashed towards the King of Demon Corpses with one sword, and on the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, the terrifying Demon Calming Rune flashed with light, blooming with suffocating fluctuations.

The king of demon corpses no longer has sanity, just a controlled killing machine, does not know how to dodge, and will only blindly rush to kill.

The next moment.

Tong Zheng's sword light directly tore the king of demon corpses, and at the same time, the mountain range behind the king of demon corpses was also directly cut apart by this knife, revealing a huge ravine, and the mountain range was divided in half.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the king of the demon corpse of the Golden Wonderland, get 50,000,000 energy points, 500,000 merit points]

[Ding, the system prompts, energy points have accumulated to 137.243 billion, spending 90 billion energy points can raise the realm to the late stage of Daluo Golden Wonderland, whether to improve. "

Ascension." Tong Zheng said without hesitation.

[Ding, consume 90 billion energy points to raise the realm to the late stage of the Da Luo Golden Wonderland]

The system prompt tone ends.

In Tong Zheng's body, a terrifying energy erupted, raising his realm.

Feeling the skyrocketing cultivation in his body, Tong Zheng was excited, his cultivation was improved, his divine soul and physical body were elevated again, and at the same time, the three flowers on top became more and more stable, and the three corpses in his body had begun to initially converge.

Strength skyrocketed.

This will.

There is not much left of the demon corpse army.

Tong Zheng wiped out the remaining army of demon corpses with a thunder law, harvested more than 40 billion energy points, and then flew towards the monster army led by Xiao Diamond Wind who had just escaped.

Deep in the Lion's Moose Ridge exclusion zone.

In the cave mansion, the White Elephant King suddenly opened his eyes, full of shock.

"What's wrong, second brother." The Blue Lion King asked, the demon corpse army is controlled by the White Elephant King, just now at the edge of the entrance of the forbidden area, there was a terrifying thunder and lightning fluctuation, could it be that the demon corpse army has been...

"Big brother, the army of millions of demon corpses, there is no more, it was bombarded by the heavenly thunder of that alliance master!" The White Elephant King suddenly said gloomyly.

"What, even the demon corpse army can't stop the Dao Alliance Alliance Lord for a moment!" The Lion King's face was ugly.

"Now that the master has not given us instructions, the enemy has been killed in front of us again, what should we do!" The White Elephant King said anxiously.

The two of them, the lord who bullied the soft and feared the hard, had begged for mercy before because they couldn't beat Sun Wukong.

Today's Tong Zheng is no worse than Sun Wukong, and the means are still very ruthless, how can this be good.

"Second brother, you take the jade clean bottle, if it is a while, when the Dao Alliance Lord kills, the master's instructions have not arrived, we will pretend to surrender, if this alliance master is afraid of the master and is willing to let us go, if not, then you will surrender him with the jade clean bottle and take him into the jade clean bottle." The Lion King spoke, "I don't believe it, he can resist the power of the Jade Jing Bottle."

"That's it." The White Elephant King.

And at this time.

Tong Zheng had already taken 100,000 forbidden troops and flew to the front of the monster army led by Little Diamond Wind and surrounded them.

Although the army of monsters led by Little Diamond Wind is numerous, its overall strength is not strong, and its speed is not the opponent of the Forbidden Army.

Tong Zheng stopped in front of him, looked at Xiao Diamond, and said, "How do you want to die!"

"Lord, let us go, we don't know where to offend the adults, we are just on the order of the king of my family, we came to guard outside the forbidden area, it's a good demon." Little Diamond Wind spoke, crying.

"Did you participate in the pilgrims who went to the Huaxia region to take away, and those pilgrims were taken captive by you and eaten or not?" Tong Zheng said lightly.

Little Diamond Wind's eyes dripped and turned, during this time, the monsters in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area did indeed capture many people from the outside world, and all of them entered their stomachs.

However, at this time, it is impossible to admit it.

"No, the little one doesn't know what the adults mean, we didn't take any pilgrims." Little Diamond Wind cried and cried in defense.

"Yes, whether you eat it or not, I will find out by searching your soul." Tong Zheng snorted coldly.

"You're cheating too much." Xiao Diamond's wind said coldly: "Little ones, these people are not ready to let us go and kill me." "

In the body of the little diamond wind, a terrifying demon qi burst out, a horn grew out of his forehead, the evil light gathered, and the momentum forced Tong Zheng away.

Tong Zheng snorted coldly, directly raised the Devil Slaying Daguan Knife, and slashed towards the little drill wind with one sword.

Under Tong Zheng's knife light, Little Diamond Wind was oppressed so much that he couldn't escape, he felt that he was as weak as an ant, and the terrifying knife light tore Little Diamond Wind on the spot.

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a golden fairy monster, get 45,000,000 energy points, 450,000 merit points]

That's it?

Tong Zheng shook his head, not as strong as the king of demon corpses just now!

The remaining youkai who were ready to resist were all dumbfounded.

The boss of the little diamond wind just raised his momentum and was ready to take everyone to kill back, but in the next second, he was killed in seconds.

How to resist, a kind of monster was so frightened that it fled in a panic.

"Let's all stay." Tong Zheng directly cast the thunder law, and the entire sky above the monster army was covered by thunder and lightning.

"Fall." Tong Zheng drank heavily, and the terrifying thunder and lightning that gathered in the sky above the mountain range began to fall.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Under the destructive power of thunder and lightning, all the remaining monsters were scattered on the spot!

[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill 3,740 monsters, gain 37,400 energy points, 374 merit points] [Ding, congratulations to the host, kill 4,580 monsters, get 45,800 energy points, 458 merit points]


[Ding, congratulations to the host, kill a monster of 3,920 years, gain 39,200 energy points, 392 merit points]

Nearly half a million prompts sounded.

Let Tong Zheng obtain more than 20 billion energy points.

Not bad, more than 20 billion energy points have been obtained.

You know, now it's just an appetizer, in the Lion Moose Ridge Forbidden Area, the two powerful demon kings, the monsters gathered around the lion and white elephant are the most, I just don't know, can he accumulate energy points of 300 billion, and directly upgrade his cultivation to the perfection of the Daluo Golden Wonderland.

With the Daluo Golden Wonderland Perfection Cultivation, he is not afraid of the Buddha Gate Bodhisattva Nether Realm who manifests the perfection of the Holy Perfection.


-The author has something to say:

tomorrow wonderful continues

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